Arlington Business Park Property details

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Property details Office

Arlington Business Park

1650 Arlington Business Park, Theale, RG7 4SA

2,747.1 Sq m (28,570 Sq ft) The property is located in Theale, 45 miles west of Central London, five miles west of Reading and 75 miles east of Bristol. The property occupies a prominent position off Waterside Drive on Arlington Business Park, a well established business park in the Thames Valley. The park is located directly off J12 of the M4 and is 0.5 miles west of Theale’s railway station and the town’s retail and leisure facilities. • The property was constructed in 1989 and comprises a modern three storey office buidling, masonry and metal clad with large floor to ceiling windows across all floors. • There is surface car parking for 139 parking spaces.

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