Vesta Timber Company LLC Timbe...

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Vesta Timber Company, LLC Approximately 5,843 acre land sale in Baldwin and Clarke Counties, Alabama Timber Estimate Information

The Timber Estimate Acreage and Volume Summary contains the following documentation: 1.

Letter by John B. Jones detailing the timber estimate specifications for the Baldwin County Property. This letter describes the property in this package as well as a 160 acre Baldwin County parcel that is being sold separately.


Letter by John B. Jones detailing the specifications for the Clarke County Property. This letter describes the property in this package as well as an 80 acre Clarke County parcel that is being sold separately.


Timber Estimate Maps prepared by John B. Jones


Timber Acreage and Volume Summary


Map showing blocks delineated in the timber estimate

VESTA TIMBER COMPANY, LLC Timber Acreage and Volume Summary Timber Estimates Conducted by John Jones, Registered Forester, as of December 1, 2009

Acres Summary Block 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 Total

Total Acres

Premerchantable / Clearcut Food Plot / Field 13 10 118 0 0 16 0 28 0 0 121 0 252 54

1312 1140 497 353 488 1738 5528

Merchantable 1063 996 457 322 475 1607 4920

Non Forested 46 26 24 3 13 10 122

1063 996 457 322 475 1607 4,920

White Oak (MBF)* 7.98 7.98

Red Oak (MBF)* 482.51 453.23 144.30 233.07 779.36 1,354.22 3,446.69

Misc. Tie Logs (Tons) 2,652 1,987 1,256 1,894 2,521 7,085 17,395

Sweetgum (MBF)** 103.06 140.70 128.47 100.82 253.71 683.38 1,410.14

Overcup Oak (MBF)* 145.69 99.95 44.64 78.96 165.81 245.27 780.32

1063 996 457 322 475 1607 4920

White Oak (bf/Ac)* 7.51 1.62

Red Oak (bf/Ac)* 453.91 455.05 315.75 723.82 1,640.76 842.70 700.55

Misc. Tie Logs (Tons/Ac) 2.49 1.99 2.75 5.88 5.31 4.41 3.54

Sweetgum (bf/Ac)** 96.95 141.27 281.12 313.11 534.13 425.25 286.61

Overcup Oak (bf/Ac)* Ash 137.06 100.35 97.68 245.22 349.07 152.63 158.60

Total Timber Volumes Block

Merchantable Acres

1 2 3A 3B 4 5 Total

Ash (MBF)* 127.15 44.67 11.66 142.00 64.82 324.80 715.10

Cypress (MBF)* 82.71 370.71 38.06 47.15 47.00 585.63

Hardwood Pulpwood Hardwood (Tons) Topwood (Tons) 62,960 1,903 62,565 1,579 13,040 777 10,529 1,265 31,178 2,526 75,422 5,589 255,694 13,639

Cypress (bf/Ac)* 77.81 372.20 83.28 99.26 29.25 119.03

Hardwood Pulpwood (Tons/Ac) 59.23 62.82 28.53 32.70 65.64 46.93 51.97

Per Acre Timber Volumes Block 1 2 3A 3B 4 5

Merchantable Acres

Fax North Jackson Street · P. O. Box 2143 · Mobile, Alabama 36652 · (251) 438-4581 · (251) 438-4604 Fax 254

(bf/Ac)* 119.61 44.85 25.51 440.99 136.46 202.12 145.35

Larson &




Hardwood Topwood (Tons/Ac) 1.79 1.59 1.70 3.93 5.32 3.48 2.77

Vesta Timber Company, LLC, 5800+ Acres for sale in Baldwin and Clarke Counties, Alabama 4N 2E 31

4N 2E 32

4N 2E 33

4N 2E 34

4N 2E 36

4N 2E 35

3N 2E 2

3N 2E 6

3N 2E 5

3N 2E 4

Ha l's R d

3N 1E 1

3N 2E 3

3N 2E 1 3N 2E 2

Ha l's R d

Block 1

3N 2E 2

3N 1E 12 3N 2E 11

Block 2 3N 2E 7

3N 2E 8

3N 2E 10 3N 2E 11

3N 2E 9

3N 2E 12


Clarke County, AL

3N 2E 103N 2E 11 3N 2E 14 Ha l

3N 2E 17

3N 2E 15

's R

3N 2E 18

3N 2E 16

3N 2E 13


3N 2E 14

Block 3A

3N 2E 15

Block 4

3N 2E 24 3N 2E 22

3N 2E 19

3N 2E 20

3N 2E 29

3N 2E 21

3N 2E 21 Block 3B 3N 2E 23 3N 2E 22

3N 2E 23

3N 2E 28 k

3N 2E 30 3N 1E 25

yy lee ooll


3N 2E 27

eeee CCrr

3N 2E 28 3N 1E 36 3N 2E 30

3N 2E 25

3N 2E 33 3N 2E 34

Block 5


Baldwin County, AL

3N 2E 36 3N 1E 3N 2E 31 3N 2E 3N 2E 32

2N 2E

2N 2E

3N 2E

3N 2E

3N 2E 33 2N 2E 2N 1E

2N 2E

2N 2E 6 2N 2E 5

2N 2E 4

2N 2E 2N 2E 32N 2E 2

2N 2E 5

This map is for reference purposes only. Accuracy of the data presented cannot be guaranteed nor warranted by Larson & McGowin.




Miles 1

2N 2E 1