The Sower & the Seed

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April 8th, 2018

Memory Verse

DAYSPRING The Sower & the Seed Jesus told many parables to the disciples and the people around him. One he shared was the parable of the sower and the seed. The sower went out to plant his garden and as he was

“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of

throwing his seeds around some fell on solid ground, some on rock, some on thorns, and some or good soil. The seeds planted in good soil were the only seeds that grew and flourished. The children learned that their parents, pastor, and Sunday School teachers plant a “seed” in their hearts. Just like in the parable in order for that seed to grow it needed to be planted in good soil and taken care of. Our relationship with God can only grow if we read the word, pray, and go to church. As we learn more about God and how much we need him, the more we can grow!

God.” Luke 8:11

The kids made edible “plants/flowers!”


Ask your kids: Q: What is a parable?

A: A story Jesus used to teach a lesson Q: Where were the different areas the sower threw his seeds?

A: the ground, rock, thorns, and good soil Q: How can we help our relationship with God

Thank you for reading!


A: reading the

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