The Scottish Equitable Henderson UK Gilt fund

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For customers

The Scottish Equitable Henderson UK Gilt fund Introducing the new Scottish Equitable Henderson UK Gilt fund. Fund objective To provide a return by investing primarily in UK government securities. The Fund may invest in other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives and forward transactions, deposits and units in collective investment schemes.

Reasons to invest

Key information

You want a fund that aims for consistent low-risk outperformance of its benchmark, the FTSE British Government All Stocks Index. n You’re looking for exposure to UK government securities rated A or better. n You don’t want the higher risk involved with equity investments. n You want to protect your portfolio against stock market falls by investing part of your pension in gilts. n You want to use this fund as a key part of a balanced portfolio.

The table below gives the key fund information.


Fund name

Scottish Equitable Henderson UK Gilt fund

Launch date

30 October 2009


FTSE British Government All Stocks Index


ABI UK Gilt pension sector

Risk rating*

Below average


The current additional disclosable yearly charges/expenses are 0.45%.

*The risk rating for each fund is based on its risk relative to other funds in our full fund range. It’s not its risk against industry benchmarks. We regularly review the risk ratings, so they can change. Benefits aren’t guaranteed and the value of investments may go down as well as up. **We reserve the right to vary the additional charges.

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Asset allocation The asset allocation (in this case, we mean the credit rating split) at 31 August 2009 for the underlying Henderson UK Gilt fund was:

AAA AA A Other (including cash)

95.3% 2.2% 1.7% 0.8%

Top 10 holdings The top 10 holdings as at 31 August 2009 were: UK Treasury 2.25% 07/03/2014 


UK Treasury 8% 07/06/2021


UK Treasury 4.5% 07/03/2019


UK Treasury 4.25% 07/12/2027


UK Treasury 4.5% 07/03/2013


UK Treasury 4.75% 07/12/2030


UK Treasury 4.75% 07/12/2038


UK Treasury 5% 07/03/2025


UK Treasury 3.25% 07/12/2011


UK Treasury 2.5% Index-Linked 26/07/2016


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Performance This fund is new to our range so we can’t give you performance figures yet, but Henderson has been running the underlying fund for its own customers for some time now and its performance to 30 September 2009 was: 30/09/08 — 30/09/09 (%)

30/09/07 — 30/09/08 (%)

30/09/06 — 30/09/07 (%)

30/09/05 — 30/09/06 (%)

30/09/04 — 30/09/05 (%)

Henderson UK Gilt






FTSE British Government All Stocks Index






Source: Lipper. Produced using Hindsight 5. Figures in £s on a bid-to-bid basis, with gross income reinvested to 30 September 2009. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and the value of investments can go down as well as up. The above information is purely factual and shouldn’t be relied on in isolation for decision-making purposes. Please bear in mind that charges will be different for the Scottish Equitable Henderson UK Gilt fund so the above data is for information only. Derivatives are special financial instruments (agreements to buy or sell something) such as futures or options. The derivative techniques used in this fund have the overall intention of reducing the volatility of returns. However, investing in derivatives may involve a higher degree of risk so the outcome can’t be guaranteed. Funds may have holdings which are denominated in different currencies. Consequently, the value of your investment may rise or fall in line with changes in exchange rates.

About Henderson New Star Henderson Global Investors, a leading international investment manager established 75 years ago, recently acquired New Star to create Henderson New Star. Henderson New Star offers investors a wealth of experienced fund managers, in all major asset classes including equities, fixed income, commercial property, multi-manager and sustainable and responsible investing. The combined talents of these two companies offer a compelling combination of fund management expertise, global resources and corporate stability.

Who can invest? This fund is available to most AEGON Scottish Equitable pension planholders.

For more information, please speak to your financial adviser.

Scottish Equitable plc, Registered Office: Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9SE. Registered in Scotland (No. 144517). Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Member of the AEGON Group.

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