…antigravitycycling presents…
Tuttle Creek Road Race March 15, 2014 Rolling 12 mile loops through the Alabama Hills above Lone Pine, CA Self-support...carry a tube and pump or CO2! REGISTRATION and START: Lone Pine Park, on US395, North end of Lone Pine ALL USAC Rulebook rules will be enforced. Centerline Rule FULL COURSE. STOP signs at Tuttle Creek, Horseshoe Meadows, Whitney Portal WILL BE ENFORCED. WE RACE RAIN OR SHINE! No refunds...Rollovers always OK with one week notice Neutral Feed Zone before Finish with bottle handups (HEED, water), gels, food One Day USAC license (Men5, Women4 ONLY) or USAC annual license available at Registration Register online. Entry includes $3/day USAC insurance and $.50 SCNCA fee Held under USA Cycling permit 2014-xxx and Inyo County permit Online Entry (by 11:30pm 3/13) BikeReg fee added: https://www.bikereg.com/xxxxx In Person Entry (3/15) adds $10 Check in: 7:00am to 8:30am at Race Start For more info and more races and fun rides: https://antigravitycycling.wordpress.com Category Start Time Distance Field Limit Men 4/5 8:30 3 laps(32 miles) 75 Women 1-4 8:40 3 laps(32 miles) 75 Juniors 8:45 3 laps(32 miles) 50 ((Men 15-16, Men 17-18, Women 15-18)) Juniors 8:50 2 Laps(20 miles) 50 ((Men 10-12, Men 13-14, Women 10-14)) Men 1/2/3 11:00 Men 35+/45+ 11:05 Men 55/60/65 11:10
5 laps(56 miles) 4 laps(44 miles) 3 laps(32 miles)
100 75 75
Entry Fee $35 $35 $20
Prize List $60/3 deep $60/3 deep (combined)
$20 $35 $35 $35
$100/3 deep $60/3 deep (combined) $60/3 deep (combined)
Categories with fewer than SIX riders may be combined at promoter's discretion. Categories racing together race for a single prize list, but are scored separately for upgrades, etc. Results posted at Finish after each race...check your results! 15 minutes after posting, results become OFFICIAL AWARDS ceremony at Finish after each race results are official. You must attend to collect a prize!! Field size of 5+ to qualify for SoCal Cup points. Discounted entry for riders who bring a support person. This race only works if YOU help!! FREE entry for Juniors if your parent/guardian/friend/brother/sibling/SO volunteers ALL DAY. Contact us at
[email protected] for details. Thanks in advance!!