U.' U-tJ J~~

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54 McKay Drive, Fredericton, N. B. E3A 3S2 15 June 1984 Mrs.Louise Worster, 106 Ocean Spray Ave., Satellite Beach, Fl 32937 USA Dear Mrs. Worster, Enclosed is the UEL application forms that you requested information on the Whitlocks and Hortons.

and some

In answer to your questions 1. Was Solomon married first to Priscilla. I would say that I think that you are right. I did not find an obituary but his marriage to Mary Horton and the fact that Mary Whitlock received the widow's pension confirms it. 2. I believe that Solomon Whitlock and Mr. Whitelock of Penniake are the same person •. Solomon is the only Whitlock in the area to receive a grant, 3. If Mary Whitlock previously married the marriage certificate does not state that she was a widow. 4. Ann and Hannah were not baptised the same time. 5 .• I think that Mary and Priscilla are two different people. The Church records do not have death records and I found nothing more on Whitlock in the records of baptisms. I referred back to the Census of York County that I compiled a few years ago and it definitely shows Mary and Abigail IHorton as mother and daughter. One thing puzzles me and that is Mary, supposedly the daughter of John Horto~ being in NB in 1766. The Loyalists did not come until 1783 and 1784. I looked up another transcription of the same census and it too gave 1766 as the date of entry for Mary. Could possibly be 1786. In the 1861 Census for St. Marys Parish Abigal Francis Horton, head of family age 56, native Baptist, Ebenezer H. Johnston m lodger, age 24, native, lumberman and farmer, Methodist. I apologize for the condition of the copy of the baptism. The machine refused to do anything further so am sending along the copy as is. I cannot give you an estimate of the time it would take to do a complete search on the Whitlock/Horton families. If you wanted a three of four hour search I would do it and see what 'new material could be found. Best

of luck with

your application.


U.' U-tJ J~~ Eliz~eth S. Sewell (Mrs. H. H.)


Ann the Daughter Hannah August From



. and Persillia daughter




th8 l79~

to Mr. \{hitelock, Penniake


8th l798~

the Maugerville



p17 John Horton





2 August


records. 1795

to Mary Merrington

21 February

In the Sunbury County Marriage Certificates: Cert #59 Solomon Whitlock, York County Mary Horton Burton Parish, Sunbury Married by John Hazen Q. U. 1 January 1815 _Mw: George .Nevers John Horton




In February 1837 Old Soldiers of the Revolutionary War and their widows were to be granted a pension of bID per year. Mary Horton's petition reads: . To the Honourable the Legislative Council The Honourable the House of Assembly , the General Assembly Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner is the widow of the late Lieutenant John Horton who served for several years in the American Revolutionary War in the New York Volunteers and received a wound in his chest. That your petitioner is now aged and infirm and in limited circumstances and therefore humbly prays that your honors and honourable house may be pleased to take her situation into your consideration and grant her such assistance as you may see fit. And your Petitioner will ever pray sgd. Mary Horton (living in Burton) Ref: Legislative Assembly Papers In 1843 and 1845 Mary Whitlock (1843 age 75) and (1846 age 79) was receiving bID annually. A petition for Mary Whitlock has not been found. She was living in the Parish of St. Mary's. ( Penniac is in St. Mary's Parish) Solomon Whitlock was granted lot # 2 on the Penniac Stream May lD 1789. p29 York Co. Marriage Register: Israel Whitlock, St. Marys m Eliza Miller 24 Mar l8l4-Mr / ~~-kNelson Whitlock, St. Marys m Margaret Walker 28 Jun l832~M 498'Y William Bubar to Mary Emma Whitlock Stephen Fields to Hannah t{hitlock Richard Sutter to Sarah Jane Whitlock there may be others

Co. Mg Reg.

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