Texas Real Estate Commission Information abou...

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1 1-2-2015

金 幽霊霊悪霊鵠悪誓落盤蟻肋。ut OPPO剛TY broke′age SerV/CeS to prOSpeCf/ve bしγers, tenantS, Se//e′S and fa周d/o′ね

TYPES OF REAL ESTATE LiCENSE HOしDERS: ・ A BROKER is responsible for aiI brokerage activitjes言ncluding acts performed by saies agents sponsored by the broke「. ・ A SALES AGENT must be sponsored by a broke「 and works with clients on behalf of the broke「.

A BROKER’S MiNIMUM DUT旧S REQU旧ED BYしAW (A client is the person o「 party that the broke=epresents): . Put the interests of the client above ail others, inciuding the broker’s own interests;

. inform the ciIent Of any materia=nformation about the property or transaction received by the broker; . Answer the client’s questions and present any offer to or counter-Offer from the ciient; and ・ Treat a= parties to a real estate transaction honestIy and fairly,

A 」iCENSE HOLDER CAN REPRESENT A PARTY IN A REA」 ESTATE TRANSACTiON: AS AGENT FOR OWNER (SEしLER/LANDLORD〉: The broker becomes the property owner-s agent through an agreement with the owner, USualiy in a written listing to sell or property management agreemenしAn owner-s agent must perfom the broker’s min血um duties

above and must inform the owner of any materia=nformation abou=he properiy or transaction known by the agent言nciuding information djscIosed to the agent or subagent by the buye「 or buyer’s agent.

AS AGEN丁FOR BUYER什ENANT: The broker becomes the buyer/tenant●s agent by agreeing to represent the buyer, uSua=y through a Written representation agreement, A buye「’s agent must perform the broker’s m面mum duties above and must inform the buyer of any

materia=nformation about the property or transaction known by the agent, inciuding information discIosed to the agent by the se=er or Se=er’sagent.

AS AGENT FOR BOTH ・ iNTERMEDiARY: To act as an intermediary between the parties the broker must first obtajn the wr岨en agreement of each party to the transaction. The w「itten agreement must state who w紺pay the broker and言n conspjcuous bold or unde佃ned print, Set fo巾h the broker-s ob=gations as an intermediary. A broker who acts as an intermediary: . Must treat ail parties to the transaction impa面a=y and fairiy; . May, With the pa「ties- written consent, aPPOint a differen=icense hoIder associated with the broker to each party (OWner and

buyer) to communicate with, PrOVide opinions and advice to, and carry out the instructions of each party to the transaction"

. Must not, unless specifica=y authorized in writing to do so by the party, disciose: O tha=he ownerw冊accept a price lessthan the w冊en asking price; O that the buyer/tenant wjIi pay a price greaterthan the price submitted in a w「itten offer; and

O any COnfidentia=nformation or any other information that a party specifica=y instructs the broker in writing no=o discIose, unless required to do so by ‘aw.

AS SUBAGENT: A license hoider acts as a subagent when aiding a buyer in a transaction without an agreement to represent the buyer, A subagent can assistthe buyer but does not represent the buyer and must piace the interests of the ownerfirst. TO AVOID DISPUTES, ALL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN YOU AND A BROKER SHOULD BE iN WRITING AND CしEARLY ESTABLISH: . The broker’s duties and responsib冊es to you, and your obiigations under the representation agreement.

. Who w川pay the broker for services p「ovided to you, When payment w川be made and how the paymentwi= be caiculated.

しICENSE HOLDER CONTACT iNFORMATiON: This notice is being provided for information purposes. 1t does not create an obiigation for you to use the broker’s services. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice beIow and retain a copy for your records.

Marilyn Massey, Broker Licensed Broker/Broker Firm Name or Primary Assumed Business Name Marilvn Ⅲassey Designated Broker of円rm

浅黒恥e雨o「 o側総梗相


marilvnqmassev@qmail. com

〈254) 855-6304

License No.



606129 License No.

孤a重ilynqm亀SSeye曾血ai工. co鳳

(254) 8うら-6304



License No.




即a重ilyn Ⅲ己ssey


License No,

Sales Agent/Associate’s Name

Buyer什enant/Se!ierA,andlord lnitials

Regu!ated by the Texas Real Es書ate Com蘭ission

(2与4) 8与与-6304



Information availabIe at www.trec,teXaS,gOV IABS十0

Marilyn Massey, BnDk頃, 271 0 0akndge CIIfton, TX 76634

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