To Let 4.55 acre depot Venetia Road Birmingham West Midlands B9 4PY
October 2011
• 4.55 acres (1.84 hectares) • Enclosed site with excellent access to the A4540 Birmingham Ring Road • 3 miles south of Junction 6 of the M6 • 1.5 miles east of Birmingham City Centre
Location The site is located on Venetia Road, Bordesley with excellent access to the A4540 Lawley Middleway. The A4540 is the inner ring road around Birmingham. The centre of Birmingham is approximately 1.5 miles to the west. The site is well located for motorway access with Junction 6 of the M6 Motorway being approximately 3 miles to the north via the A38 Aston Expressway. The A45 can be accessed immediately to the south of the site, which provides access to Junction 6 of the M42 and Birmingham International Airport.
Description The site extends to approximately 4.55 acres (1.84 hectares), with access from Venetia Road. The premises comprise self contained surfaced storage land, currently used as a contractor’s yard. The site has a gated entrance and is enclosed by part brick and part palisade fencing.
Terms The site is available on a leasehold basis.
Quoting Rent Available upon application.
Planning We understand the property has planning permission for B1, B2 and B8 uses. However, interested parties should contact the local authority to verify this.
Services We understand that all mains services are connected to the site. Interested parties are asked to verify through their surveyors/solicitors that the capacities are adequate for their proposed usage.
Rateable Value The rateable value within the 2010 ratings list is £79,000. However, interested parties are asked to verify through their surveyors/solicitors the accuracy of this information. SUBJECT TO CONTRACT
For further information or an appointment to view please contact: Mark Fitzpatrick T: 0121 609 8587 E:
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