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March 19, 2014 Office of Governor Rick Scott State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 Board of Directors 2013- 2014

Re: Citizen Support Organizations (CSOs) – SB 1194 and HB 1153

Officers Sally Hess President

Dear Governor Scott:

Don Philpott President Elect

I believe that you and your wife care deeply about Florida’s state parks. I wanted

Maryjo Morris Secretary

1153 if passed.

Paula Russo Treasurer Tammy Gustafson Immediate Past President

to make you aware of the perhaps unintended consequences of SB 1194/HB

Currently there are 84 state park and trail CSOs that generate more than $4.2M ($4,230,931) in revenue through fundraising events and donations. They contribute $2.5M ($2,539,447) in direct program services for park visitors from supporting interpretive programs to purchasing ADA equipment for universal

Board Members Cristal Cole Richard Goldman Marylou Klein Ron Piasecki Amy Rodriguez Michael Trout

Board Members Emeritus Tom M. Pennekamp Allen Trovillion George Crady Paula Dockery Steven M. Seibert

access to all visitors. During the recent economic downturn, CSOs provided critical funds for everything from board walk/building repairs to mowers, trams, and road paving and continue to do so. This public/private partnership has worked well for many years. The park service currently has strict guidelines for individual CSO annual reporting. While I understand the desire to standardize reporting for all CSOs and DSOs, the deadlines set in the bill could cause extreme difficulty if there is no allowance for extensions.

Ex-officio Board Members Donald Forgione W. Dale Allen Pamela Jones-Morton, Ph.D. Janet Buhl

Much more important than reporting criteria, however, is the statute change that would dissolve all state park CSOs in 2019 and every 5 years thereafter if the legislature does not vote to reinstate them prior to that date. Not only is this a

Legislative Liaison

clear disincentive for volunteer fundraising, we believe it will cause donor issues

Fritz Musselmann

as well. I personally, would not care to donate to a cause in which there was a good possibility that my donation would not be used as originally intended.

12290 Treeline Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33913 www.friendsoffloridastateparks.org

Individual CSOs will be talking to their legislators about the impact of this bill to our state parks, but I wanted to also make you aware of the issues we see. Thanks for your consideration. Best regards,

Sally Hess, President Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc. “Get a Little Park on Ya!”

12290 Treeline Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33913 www.friendsoffloridastateparks.com

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