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Report to Committee DATE:

June 20, 2016


Smart Growth Committee (SGC)


Laura Lee Richard, Director of Development Services



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides for consideration of an application to rezone two lots located at 1244 and 1248 Pitt River Road from RS1 (Residential Single Dwelling 1) to RS2 (Residential Single Dwelling 2) and a concurrent application to vary the minimum lot width of the RS2 zone to facilitate a proposed 4-lot subdivision. The infill development would relocate vehicle access to the lots from Pitt River Road to a new lane that would extend to the north from the end of Guest Street. A number of specific conditions of rezoning approval are recommended to help ensure a fit between the future homes and the established neighbourhood. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Council: 1. Proceed with consideration of amending the zoning of 1244 & 1248 Pitt River Road from RS1 (Residential Single Dwelling 1) to RS2 (Residential Single Dwelling 2). 2. That pursuant to s.498 of the Local Government Act, staff be authorized to include notice of an application to vary the minimum lot width with the notification for the rezoning. 3. That prior to adoption of the amending bylaw, a subdivision plan including provision for lane dedication along the west property line be submitted to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer. 4. That prior to adoption of the amending bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services: a) demolition of existing buildings and structures; b) completion of design and submission of fees and securities for off-site works and services, including the rear lane and street trees; c) installation of tree protection barriers and submission of a security in the amount of $10,000 to ensure tree retention; d) submission of a security in the amount of $3,000 to ensure on-site tree planting;

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e) registration of a legal agreement to ensure that: i) vehicular access is restricted to the lane, ii) the dwellings are not of an identical design or finish, and iii) one on-site parking space is required for each secondary suite. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. The Proposal: The owner of the two subject lots wishes to subdivide to create four lots and intends to construct a dwelling and detached garage on each of the new parcels. A secondary suite would be included in each of the houses. 2. POLICY & REGULATIONS 2.1. OCP Policy: The properties are designated R – Residential. OCP housing policies within this designation encourage consideration of rezoning and subdivision to smaller lots where there is an established context of smaller lots in the immediate area. The Plan’s transportation policies encourage the creation of new lanes where possible, and discourage driveway access to individual lots from arterial streets. 2.2. Zoning Bylaw: The current zoning is RS1 – Residential Single Dwelling 1; the proposed zoning is RS2 – Residential Single Dwelling 2. 2.3. Subdivision Servicing Bylaw: The Bylaw requires provision of offsite improvements as a condition of subdivision including reconstruction of Pitt River Road with curb and gutter, a sidewalk and street lighting along the property frontage and construction of the lane. 2.4. Highway Use Bylaw: This Bylaw restricts vehicle access to a lane for parcels of land which front arterial and collector highways. 3. COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1. Site Characteristics and Context: The 1,760 m2 site is located on the west side of Pitt River Road, which is an arterial street, and just north of the intersection of Carmel Avenue and Pitt River Road. It is currently developed with two older single detached houses and has eighteen mature trees. There is an overhead hydro service and sidewalks along the site frontage. Primary vehicle access to the subject lots is provided by driveways on Pitt River Road although the south lot also has access from the end of Guest Street. The surrounding area is predominately zoned RS2 and developed with houses that vary in age and size. Guest Street is a short road that currently provides access to the four properties between the subject property and Carmel Avenue. A large property

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immediately to the south, 1240 Pitt River Road, is developed with an older single storey house, while newer homes on Guest Street were built in the 1990s and are one or two storeys in height. The property immediately to the west of the subject parcel, 1257 Guest Street, is a relatively large property that contains a Class A watercourse on the west side. A wood fence owned by 1257 Guest Street is located along the east property line of this property.

3.2. Project Profile (for Subdivision): The RS2 Zone requires that new lots have a minimum lot area of 375 m2 (4036.6 sq.ft.), minimum lot width of 12m (39.4ft) and minimum lot depth of 28m. The size of each of the proposed lots is as follows: Lot Area1 Lot Width Lot Depth2 412 m2 10.9m 37.8m Lot One 434 m2 10.9m 39.9m Lot Two 2 452 m 10.9m 41.4m Lot Three 2 463 m 10.9m 42.5m Lot Four



Information provided by the applicant Depth of proposed lots calculated after lane dedication

Variance 1.1 m to lot width 1.1 m to lot width 1.1 m to lot width 1.1 m to lot width

June 20, 2016 1244 & 1248 Pitt River Road – Rezoning RZ000128 & Development Variance Permit DVP00031 Page 4 3.3. Project Description: The applicant has indicated that the houses would be built in accordance with the regulations of the Zoning Bylaw and include a detached garage, secondary suite and parking space for each secondary suite. The rear lane would extend north from Guest Street to the north property line of the subject property. A 6m x 6m turnaround would be provided by registering a statutory right-of-way straddling the lot line between the two northerly lots and requiring the construction of this turnaround as a condition of the rezoning.

Lot 1 10.9m Lane Turnaround

10.9m Proposed Lane

Lot 2

10.9m Lot 3

Lot 4


3.3 Development Variance Permit Application: The proposed lots would comply with the minimum lot size and depth regulations required for subdivision within the RS2 zone and the requested variance applies only to lot width. While three larger conforming lots could be created with average lot widths of 14.5m., this number of

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lots would be insufficient to compensate for costs associated with the redevelopment including relocation of access to the dedicated lane and reconstruction of Pitt River Road. The RS4 zone would allow for a conforming 4-lot subdivision but this option was not recommended to the applicant because the lots meet the minimum area requirements of the RS2 zone and there is an established context of the RS2 zoning. 3.4 Servicing: Off-site upgrades proposed to be required through the subdivision and rezoning processes include: - Undergrounding of hydro, Telus, and CATV along Pitt River Road is required for the frontage of the development. - Pitt River Road to be reconstructed half road plus one metre complete with curb and gutter, sidewalk and street lighting for the frontage of the development. - Construction of a dedicated rear lane complete that includes a 6m x 6m statutory right of way for vehicle turnaround. - Existing water, sanitary and storm mains on Guest Street are required to be extended for the full length of the properties. 3.5 Trees & Sustainability: The applicant has indicated that 13 trees would need to be removed because they are within the building footprints or the lane, but five trees on the south property line of the south lot, Lot 4, may be retained. The City Arborist supports their retention. It is recommended that the applicant be required to plant two trees on each new lot (except Lot 4) as well as street trees to help enhance the aesthetics of the site and produce additional shade. No further sustainable components are proposed as the recent updates to the BC Building Code require energy efficiencies. 3.3 Consultation: The applicant contacted the residents of the five neighbouring properties immediately adjacent to the subject lots. Generally, these neighbours indicated that they did not have any concerns about the proposed development. The owner of the property immediately to the rear of the lots at 1257 Guest Street has indicated concern with the inclusion of the lane because of the increase in traffic volume along Guest Street and has expressed a preference to retain vehicular access from Pitt River Road. A development sign is posted along Pitt River Road. To date, no comments have been received. 3.4 Discussion: a) Neighbourhood fit: The proposed subdivision and rezoning would allow for smaller lots that would be in context with the area. The off-site upgrades including curb and gutter, sidewalk reconstruction, and street trees will also add to the pedestrian experience along Pitt River Road. b) Redevelopment of neighbouring properties: The owner of 1240 Pitt River Road has indicated no interested in subdividing the property at this time. This property

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is large enough to facilitate a 2-lot subdivision if rezoned from RS1 to RS2. The owner of 1257 Guest Street has also indicated that redevelopment is not being contemplated at this time. Staff have assessed the development potential of this property but, because of its irregular shape and the watercourse, it has been determined that its potential for subdivision is limited. c) Vehicular Access: The requirement to construct the lane and rear driveway access is in keeping with the designation of Pitt River Road as an arterial route. In response to the neighbour’s concern about the lane and increased traffic on Guest Street, staff assessed explored the possibility of using the existing driveways to provide shared driveway access from Pitt River Road to the proposed lots. The option is not recommended because not only would it be contrary to the City’s policies to reduce driveways accessing arterial routes, the existing driveways are in a poor location due the curve on Pitt River Road. The potential impact of vehicles using the new lane would be mitigated to a certain extent by an existing fence and lack of windows on the east side of the neighbour’s house.

1257 Guest Street

Proposed lane

Existing development and proposed location for the lane (adjacent to the fence) d) Variance to lot width regulation: The proposed reduction in lot width is expected to have minimal impact while supporting the substantial benefit of relocated driveways. To mitigate the potential design impacts of four new homes on slightly narrower lots, it is recommended that as a condition of rezoning, the dwellings be subject to a requirement that they not be of an identical design or finish as a condition of rezoning.

June 20, 2016 1244 & 1248 Pitt River Road – Rezoning RZ000128 & Development Variance Permit DVP00031 Page 7 4 OPTIONS The Smart Growth Committee may: 1. Recommend proceeding to Council to provide for concurrent consideration of the rezoning and variance applications (recommended); 2. Request additional information or amendments to one or both applications to address specified issues prior to proceeding with one or both applications; 3. Recommend rejection of one or both applications. The applicant may then request the applicable application(s) be forwarded to Council for its consideration.

_____________________ Laura Lee Richard, MCIP Director of Development Services Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Sketch showing proposed subdivision

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