The Connection: Crystal City A temporary pop-up library
What is the Connection?
• The Connection is a temporary pop-up project designed to integrate the
library into the daily lives of Arlington residents.
Where will the Connection be located?
• 2117 Crystal Plaza Arcade, Arlington, Virginia 22202, located in the Crystal City
Shops at 2100 Crystal Drive.
How long will the Connection be operational?
• Fall 2016 to summer 2017.
When will the Connection be open and what will it offer?
• The Connection will be open for a minimum of 30 hours a week. • The Connection will have a small collection including technology offerings
for the community.
How can you get involved?
• The Library seeks your input on hours and programming options.
We will be soliciting input at meetings, at special events in Crystal City, through social media, and on the library website. The Library plans to have two to three community meetings this summer. The dates, time and place have not yet been determined. We hope to announce those details shortly.