TINFOIL BARB Scientific Name: Barbodes schwanenfeldii Class: Osteichthyes Order: Cypriniformes Physical Adaptations: Tinfoil barbs are large, peaceful fish. They are fast swimmers, preferring to swim in shoals and are a schooling species It is distinguishable from other similar species of the genus by the red dorsal fin which terminates in a black tip. The body is laterally-compressed and silver or silver-gold Their common name (tinfoil barb) is derived from the “tin-plated” look of the scales
Behavioral Adaptations: Tinfoil barbs are benthopelagic ( fish having neutral buoyancy), which allows them to float Tinfoil barbs migrate back to their natal spawning ground to reproduce. They are an eggscattering species, so they do not care for their eggs. Eggs hatch in 16 hours and fry (new born) are free swimming within another two days
Habitat/Biome: freshwater: found in medium to large rivers, streams, ditches, canals, and even flooded fields
Primary Diet: Wild: aquatic plants, submerged land plants, algae, insects, also smaller fish, worms and crustaceans OMNIVORE
Fun Facts: Also known as Striped-tail Tinfoil Bard, Red Tinfoil Barb This fish belongs to a genus of carp-like fishes, having downward-pointing “whiskers” at each end of its upper lip No discernable differences exist between males and females They have no teeth
Distribution: Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo
Status: IUCN pop. trend: unknown Special Notes: IUCN Category: Not Listed CITES Listing: Not Listed Threats Include: Over-collection in their native habitats and pollution
Additional Notes: Length: 13 to 14 inches Life Span: 8 to 10 years
Information Sources (2011) Metroparks Zoo Library www.torontozoo.com www.ecologyasia.com