Property Details Industrial
Ashmount Business Park
Upper Fforest Way, Swansea, SA6 8QR
From 295.34 Sq m (3,179 Sq ft) to 1,210.3 Sq m (13,028 Sq ft)
The estate comprises 28 industrial units arranged in four terraces, three semi-detached blocks and one detached unit. The four blocks are separated by the estate road, service yards and parking areas. The units range in size and offer a level of flexibility as the units can be joined or sub-divided.
Ben Bolton
[email protected] Tel: 02920 346376
Please contact:
• The units are of steel portal frame construction with brick and block elevations covered with metal cladding. The roof covering is low profiled metal covering with GRP rooflights. • Ashmount Business Park is located within Swansea Enterprise Park which is situated approximately three miles from Swansea town centre.
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