Zadara Storage Viatel Case Study

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Viatel expands product portfolio by partnering with

Zadara Storage to address growing market demand for Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS)

“Zadara Storage has enabled us to participate in the rapidly growing storage services market without having to build a solution from scratch. We are able to quickly deploy a world-class product offering to address real customer demand without large startup capital expenses.” Damien McCann, Director of Sales and Marketing, Viatel Customer Profile: Viatel is the largest Irish-owned provider of advanced voice, data connectivity, data center and managed WAN solutions for small to medium enterprises, corporate, public sector and wholesale customers.

Viatel launches Advanced Storageas-a-Service (STaaS) offering by partnering with Zadara Storage

Challenge: • Identify ways to participate in new high-growth markets • Find solutions that could support existing customer base • Grow overall revenues and margins

Viatel is a Dublin-based telecommunications operator. As part of the Digiweb Group, they are the largest Irish-owned provider of connectivity, voice and data center solutions. Viatel focuses purely on offerings for the SME, corporate, public sector and wholesale space. They own and operate a data center in Dublin and provide co-location, dedicated servers and cloud services.

Solution: • Zadara Storage Cloud Services Results: • New storage services enable Viatel to address growing demand for Storage-as-a-Service • New STaaS offering complements existing product portfolio • Solution was quickly-deployable and eliminated need to build new technology • OpEx-based solution scales with business rather than requiring large CapEx investment

Recently, they launched an initiative to expand their business by identifying high-growth markets that were complementary to their existing business. They wanted to expand the services that they could offer their existing customers, but also expand their total available market (TAM) by offering solutions to new market segments. To accomplish this goal, they established

several research and development (R&D) teams to explore their options. One of the market segments that quickly became interesting was the Storage-asa-Service market that has developed as companies move away from purchasing storage assets to support their business and opt to leverage storage “services”. The market rose to the top of Viatel’s list for several reasons. First, the market is large and is expected to grow rapidly, capturing roughly 25% of the massive $50B enterprise storage market by 2020. Next, the offering is very complementary to Viatel’s current services offerings. Finally, it opens new segments allowing Viatel to expand its business.

“Zadara Storage is a partner we can grow with.” “Zadara Storage not only offered all of the features our customers were asking for, they offered many features we had not even considered, enabling us to create both significant value for our customers, but also competitive differentiation in the market.” Damien McCann, Director of Sales and Marketing, Viatel

Zadara Storage U.S. Headquarters 6 Venture, Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 251-0360

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As with any business expansion, Viatel needed to make a “build vs. buy” decision. After completing a comprehensive market analysis they identified several vendors that met their primary criteria. However, as they completed their evaluation, they found Zadara Storage was the only vendor that “checked all of the boxes”. As Damien McCann, Viatel’s Director of Sales and Marketing put it, “Zadara Storage not only offered all of the features our customers were asking for, they offered many features we had not even considered, enabling us to create both significant value for our customers, but also competitive differentiation in the market.” Viatel had previously offered pure colocation services to their customers, but now Viatel is able to offer value-added, enterprise-grade storage services. Viatel is now offering the complete suite of Zadara Storage Cloud services, including block, file and object based storage, with advance data protection. Today, Viatel is providing customers the ability to mirror data between their Dublin 1, Dublin 2 and Cork colocation facilities. In the future, Viatel is looking to add additional mirroring and backup options between Ireland and the UK. Viatel required a solution that would allow them to provide their customers with enterprise-grade storage services. Data protection, security and performance were at the top of their list. Features such as snapshots, remote mirroring, online volume migration and metropolitan failover enable Viatel to ensure their customer

data is always available. At-rest and inflight data encryption with customerowned keys gives Viatel customers the confidence that their data is protected against security threats. Finally, Zadara’s resource isolation gives Viatel the ability to guarantee each customer their own isolated resources, eliminating the noisy-neighbor problem and also providing an additional layer of data security – a strong competitive advantage over Viatel’s competitors in the telecommunications market. “Zadara Storage is a partner we can grow with”, continued McCann. “We can start small with almost zero startup costs, and as we grow, the solution is both scalable and elastic. We simply order additional resources to support our customers, as we need them. Financially and operationally, this is a perfect solution for Viatel. It aligns with the way we need to do business.” Viatel customers who are moving from CapEx purchases to OpEx-based storage services will also have access to the Zadara Cloud Hydration service giving them an easy pathway to move their data to the Viatel platform. Viatel is a great example of a Zadara Storage partner that was able to leverage their world-class sales and marketing capability, by combining it with Zadara’s patented, softwaredefined-storage services to expand their market and also provide greater value to their existing customer base. Without the need to build new technology, Viatel is able to grow their business and enter new markets.

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