Warren Central Football Skills Camp This is a chance for players to learn the skills of football in a fun, Non-Contact environment.
Punting and Kicking
Long Snapping
Who: Grades K-8
Run by Coach West and the WC Football Staff and Players
When: July 25-28 6:00-7:45 PM Where: Warren Central Football Field
Email Your Questions
What to Bring: Tennis Shoes or Cleats and workout clothes
to Coach Weitz:
[email protected] Cost: $30 PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING: We, the parents or guardians, assume all risk and hazards incidental to our child’s participation and hereby agree to identify and save harmless Warren Central (School, Administration, Coaches) of any and all claims and lawsuits.
FEE for Camps (Grades K-8): $30.00
(PLEASE PRINT) Participant’s Name:
Phone: (Home)
Parent’s Name:
Phone: (Work)
Grade Entering Fall of 2016:
School Attending Fall of 2016:
Parent’s Signature:
To Register Tear Off the portion below and send it in the mail. DO NOT SEND CASH, we would rather have you pay at the camp instead of losing cash in the mail.
If you would like to include a check make sure it is made out to Warren Central Football and in a sealed envelope. Thank you, we look forward to seeing you on July 25th.
Warren Central Football C/O Jayson West 9500 East 16th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46229 Phone: 317-869-4679 Fax: 317-869-4700 E-mail:
[email protected]