Soil Savvy Soil Test Kit Available now through Sunlight Supply, Inc.
Available now from Sunlight Supply, Inc.
Soil Savvy Soil Test Kit by Unibest International •Soil Testing Simplified! Soil Savvy is a Ready-To-Use professional-grade soil test kit available to the general public that provides an Easy-To-Understand fertilizer recommendation tailored to your specific soil. •Analysis provides a full report, comprised of soil pH and 14 nutrients including (N,P,K) •A truly Sustainable approach to fertilizer management, Soil Savvy determines what nutrients are needed by your plants and eliminates over application of the nutrients they don't need. •The same soil testing technology used by leading agricultural producers, turf managers and landscapers is now available to YOU the home gardener! •Each Kit includes all needed components and instructions for use
SLS Part #
Soil Savvy - Soil Test Kit
Each kit contains the patent pending resin cups for soil samples User takes samples as instructed, seals the lid and mails to Unibest with the prepaid envelope. Results are ready within 2-3 days of receipt online
Technology Overview
UNIBEST’s suite of patented nutrient monitoring systems are founded upon advanced ionexchange resin technologies that adsorb nutrients only in forms available for plant uptake in the time they are growing.
For understanding precision nutrient availability in agriculture, golf courses, sports turf, lawn, garden and nursery applications, UNIBEST’s resin systems simulate the ion-dynamics experienced in the soil-root system.
Data obtained from UNIBEST Resin Platforms reflect the active, dynamic components of field moist soils and their individually unique bioavailability systems as they function over time.
Methods that extract soil nutrients with a suite of laboratory chemicals may not accurately reflect how elements in a natural soil environment respond to continuous nutrient removal by biological activity over time. Let UNIBEST Resin Platforms provide this data!