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SPECKLED PIGEON Scientific Name: Columba Guinea Class: Aves Order: Columbiformes Physical Adaptations: Direct and fast flier Agile and quick on land

Behavioral Adaptations: Nests in tree holes, along cliffs and even building ledges

Primary Diet: Breeds all year round Usually seen in pairs but may congregate in large flocks of several hundred when not breeding

Habitat/Biome: Savanna, open woodlands and gardens, also rocky terrains, and grasslands Distribution: Senegal to Eritrea and Tanzania. Also in South Africa north to Angola and Zimbabwe

Wild: seeds and grain HERBIVORE

Fun Facts: Performs a “bowing” display similar to the common pigeon Associates with common pigeons in towns and villages of South Africa Sometimes flocks in groups of up to 700 birds

Additional Notes: Status: Not Endangered Special Notes: IUCN Category: LC CITIES Listing: N/A Threats Include: No known threats

Incubation: 14-18 days Clutch: 2 eggs Weight: 315-390 g Life Span: in captivity up to 10 years Information Sources (10/2010): IUCN Red List WAZA Website