1,000 acres in Uvalde County Southwest Land & Loan Co.
830-278-3612 |
[email protected] Property Highlights Price: $2,800,000.00 Acres: 1000.00 County: Uvalde State: Texas Closest City: Uvalde Property Type: Acreage
Driving Directions 7 Miles South of Uvalde on Highway 83; 1.5 miles on an easement road.
Property Description
Contact Information
Size: 1,000 Acres, more or less.
Buck Laning
[email protected] 830-278-3612 124 N. East St. Uvalde , TX 78801
Location: The property is located approximately 7 miles south of Uvalde, Texas, off of U. S. Highway 83. Part of the ranch is in Uvalde County and part of the ranch is in Zavala County.
Description: This 1,000 acres is a part of a larger More details at game-fenced ranch and is a deer hunters’ paradise! www.landsoftexas.com/listing/754926 Everything on this ranch has been done to accommodate white tailed deer - especially Trophy Bucks! The topography ranges from level to very gently rolling. The elevation varies a maximum of 30 to 50 feet over the entire ranch (795 – 830 feet). This is good, deep, red, sandy loam country!!! Which is the most preferred soil type that game biologists recommend to grow Big Bucks and lots of quail. This super game ranch can be described as typical South Texas Brush Country, having lots of guajilla and blackbrush, large mesquites, guayacan, granhenia, prickly pear, and various other lesser types of brushes growing on it. There is a large draw, Live Oak Creek, which traverses the middle of the property which has some large elm and live oak trees growing in it. These provide good turkey roosts! This draw could also be an excellent Lake Location. This ranch will be game-fenced with an excellent eight foot high deer proof fence constructed with steel pipe post and metal “T” posts. The perimeter is already game-fenced. This ranch has outstanding native genetics on it!! Numerous bucks with kicker points and split G-2’s Powered by LandsofAmerica.com, #1 in Rural Real Estate Online. have been killed and/or seen on this ranch. The ACCURATE Quail THIS INFORMATION BELIEVED BUT NOT WARRANTED hunting is excellent when there is sufficient moisture.
And the turkey hunting is excellent! The ranch has been game managed for over 10 years - It has a MLDLevel 3 Permit in place and has DMP pens located on the ranch near the headquarters. The owner has some genetic bucks in a pen near the headquarters. Improvements: None. Water: This acreage is currently watered by one dirt tank. There are a number of water wells on the remaining acreage of the main ranch. The Seller will credit the Buyer for the cost of drilling and equipping a water well on this acreage. There is a water well located on the north boundary fence line on the adjoining neighbor. The neighbor’s well provides water to a hunting camp and to the east half of a large ranch. Minerals: Minerals are negotiable, based upon the price per acre that is offered. Price: $3,000 per acre. This is an outstanding ranch with a perfect location! You are “protected” yet very accessible. It is located off of the highway and yet is only minutes from Uvalde, Texas. Comments: Outstanding game-fenced ranch located close to Uvalde. It is the Perfect Size and has the Perfect Location! This is your chance to own a fine, fine South Texas Ranch that is located close to Uvalde. “It don’t get no better than this!” Come take a look! You won’t be disappointed!!! Most of the ranch is normally known as typical South Texas Ranch country, with all of the basic edible brushes growing on it in profusion. To further describe the main brushes and their quality as to wild game, please note the following: Guajilla brush has a crude protein content of from 15 to 30 percent, dependent upon moisture conditions and the season of the year. Everything that walks on a hoof relishes and fattens on this plant, and the ranch is covered with this plant. Granjena is another plant that is good food for deer and it has a protein content of from 15 percent to as high as 28 percent, again dependent upon the time of year and the moisture conditions. Guayacan brush is a favorite food for deer and turkeys. It is the best of the evergreens and deer love the leaves and turkeys and quail love the little sweet berries and seeds that it makes. It is a very strong plant in crude protein and the seeds are relished by turkey and quail. BlackBrush is a favorite deer food line and deer relish the new growth leaves on the end of each growth point. It is also strong in protein, with 15 and 25 percent when eaten, again dependent upon time of year and moisture conditions. Black brush usually covers in big yellow blooms and deer love the blooms. The blooms make a beautiful seed crop almost every year, and this is your basic food line for quail and for all seed eating birds. Mesquite Trees usually produce a good seed crop of beans every spring and summer and all hooved animals love the sweet beans when they fall from the trees. They are fattening foods. Persimmons are a good deer line and deer graze on the fresh leaves, whereas turkeys, birds and other animals eat the fruit and the seed. Huisache is an edible plant that
is grazed by deer and it has a good protein content of from 10 to 16 percent, dependent upon the season and range conditions. Cenizo is growing over much of this ranch, and it is an evergreen that lives thru freezing and cold weather during the winter months. It is strong in protein and is grazed rather heavily during cold weather when the summer plants have lost their leaves. Live Oaks are growing in dense profusion along the creek bottoms, literally hundreds of them, and they annually make tons of acorns. Deer, turkeys, hogs, coons, and other animals relish acorns, and they all get fat on them every fall. Too, live oaks are Evergreen and deer thrive on the green leaves in the cold weather when the summer brushes lose their leaves. Grasses: There are a number of areas that have been planted in klein grass and in kleberg bluestem grass. This area is famous for its quality grasses that are prevalent and growing. Some are as follows: side oats grama, green sprangletop, curly mesquite, running buffalo, pink pappus, love, crowfoot, witch red grama, spear, burr, and others, and most of these are classed as climax grasses, known to be the best and most productive ones. They are all strong in nutrients and vitamins. Most of these grasses will bloom and make seed, and this is one way that the good Lord set it up for reproduction and renewal. This is real strong country and the grasses and brushes are what makes it so good. The ranch is located in an area where naturally big trophy white tail bucks have been famous for many years, and where a number of the winning deer have won trophies over the years. It is basically known as the Big Deer Country, famous for its big deer, big horns, big feet, and quality meat on deer. The hunting program has been rigidly controlled over the past few years and it undoubtedly has really paid off. The owner states that he has observed many big bucks and many big does while observing from his several blinds. The hunting program is one of protection and controls, and as a result, there are some trophy bucks and not many trash deer that need to be killed. The owner states that he has observed a good fawn crop and an excellent turkey crop. On our showing several coveys of both blue and bob while quail were observed, and the owner claims that this is fine dove shooting every year.