Traffic Impact Study
Redevelopment of 1851 South Bell Street ‐ to be known as:
1900 Crystal Drive Arlington, VA
September 15, 2011
Prepared by:
1140 Connecticut Avenue Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202.296.8625 Fax: 202.785.1276
3914 Centreville Road Suite 330 Chantilly, VA 20151 Tel: 703.787.9595 Fax: 703.787.9905
7001 Heritage Village Plaza Suite 220 Gainesville, VA 20155 Tel: 571.248.0992 Fax: 703.787.9905
This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of services, is intended for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization by Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc., shall be without liability to Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc.
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................................... ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................ ii Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................................... iii Purpose of Report and Study Objectives ............................................................................................................................ iii Site Location and Study Area .............................................................................................................................................. iii Description of Proposed Development .............................................................................................................................. iii Principal Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................................................... iii Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Background Information: Proposed Development (Site and Nearby) ......................................................................................... 2 Non‐Existent Transportation Improvements ........................................................................................................................... 2 Description of On‐Site Development ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Map of Site Location ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Description of the Parcel ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 General Terrain Features ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Location within Jurisdiction and Region .............................................................................................................................. 2 Comprehensive Plan/General Land Use Plan (GLUP) Recommendations ........................................................................... 2 Zoning .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Descriptions of Geometric Scope and Limits of the Study Area .............................................................................................. 4 Existing and Proposed Site Uses .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Nearby Uses ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Existing Roadways .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Programmed Improvements ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Existing Conditions (2011) ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Existing Transit Facilities .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities ............................................................................................................................... 10 Pedestrian Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Bicycle Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Existing Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Existing Capacity Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Future Conditions without Development (2015) ....................................................................................................................... 20 Future without Development Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................................................... 20 Planned Improvements ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Future without Development Capacity Analysis .................................................................................................................... 25
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Trip Generation and Site Traffic (2015) ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Site Access ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Site Generated Volumes ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 Site Trip Distribution .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 Future Conditions with Development (2015) ............................................................................................................................ 34 Future with Development Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................................ 34 Future with Development Capacity Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 36 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Map ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: Tax Map ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 3: Existing Transit Service ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 4: Existing Transit Service near site ................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 5: Local Bike and Trail Accomodations ........................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6: Existing (2011) Roadway Network .............................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 7: Existing (2011) Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 8: Existing (2011) Levels of Service ................................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 9: Future without Development (2015) Traffic Volumes ................................................................................................ 22 Figure 10: Future Without Development (2015) Levels of Service ............................................................................................ 29 Figure 11: Direction of Approach ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 12: Site Generated Trips (2015) ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 13: Future with Development Traffic Volumes (2015) ................................................................................................... 35 Figure 14: Future with Development Levels of Service (2015) .................................................................................................. 41
LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Existing (2011) Transit Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Existing (2011) Capacity Analysis Results ..................................................................................................................... 15 Table 3: Future without Development (2015) Capacity Analysis Results .................................................................................. 25 Table 4: Trip Generation ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 5: Traffic Distribution Assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 32 Table 6: Future with Development (2015) Capacity Analysis Results ........................................................................................ 36
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Purpose of Report and Study Objectives This report presents the findings of a traffic impact study conducted for the proposed redevelopment of the existing 430,000 square foot office building at 1851 South Bell Street to a building with 755,054 square feet of office and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail to be known as 1900 Crystal Drive. The project build‐out year is 2015.
Site Location and Study Area The site is located west of Crystal Drive, south of 18th Street and north of 20th Street, in Arlington County, Virginia. The study area consists of 13 intersections along 18th Street, 20th Street, 23rd Street, Eads Street, U.S. Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway), Clark Street, Bell Street and Crystal Drive.
Description of Proposed Development The proposed plan is to redevelop the existing 430,000 square feet of office with 755,054 square feet of office and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail. The project build‐out year is 2015. Access to the site will continue to be provided at the existing driveways along 18th Street and 20th Street.
Principal Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations For the purpose of this analysis, it is desirable to achieve an acceptable level of service (LOS) D or better for each approach to an intersection. Based on this goal, the analysis presented in this report supports the following major conclusions:
The project site is located near several regional highways. Regional access to the site is provided via U.S. Route 1 from the north and south, I‐395 and VA‐110 from the north, VA‐27 to the west, and I‐295 to the east.
The proposed site is located just south of the Crystal City Metro Station which serves the Blue and Yellow lines, within 900 feet of the Crystal City VRE station serving the Manassas and Fredericksburg lines, and several Metrobus and other bus lines with stops in the vicinity of the site. A new entrance to the Crystal City Metro Station is proposed to be located on the northwest corner of 18th Street and Crystal Drive, just north of the 1900 Crystal Drive site.
The roadways within the study area all have sidewalks and there are crosswalks at the intersections and signalized and unsignalized midblock crosswalks within the study area. There are several bike routes, trails, and bikeshare stations located near the site.
The Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study was prepared as a supporting document to the Crystal City Sector Plan that was approved by the County Board in September 2010. The Multimodal Study (dated February 2010) identifies five phases of transportation improvements for Crystal City from 2011 through 2050. Generally, these improvements include removal of one‐way roads, widening roadways to include bike lanes and sidewalks, a new transit‐way, improvement of existing transit facilities and other improvements.
As discussed in the scoping meeting with representatives from VDOT and Arlington County, the extension of 12th Street is likely to be constructed by 2015; however, the timing and funding of other improvements within the study area are not known at this time. Therefore, the other improvements listed above were not included in the analysis for future conditions (2015) with or without development.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
The Crystal City Multimodal Study also includes detailed trip generation, internal capture and mode split information for the area, as well as detailed traffic distribution information.
Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the study intersections for existing conditions. The two at‐grade intersections along the U.S. Route 1 corridor within the study area, at 20th and 23rd Streets, are large, complex intersections with several conflicting movements. The majority of the movements that experience unacceptable levels of service and delay under existing conditions occur at these intersections or at the adjacent closely spaced intersections with Clark Street. The intersection of Crystal Drive and 23rd Street also has movements operating at unacceptable levels of service.
Intersection capacity analyses performed for future conditions (2015) without the proposed development found that movements with unacceptable levels of service and delay occur at the generally the same locations as existing conditions.
Based on information provided in the Multimodal Study, the site is expected to generate approximately 209 new trips in the weekday morning peak hour and approximately 182 new trips in the weekday afternoon peak hour.
Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the study intersections for the future conditions with development (2015). Mitigation measures were identified for the intersections listed below to improve the delays and Level of Service (LOS) to similar or better results than the future without development conditions for most turning movements:
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/20th Street and 20th Street/Clark Street
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/23rd Street and 23rd Street/Clark Street
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
A Transportation Management Plan (TMP) will be required for the project based on the County’s requirements. The framework for a TMP will be included under separate cover.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings of a traffic impact study conducted for the proposed redevelopment of the 1851 South Bell Street (Crystal Mall 3) Building into 1900 Crystal Drive, which is located west of Crystal Drive, south of 18th Street and north of 20th Street, in Arlington County, Virginia. The proposed plan is to redevelop the existing 430,000 square foot office building with 755,054 square feet of office and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail. The redevelopment of this site is in accordance with the Crystal City Sector Plan. The project build‐out year is 2015. The following tasks were completed as part of this study.
A scoping meeting was conducted on March 10, 2011 and a scope dated March 21, 2011 was agreed upon by Gorove/Slade and representatives from Arlington County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This scope included discussions about the parameters of the study and relevant background information. A copy of the scoping document confirming the parameters and assumptions used is included in the Technical Appendix.
Field reconnaissance in the vicinity of the site was performed to collect information related to the existing traffic controls, roadway geometry, and traffic flow characteristics.
Traffic counts were conducted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011, Thursday, March 17, 2011 and Thursday, April 7, 2011 during the morning and afternoon peak hours.
Future traffic conditions were projected based on inherent traffic growth of 0.5 percent compounded annually to account for regional growth along U.S. Route 1. As outlined in the scoping document, six background developments were considered for this study.
Proposed site traffic volumes were generated based on the methodology outlined in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation, 8th Edition.
Intersection capacity analyses were performed using the software package Synchro, Version 7.0 based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology. Traffic analyses were performed for the existing conditions (2011) and future conditions with and without development (2015).
A Transportation Management Plan framework will be included under separate cover as a TMP will be necessary according to County requirements.
Sources of data for this study include information provided by Vornado/Charles E. Smith, Cooper Carry Architects, VDOT, Arlington County, the City of Alexandria, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 8th Edition and the office files and field reconnaissance efforts of Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Non‐Existent Transportation Improvements The Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study was prepared as a supporting document to the Crystal City Sector Plan that was approved by the County Board in September 2010. The Multimodal Study (dated February 2010) identifies five phases of transportation improvements for Crystal City from 2011 through 2050. These include improvements to transit, the street network and bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Crystal City. A detailed summary of the improvements listed in the Multimodal Study is included in the Future Conditions Without Development section of this study.
Description of On‐Site Development Map of Site Location The site is bounded by Crystal Drive to the east, 18th Street to the north and 20th Street to the south. A courtyard area and Crystal Mall 2 and 4 are located to the west of the site. Regional access to the site is provided via U.S. Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway) from the north and south, I‐395 and VA‐110 from the north, VA‐27 to the west, and I‐295 to the east. The site location map is shown in Figure 1.
Description of the Parcel According to the Arlington County website, the parcel number for Crystal Mall is 34026037 and the tax map for the parcel is shown in Figure 2. The property is currently is occupied by 430,000 square feet of general office use.
General Terrain Features The site is fairly level, with a gradual downhill slope from U.S. Route 1 to Crystal Drive.
Location within Jurisdiction and Region The 1900 Crystal Drive site is located within the Crystal City area of Arlington County. It is located in the central area of Crystal City in the area designated as the central business district in the Crystal City Sector Plan.
Comprehensive Plan/General Land Use Plan (GLUP) Recommendations The existing General Land Use Plan (GLUP) for this site shows a mix of high density Office‐Apartment‐Hotel and Residential land uses. The Sector Plan, which was approved by the County Board in September 2010, shows this site as Residential, Commercial, Hotel or Mixed‐Use: Minimum 70% Office.
Zoning The zoning for this site and most of the surrounding properties between U.S. Route 1 and Crystal Drive is shown as C‐O (Commercial Office Building, Hotel and Multi‐Family Dwelling Districts). Per the Sector Plan, this new development will be zoned to C‐O Crystal City.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 1: Site Location Map
Figure 2: Tax Map (from Arlington County Website)
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Descriptions of Geometric Scope and Limits of the Study Area This traffic impact study was conducted in accordance with VDOT and Arlington County standards. The following intersections were identified for inclusion in this study:
Eads Street and 18th Street
Bell Street and 18th Street
Crystal Drive and 18th Street
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street
Clark Street and 20th Street
Bell Street and 20th Street
Crystal Drive and 20th Street
Eads Street and 23rd Street
U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street
Clark Street and 23rd Street
Crystal Drive and 23rd Street
Site Driveway and 18th Street
Site Driveway and 20th Street
Existing and Proposed Site Uses The existing 1851 South Bell Street building is approximately 430,000 square feet of office space. The proposed plan is to redevelop this building with 755,054 square feet of office and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail space.
Nearby Uses The properties in the vicinity of the site are primarily residential, office, hotel or retail uses. The uses immediately adjacent to the 1900 Crystal Drive building (which is currently referred to as 1851 South Bell Street or Crystal Mall 3) on the Crystal Mall block, include the Crystal City Marriott (along U.S. Route 1), three other office buildings at 1800, 1801 and 1901 South Bell Street (or Crystal Mall 1, Crystal Mall 2, and Crystal Mall 4), and support retail uses in the Underground shops.
Existing Roadways The study area consists of 13 intersections along 18th Street, 20th Street, 23rd Street, Eads Street, U.S. Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway), Clark Street, Bell Street and Crystal Drive. Detailed roadway descriptions are provided in the Existing Conditions section of this study.
Programmed Improvements The Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study (CCMTS) was prepared as a supporting document to the Crystal City Sector Plan that was approved by the County Board in September 2010. The CCMTS (dated February 2010) identifies five phases of transportation improvements for Crystal City from 2011 through 2050. A detailed list of the improvements is included in the Future Conditions without Development (2015) section of this study; however many of these improvements have not been included in the future analysis due to uncertainty over timing and funding.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Existing Transit Facilities The study area is served by the following transit facilities under existing conditions as shown in Figure 3: Bus Service Metrobus – There are several Metrobus lines that travel through the study area: 9A, E (Huntington‐Pentagon) – Route 9A runs between the Pentagon Metro Station and the Huntington Metro Station along U.S. Route 1 and Eads Street within the study area. The 9E runs between the Pentagon and Braddock Road Metro Stations. Buses on this line run from 4:30 AM to 1:30 AM during weekdays with 30 minute headways during peak periods. The 9A line also has weekend services. This line has an average weekday ridership of 1,723. 9S (Crystal City ‐ Potomac Yard Shuttle) – Route 9S is a shuttle service between Potomac Yard in Arlington and Crystal City. This line runs along Crystal Drive and Clark Street/Bell Street from 5:43 AM to 7:25 PM with six minute headways during peak period. There are bus stops near 20th Street and Crystal Drive. This line has an average weekday ridership of 1,283. 10A, E (Hunting Towers ‐ Pentagon) – Route 10A runs between Hunting Towers and the Pentagon Metro Station, and Route 10E runs between the Braddock Road and Pentagon Metro Stations. This line runs from 4:51 AM to 1:01 AM on weekdays and the headway varies between 10 and 30 minutes during the weekday peak hours. There is a bus stop for this line near the 23rd and Fern Street intersection. The 10A also has weekend services. This line has an average weekday ridership of 2,518. 16H (Columbia Heights West ‐ Pentagon City) – Route 16H runs from Columbia Heights West (near Baileys Crossroads) to Pentagon City. This line runs only during AM and PM peak periods (5:56 AM to 9:21 AM and 4:12 PM to 6:33 PM) with approximately 30 minute intervals. This bus line has a stop near 18th Street and Bell Street. This line has an average weekday ridership of 4,169 (as of February 2009, this ridership includes lines 16G, 16K and 16W). 23A (McLean – Crystal City) – Route 23A runs between Crystal City and Mclean along Glebe Road and Chain Bridge Road to the Tysons Corner area. This line also stops at the Ballston Metro Station. The line runs from 5:37 AM to 1:23 AM on weekdays with 30 minute headways during peak periods. The 23A also has weekend services. This line has an average weekday ridership of 4,002 (as of February 2009). Omniride – The project area is served by two Omni‐ride bus lines. Pentagon – Dale City line – This line runs from 5:35 AM to 8:43 AM with approximately 22 minute headways and 12:26 PM to 7:46 PM during afternoon peak hour with approximately 49 minute headways. The bus stops near Clark Street and 20th Street in the morning and Clark Street and 23rd Street during afternoon peak periods. This line stops at 1851 South Bell Street in both peak hours. Pentagon – Lake Ridge line ‐ This line runs from 6:30 AM to 8:13 AM with approximately 16 minute headways and 12:26 PM to 6:45 PM during afternoon peak hour with approximately 31 minute headways. The bus stops near Clark Street and 20th Street in the morning and Clark Street and 23rd Street during afternoon peak periods. This line stops at 1851 South Bell Street in both peak hours. September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Fairfax Connector – The project area is served by one Fairfax Connector bus line. FC 597 (Crystal City Express) –This line runs from Reston North Park and Ride to Crystal City. The bus runs from 5:58 AM to 7:58 AM in the morning, and 3:30 PM to 5:45 PM in the afternoon with the 30 minute headways during both periods. There is a bus stop at Crystal Drive and 18th Street. Loudoun Commuter Bus – Several Loudoun Commuter Bus lines provide service to Crystal City. A bus stop located on Crystal Drive and 20th Street serves buses from Purcellville, Leesburg, Dulles North, Dulles South/Stone Ridge, and Ashburn. Arlington Transit (ART) – There are no ART bus lines in the immediate vicinity of the project site, with the nearest lines serving the areas near the Pentagon City and Pentagon Metro Stations. The quality of service for the bus routes nearest the site was assessed based on the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 2nd Edition created by the Transit Cooperative Research Program. The quality of service reflects the passenger’s perception of transit performance. This performance measure is highly dependent on operating decisions made by a transit system within the constraints of a budget. Therefore a small city could regard transit service on a route every 30 minutes for 12 hours to be good although this would reflect LOS “F”. Table 1 shows the levels of service for bus services within the area. Table 1: Existing (2011) Transit Analysis
Service Frequency (Average Headway)
Bus Route
9A, 9E
Weekday schedule
5:43 AM – 7:25 AM
10A, 10E
4:51 AM – 1:01 AM
5:56 AM – 9:21 AM; 4:12 PM‐ 6:33 PM
23A, 23C
5:37 AM – 1:23 AM
Pentagon – Dale City
Pentagon – Lake Ridge
6:30 AM – 8:13 AM, 12:26 PM – 6:40 PM
FC 597 (Crystal City Express)
4:30 AM – 1:30 AM
Fairfax Connector
5:58 AM – 7:58 AM, 3:30 PM – 5:45 PM
30 min
6 min
6 min
20 min
20 min
30 min
30 min
30 min
30 min 30 min
5:35 AM – 8:43 AM, 12:26 PM‐ 7:46 PM
22 min 16 min
49 min
31 min
30 min
30 min
Train Service Metrorail – The Crystal City Metro Station is located on the north side of 18th Street with an entrance on the west side of South Bell Street. A new entrance to the Crystal City Station is also proposed to be located on the northwest corner of 18th Street and Crystal Drive, just north of the 1900 Crystal Drive site. The site also has a below grade connection to the Metro via the Crystal City Underground. The average weekday entry/exit of this station is approximately 29,400 and it is served by the blue and yellow lines. The train service starts as early as 5 AM in the weekday morning and ends at midnight.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
VRE (Virginia Railway Express) – A VRE Station is located approximately 900 feet from the site. This station is served by both Manassas and Fredericksburg VRE lines. For both lines, the service period is almost three hours long during morning peak period and three hours long for afternoon peak period. Trains run approximately every 30 minutes for both peak periods for both lines. Other Transportation Options Slug Lines – A slug line stop is located in Crystal City near the intersection of Crystal Drive and 12th Street. Destinations from this stop include Woodbridge, Stafford and Dumfries to the south. Zipcar – There are several Zipcar car‐share parking locations near the project site. Zipcar spaces are provided along Crystal Drive just south of the intersection of 18th Street and on the north and south side of 20th Street. There are several other Zipcar locations throughout the Crystal City and Pentagon City areas. Figure 3 illustrates the existing bus routes and transit within the study area and Figure 4 illustrates the existing transit system within the vicinity of the site.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 3: Existing Transit Service (from Arlington County website)
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 4: Existing Transit Service near site (from Arlington County website)
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Crystal City is a pedestrian and bike friendly area. There are numerous exclusive and shared bike lanes, trails, crosswalks and sidewalks to serve the pedestrians and bicycle traffic. Underground pedestrian facility: There is an indoor pedestrian corridor that extends from 23rd Street all the way to 12th Street with access to shopping, dining, hotels, residential and office buildings. The corridor allows pedestrians to walk for relatively long distances without interruptions by motorized or non‐motorized vehicles and in a climate controlled environment. Sidewalks: All roadways within the study area have sidewalks provided on both sides, with marked crosswalks at all approaches to the study intersections. Crosswalks: All intersections have marked crosswalks at each approach. The signalized intersections have pedestrian push buttons. Midblock Crosswalks: There are signalized midblock crosswalks along Crystal Drive between 23rd Street and 18th Street as well as an unsignalized marked midblock crossing along 23rd Street.
Bicycle Facilities Striped Bike Lanes: There are bicycle lanes provided along Eads Street (south of 23rd Street), Crystal Drive, (north of 23rd Street) and along 18th Street (west of Eads Street). On‐Street Routes: As noted in the Multimodal Transportation Study, these facilities are generally located on low vehicular volume, low traffic speed streets with wide lanes. Bikes share the road with vehicular traffic along these facilities. Bell Street (from 18th Street to 15th Street), 18th Street (between Bell Street and Crystal Drive) and Eads Street (from 23rd Street to 18th Street) provide on‐street routes for bikes. Off‐Street Trails: The Mount Vernon Trail runs north‐south, generally along the Potomac River, east of George Washington Memorial Parkway. There is a “connector trail” just north of 18th Street that provides a link between Crystal Drive and the Mount Vernon Trail. Capital Bikeshare: There are several Capital Bikeshare stations located in the area surrounding the 1900 Crystal Drive site. Stations closest to the site include those at 18th Street and Bell Street, 20th Street and Bell Street, and along Crystal Drive between 18th Street and 20th Street. Figure 5 illustrates the on‐road and off‐road bikeways surrounding the site.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 5: Local Bike and Trail Accomodations (from Arlington County website)
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Existing Roadway Network A description of the major roadways within the study area is presented below. The existing local roadway network, including lane configurations and traffic controls, is illustrated in Figure 6. U.S. Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway) is a six‐lane, median divided, urban arterial that runs north‐south within the vicinity of the proposed site with at‐grade intersections at 20th and 23rd Streets. This road is classified as Type F, regional connector in the Crystal City Sector Plan. Crystal Drive is a four‐lane, undivided, urban roadway that runs north‐south within the vicinity of the proposed site. It is currently one‐way south of 23rd Street. There are two signalized pedestrian crossings and one bike lane in each direction on Crystal Drive between 20th and 23rd Streets. There is on‐street parking on the west side of Crystal Drive. This roadway is identified as a retail‐oriented mixed‐use arterial in Crystal City Sector Plan. 18th Street is generally a four‐lane undivided road. On‐street parking is allowed in certain locations. This road is identified as a retail‐oriented mixed‐use arterial in Crystal City Sector Plan. 20th Street is a two‐ to three‐lane, undivided, urban street with two travel lanes going in the westbound direction between Bell Street and U.S. Route 1 and one lane in the eastbound direction. On‐street parking is allowed in certain sections. This road is identified as retail‐oriented mixed‐use arterial in Crystal City Sector Plan. 23rd Street is a four‐lane, local access, median divided, urban street with left and right turn lanes at major intersections. There are median breaks at different locations along this road to provide access to existing garage driveways. This road is identified as a retail‐oriented mixed‐use arterial in Crystal City Sector Plan. Clark Street is a two‐ to three‐lane frontage road traveling one‐way southbound. This roadway provides direct access to several buildings located east of U.S. Route 1. Eads Street is a four‐lane, undivided roadway with on‐street parking allowed on the western side, north of 23rd Street. South of 23rd Street, Eads Street is a two‐lane, median divided roadway with on‐street parking on both sides.
Existing Traffic Volumes In order to determine the weekday peak hours, traffic counts were conducted at study intersections on Wednesday, March 16, 2011, Thursday, March 17, 2011, and Thursday April 7, 2011 between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Analysis of the existing traffic data determined that the morning peak hour of the system occurred from 8:00 to 9:00 AM, and the afternoon peak hour occurred from 4:45 to 5:45 PM. The existing balanced peak hour traffic volumes for the intersections within the study area are shown in Figure 7. The existing turning movement counts are included in the Technical Appendix. The following illegal movements were observed during the turning movement counts: 18th Street and Crystal Drive: Only right turns are permitted from the westbound approach; however, left and through movements were observed during the PM peak hour. U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Eastbound approach): Northbound right turns are not permitted at this intersection. However, this movement was observed in both AM and PM peak hours.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 6: Existing (2011) Roadway Network September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 7: Existing (2011) Traffic Volumes September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Existing Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the intersections within the study area during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours under existing conditions. Synchro Version 7.0 was used to analyze the study intersections based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology and includes level of service, delay, and queue length comparisons for the turning movements analyzed. Existing peak hour factors found in the field were used. A heavy vehicle percentage of two percent was used for all peak hours and all movements. Pedestrian volumes found from the counts (either by Gorove/Slade or Arlington County) were included in the analysis. The Synchro files from Arlington County show that the intersection of U.S. Route 1, 20th Street and Clark Street is analyzed as a cluster of four intersections and the intersection of U.S. Route 1, 23rd Street and Clark Street is analyzed as a cluster of two intersections. The results of the intersection capacity analyses are presented in Table 2, and are expressed in level of service (LOS) and delay (seconds per vehicle) per lane group. The 95% and 50% queue results for each intersection are also presented in Table 2, and are expressed in feet. The results of the intersection capacity analyses are illustrated in Figure 8. The detailed analysis worksheets and a description of the different LOS and delay are included in the Technical Appendix. Table 2: Existing (2011) Capacity Analysis Results
# 1
Intersection (Movement) 18th Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right th 18 Street and Bell Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Approach Northbound Left Northbound Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 18th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right
2 3
Existing Conditions (2011) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th 95 50th 95th Length (feet) LOS Delay 50 LOS Delay Queue Queue Queue Queue B 19.9 N/A N/A B 18.6 N/A N/A 55 C 27.1 76 107 C 30.8 19 46 C 26.7 108 121 C 29.9 25 46 90 D 38.5 157 209 C 30.3 0 56 130 C 26.4 32 44 C 31.7 51 95 C 24.3 23 26 C 32.9 109 152 C 24.9 35 44 C 29.6 0 41 245 A 8.5 23 41 A 6.5 46 58 A 8.8 61 78 A 4.5 51 36 175 B 11.0 27 70 A 5.2 8 m14 A 9.5 40 75 A 6.1 84 97 B 18.2 N/A N/A B 13.8 N/A N/A B 13.7 80 119 B 10.2 25 39 150 B 12.9 0 37 A 1.0 0 18 B 14.2 28 46 A 9.6 117 144 C 25.0 10 20 C 25.2 17 35 50 C 24.8 0 12 C 24.6 0 9 C 31.3 79 114 C 33.7 35 56 C 27.4 0 10 C 30.9 0 10 A 1.9 N/A 8 A 2.2 N/A 2 A 4.6 N/A 3 A 0.2 N/A 0 C 19.3 N/A 2 D 33.7 N/A 87 B 10.9 N/A 1 C 18.2 N/A 33
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
# 4
Intersection (Movement) 18th Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Westbound approach) Overall Intersection Westbound Left Westbound Right Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Eastbound approach) Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Southbound Thru 20th Street (Westbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left/Thru Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 20th Street (Eastbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Southbound Thru Eastbound Right 20th Street and Bell Street Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 20th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 20th Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right
5A 5B Ma 6B 7 8 9
Existing Conditions (2011) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th 50 95 50th 95th Length (feet) LOS Delay LOS Delay Queue Queue Queue Queue A 9.4 N/A N/A A 8.0 N/A N/A C 23.1 48 30 C 22.2 77 125 C 29.1 9 9 B 10.5 0 7 D 40.0 0 0 C 25.3 4 14 A 2.8 28 40 A 6.7 95 127 A 4.2 11 38 A 4.2 15 19 C 23.2 N/A N/A B 17.5 N/A N/A A 1.1 0 0 A 4.1 7 m16 A 0.0 0 0 A 5.5 24 m34 A 7.5 ~775 #808 A 4.8 52 56 F 85.9 106 m151 F 86.0 33 m55 155 F 122.7 ~229 #386 E 76.5 139 #246 C 29.6 378 437 C 27.1 467 510 A 7.8 N/A N/A B 11.6 N/A N/A E 77.5 156 #234 E 62.6 118 135 E 56.3 35 98 E 61.2 83 87 220 D 42.8 54 m51 D 48.8 90 m139 A 2.1 84 m72 A 8.8 113 m121 A 1.2 10 11 A 1.7 27 80 C 32.0 N/A N/A D 43.4 N/A N/A C 22.6 14 m82 B 13.1 4 m9 D 49.4 53 59 D 48.6 143 181 C 22.4 63 76 C 23.3 45 69 E 56.6 59 92 F 85.3 146 #262 B 11.3 N/A N/A A 9.3 N/A N/A A 1.2 17 16 A 1.2 12 27 D 53.9 0 m0 D 54.2 0 m0 A 2.1 N/A 4 A 2.4 N/A 3 A 0.3 N/A 0 A 0.1 N/A 0 C 21.5 N/A 14 E 39.3 N/A 38 C 15.9 N/A 19 C 23.5 N/A 11 B 13.7 N/A 20 C 20.7 N/A 50 A 2.0 N/A 3 A 0.3 N/A 0 A 7.7 N/A 1 A 7.7 N/A 0 B 12.4 N/A 2 C 19.4 N/A 9 A 9.0 N/A 1 B 12.0 N/A 22 A 6.6 N/A N/A B 12.1 N/A N/A 50 C 28.1 35 59 D 37.8 106 133 C 27.2 29 57 C 20.5 0 16 C 26.0 1 3 C 20.7 9 24 C 26.0 1 3 C 21.6 43 73 50 C 26.0 0 3 C 21.9 28 60 A 2.7 22 36 A 2.9 20 21 A 2.9 7 36 A 8.3 29 54
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# 10 11 12 13
Intersection (Movement) 23rd Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru/Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 23rd Street and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Thru Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 23rd Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Right
Existing Conditions (2011) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th 50 95 50th Length (feet) LOS Delay LOS Delay Queue Queue Queue B 14.1 N/A N/A B 13.0 N/A B 19.6 123 127 B 17.7 50 C 22.1 34 m52 C 20.2 68 B 19.7 65 m89 B 18.4 133 C 20.0 67 m92 B 16.6 57 135 A 8.0 10 33 A 9.0 11 8.1 30 A 9.1 57 109 A 145 B 12.1 32 88 B 11.3 40 A 8.0 26 55 A 9.4 82 E 64.2 N/A N/A D 38.4 N/A F 85.3 176 #372 F 114.7 ~211 E 78.9 298 #545 D 41.6 131 D 52.9 17 28 E 57.9 10 F 171. 31 #150 E 77.1 86 A 0.1 1 0 A 3.4 0 360 E 73.9 107 #232 F 85.1 154 F 100. ~724 #820 C 33.7 347 305 B 12.6 9 m12 C 23.6 47 385 D 50.7 279 #337 D 40.8 80 B 11.9 57 70 C 30.2 561 C 23.6 N/A N/A D 42.4 N/A A 5.9 16 m12 A 0.5 1 D 45.0 82 102 D 54.4 288 E 57.1 0 85 E 57.0 28 E 62.4 93 119 E 64.6 137 D 35.7 N/A N/A F 124.6 N/A 75 D 46.2 98 154 D 46.3 78 D 45.9 103 137 D 44.9 50 D 44.9 10 13 D 45.8 118 50 D 44.6 0 6 D 43.7 35 F 85.2 166 #296 F 476.4 ~537 211 258 B 19.6 161 C 20.6 400 B 18.1 0 46 B 15.6 0 D 54.2 57 76 E 55.3 12 C 22.0 0 9 C 24.7 0
95th Queue N/A 66 m73 m130 m62 39 63 104 147 N/A #383 203 59 m#169 m0 #288 402 86 m120 627 N/A 0 345 65 189 N/A 114 68 131 64 #741 261 14 31 38
N/A – Not Applicable # – 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is the maximum after two cycles. m – Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal ~ – Volume exceeds capacity, queue can be longer. Queue shown is the maximum after two cycles.
For the purpose of this analysis, it is desirable to achieve a level of service (LOS) of “D” or better for each approach to an intersection. The results in the table above show that the following intersections have movements that operate at unacceptable LOS during one or more peak hour under existing conditions:
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Eastbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Clark Street – Westbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
20th Street and Bell Street (PM peak hour);
U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street (AM and PM peak hours);
23rd and Clark Street; and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (AM and PM peak hours).
The following intersections have movements where the peak hour queues (50th or 95th percentile) extend beyond the available storage capacity:
18th Street and Eads Street (Eastbound left and right turns in the AM peak hour);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (Southbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the PM peak hour); and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours).
The two at‐grade intersections along the U.S. Route 1 corridor within the study area, at 20th and 23rd Streets, are large, complex intersections with several conflicting movements. At the 20th Street intersection, the eastbound and westbound 20th Street approaches are offset, which effectively creates two intersections at U.S. Route 1. Additionally, Clark Street is located directly east of U.S. Route 1, resulting in two additional closely spaced intersections with 20th Street. All four of these intersections are operated as a “cluster” with all movements at these four intersections sharing one signal controller. In order to provide green time for each of the conflicting movements from U.S. Route 1, 20th Street and Clark Street, some efficiency of the signal is lost. The signal is also timed to give priority to the northbound and southbound through movements along U.S. Route 1, resulting in less time for the side‐street and mainline turning movements. A similar situation occurs at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street, though to a lesser extent since the 23rd Street approaches are not offset. A single signal controller operates both the U.S. Route 1/23rd Street intersection as well as the 23rd Street/Clark Street intersection. As shown in the table above, the majority of the movements with unacceptable LOS occur at one of the intersections noted above. However, the intersection of Crystal Drive and 23rd Street also has movements operating at unacceptable levels of service. Crystal Drive is currently one‐way northbound south of 23rd Street, and the high volume of northbound left turning vehicles, particularly during the PM peak, results in unacceptable levels of service at this movement. During the PM peak hour, the delay is particularly long; therefore the overall LOS of the intersection is also found to be unacceptable.
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 8: Existing (2011) Levels of Service September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Future without Development Traffic Volumes The proposed 1900 Crystal Drive redevelopment is anticipated to be complete in 2015. Future traffic volumes were projected by increasing the existing traffic volumes to the build‐out year using an inherent growth rate based on historical traffic growth as well as previous studies in the area. According to historical data provided by VDOT, there has been little or no growth along streets within the study areas in recent years. However, to be conservative and consistent with other studies performed in the area, a 0.5% growth per year compounded for 4 years (2.02%) was applied to the existing volumes along U.S. Route 1 to account for a regional increase in background traffic. In addition to the regional inherent growth, several approved background developments in the vicinity of the site were taken into consideration. As discussed at the scoping meeting, the following background developments and traffic studies were included in the analysis:
Pentagon Center (Bldg C & D): Pentagon Center is located west of Fern Street, south of 12th Street, east of Hayes Street and north of 15th Street in Pentagon City. Phase I of the development is anticipated to be built by 2012. The site includes 105,000 square feet office, 89,000 square feet of retail and 242 multifamily residential dwelling units. The site trips are estimated from the Traffic Impact Study Report prepared by Wells & Associates dated January 28, 2008.
Metropolitan Park III: Three Metropolitan Park is located south of 12th Street, west of Elm Street and east of Fern Street. It is anticipated to be built by 2015 and will contain 411 dwelling units of high rise apartments and 16,345 square feet of retail space. The site trips are estimated from the Traffic Impact Study Report prepared by Wells & Associates dated May 23, 2008.
Monument View: This site is bound on the north by Old Jefferson Davis Highway, on the east by 6th Street, on the west by 10th Street, and on the south by Ball Street. The site consists of 443,299 square feet of office use. The traffic impact study dated January 18, 2011 for this development prepared by Gorove/Slade Associates has been used to estimate the site trips within the study area.
Potomac Yards (Arlington): The northern portion of Potomac Yards, located in Arlington County will consist of 691 multifamily dwelling units, 625 hotel rooms, 74,000 square feet of specialty retail and 1,064,298 square feet of office. The development is located north of Glebe Road and south of Potomac Avenue. For purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that approximately 25% of this development will be built by 2015.
Potomac Yards (Alexandria): The southern portion of the Potomac Yards development is located in the City of Alexandria south of Glebe Street, east of U.S. Route 1 and north of Slaters Lane. The site will include 5,750 multifamily dwelling units, 1,475,000 square feet of office, a 300 room hotel, 170,000 square feet of shopping center, 670,000 square feet of specialty retail, 70,000 square feet of grocery, and 90,000 square feet of theater space. The project is planned to be built by 2030. The development plan and trips are collected from Potomac Yard Multimodal Transportation Study prepared by Kimley‐Horn and Associates, Inc. dated June 2010. The study did not include AM peak hour trips so these trips were determined using ITE and the PM peak hour trips available. For purposes of this analysis, approximately 25% of the development is anticipated to be built by 2015.
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
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Long Bridge Park: This site includes a 72,120 square foot community center and a two‐field soccer complex. Assumptions from the traffic impact study dated January 18, 2011 for the Monument View development prepared by Gorove/Slade Associates were used to estimate the site trips within the study area.
Figures showing the trips forecasted to travel through the study area are included in the Technical Appendix. The inherent background growth of 0.5% per year and traffic generated by the nearby approved developments was added to the existing volumes in order to establish the future (2015) conditions without development traffic volumes as shown in Figure 9.
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
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Figure 9: Future without Development (2015) Traffic Volumes September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Planned Improvements The Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study was prepared as a supporting document to the Crystal City Sector Plan that was approved by the County Board in September 2010. The Multimodal Study (dated February 2010) identifies five phases of transportation improvements for Crystal City from 2011 through 2050. Generally, these improvements include removal of one‐way roads, widening roadways to include bike lanes and sidewalks, a new transit‐way, improvement of existing transit facilities and other improvements. Certain improvements are recommended to occur prior to the first phase of transportation improvements and the Phase 1 transportation improvements are to occur from 2011 to 2015. The improvements listed below are located within or may affect intersections within the 1900 Crystal Drive study area. As discussed in the scoping meeting with representatives from VDOT and Arlington County, the extension of 12th Street is likely to be constructed by 2015; however, the timing and funding of other improvements within the study area are not known at this time. Therefore, the other improvements listed below were not included in the analysis for future conditions (2015) with or without development. Transit Prior to Redevelopment Passenger enhancement: Install additional passenger amenities in the vicinity of the intersection of Clark/Bell Street and 18th Street. Transitway: complete the environmental planning and design of the alignment and necessary facilities for the transitway from Potomac Yard through Crystal City to Pentagon City and/or the Pentagon, with dedicated transit lanes for streetcar technology. Phase I Improvements (2011 to 2015) Transitway: construct the recommended streetcar transitway alignment from Potomac Yard through Crystal City to Pentagon City and/or the Pentagon with dedicated transit lanes for streetcar technology. As a probable initial alignment of the recommended streetcar transitway, the eastbound leg of the couplet may run along 18th Street. On‐street transit facility on 18th Street: provide curb bus bays on 18th Street between U.S. Route 1 and Crystal Drive either east or west of Clark/Bell Street Metrorail station covered connection: construct covered connection from the linear park along 18th Street to a portal to the Crystal City Underground to provide a sheltered path from Crystal Drive to the Metrorail station. The ability to construct a covered connection does not depend on redevelopment of land at 18th Street and Crystal Drive; however, significant improvements to the capacity of the station would depend upon the ability to redevelop this land parcel. Street Network Prior to Redevelopment Clark/Bell ramps: remove (demolish or block with barriers temporarily) the Clark/Bell Street ramps and Clark Street bridge along the east side of U.S. Route 1 approximately between 18th Street and 12th Street. Crystal Drive: convert from one‐way to two‐way from 23rd Street to 26th Street.
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
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Crystal Drive: support two‐way (and modified) traffic flow by modifying traffic control, laneage, and pavement markings at Crystal Drive/23rd Street. Phase I Improvements (2011 to 2015) 23rd Street: reconstruct between Eads Street and Crystal Drive* 18th Street: reconstruct between Eads Street and Crystal Drive* 12th Street: extend from Fern Street to Eads Street Eads Street: reconstruct between 23rd Street and 15th Street* Clark/Bell Street: reconstruct and convert to two‐way between 12th Street to 18th Street* *See Table 5.1 on page 48‐49 of the Multimodal Study for the detailed recommended street characteristics. Pedestrian and Bicycle Prior to Redevelopment Bicycle lanes: stripe bicycle lanes on Crystal Drive from 23rd Street to 33rd Street Bicycle sharing: install bicycle stations every 4 blocks with approximately 20 bikes per station Bicycle parking: install bike parking shelters periodically throughout Crystal City (the Metrorail Station and two to three other locations) Complete streets: enhance amenities on Clark/Bell Street from 12th Street to 18th Street and from 23rd Street to 27th Street (mid block and intersections) to improve multimodal accommodation. Streetscape: improve streetscape (sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, and general appearance) on 18th Street approaching and under the bridge for U.S. Route 1. Phase I Improvements (2011 to 2015) Bicycle facilities: provide bicycle facilities on the following streets concurrent with street reconstruction: 23rd Street: shared travel/bicycle lanes 18th Street: striped bicycle lanes Eads Street: striped bicycle lanes
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Future without Development Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the intersections contained within the study area during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours, under the future without development conditions. Synchro Version 7.0 was used to analyze the study intersections based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology and includes level of service, delay, and queue length comparisons for the turning movements analyzed. A peak hour factor of 0.92 was assumed for future conditions. The results of the intersection capacity analyses are presented in Table 3, and are expressed in level of service (LOS) and delay (seconds per vehicle) per lane group. The 95% and 50% queue results for each intersection are also presented in Table 3, and are expressed in feet. The capacity analysis results are shown in Figure 10. The detailed analysis worksheets and a description of the different LOS and delay are contained in the Technical Appendix. Table 3: Future without Development (2015) Capacity Analysis Results
# 1 2 3 4
Intersection (Movement) 18th Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 18th Street and Bell Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Approach Northbound Left Northbound Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 18th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 18th Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right
Future Conditions without Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th Length 50 95 50th 95th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue Queue C 20.1 N/A N/A B 19.1 N/A N/A 55 C 27.3 73 107 C 28.1 20 45 C 27.1 109 124 C 27.4 36 54 90 D 39.0 155 213 D 35.8 178 249 130 C 26.1 24 46 C 29.1 56 94 C 24.5 20 30 C 30.2 121 151 C 24.9 27 47 C 29.0 70 111 245 A 8.4 23 50 A 9.3 53 115 A 8.5 51 82 A 6.2 68 122 175 B 10.4 25 67 A 6.2 8 m16 A 9.4 42 81 A 7.5 100 123 B 16.8 N/A N/A B 12.1 N/A N/A B 12.8 84 128 A 8.8 26 47 150 B 12.0 0 37 A 8.6 0 21 B 13.9 25 55 A 8.3 113 150 C 25.7 7 23 C 26.0 14 36 50 C 25.5 0 18 C 25.4 0 10 30.7 66 117 C 34.7 26 60 C C 27.9 0 13 C 32.3 0 16 A 5.1 N/A 6 A 1.8 N/A 2 A 3.2 N/A 2 A 0.2 N/A 0 C 15.3 N/A 1 C 16.8 N/A 34 B 10.6 N/A 1 B 14.6 N/A 23 A 7.9 N/A N/A A 8.1 N/A N/A C 25.0 53 46 C 23.5 81 134 C 21.9 6 5 B 13.3 0 2 D 40.0 0 0 C 24.8 3 15 A 2.9 31 42 A 6.2 79 113 A 4.2 11 42 A 4.2 15 16
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# 5A 5B 6A 6B 7 8 9 10
Intersection (Movement) U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Westbound approach) Overall Intersection Westbound Left Westbound Right Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Eastbound approach) Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Southbound Thru/Right 20th Street (Westbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left/Thru Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 20th Street (Eastbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Southbound Thru Eastbound Right 20th Street and Bell Street Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 20th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 20th Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 23rd Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right
Future Conditions without Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link Length 50th 95th 50th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue C 24.9 N/A N/A B 18.4 N/A A 1.3 0 1 A 5.1 13 A 1.3 1 2 A 3.3 12 B 12.3 ~852 #904 A 6.8 41 F 88.4 111 m150 F 86.6 35 155 F 114.2 ~218 #386 F 81.1 147 C 29.9 434 C 27.6 503 567 A 7.8 N/A N/A A 9.4 N/A E 69.7 139 #232 E 57.7 82 E 56.0 26 107 E 56.2 29 220 D 46.0 55 m50 D 49.5 95 A 4.0 88 m75 A 7.6 156 A 1.5 13 14 A 2.7 30 C 30.2 N/A N/A D 54.7 N/A C 21.1 7 m76 B 13.6 4 D 48.7 39 61 D 50.0 140 C 22.1 61 90 C 22.7 53 E 56.9 59 110 F 136.3 ~194 A 9.9 N/A N/A A 7.7 N/A A 1.2 17 18 A 1.0 11 D 54.1 0 m0 D 54.1 0 A 2.1 N/A 4 A 2.3 N/A A 0.3 N/A 0 A 0.1 N/A C 19.9 N/A 6 D 27.0 N/A C 15.4 N/A 18 C 20.5 N/A B 13.5 N/A 19 C 18.9 N/A A 1.9 N/A 3 A 0.2 N/A A 7.7 N/A 0 A 7.7 N/A B 12.2 N/A 1 C 15.2 N/A A 9.0 N/A 0 B 10.4 N/A A 6.4 N/A N/A A 9.9 N/A 50 C 28.1 35 60 C 31.5 84 C 27.2 30 58 C 22.2 0 C 25.9 0 4 C 22.4 9 C 25.9 0 4 C 23.4 43 50 C 26.0 0 6 C 23.7 29 39 A 2.4 22 A 2.8 23 A 3.1 15 33 A 7.3 17 B 14.2 N/A N/A B 13.6 N/A B 19.8 115 130 B 17.7 53 C 23.2 34 m48 C 20.7 78 C 20.9 70 m90 B 19.8 156 C 21.6 82 m103 B 18.1 73 135 A 7.5 9 33 A 9.5 11 A 8.6 52 110 A 8.3 31 145 B 11.3 32 99 B 12.3 46 A 7.6 25 59 A 10.0 95
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95th Queue N/A m16 m11 68 m54 #263 491 N/A 143 109 m131 m161 33 N/A m7 178 80 #357 N/A 27 m0 2 0 13 9 44 0 0 5 16 N/A 139 25 24 74 65 19 71 N/A 70 m80 m150 m76 40 70 129 180 26
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
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# 11 12 13
Intersection (Movement) U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru/Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 23rd Street and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Thru Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 23rd Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Right
Future Conditions without Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link Length 50th 95th 50th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue E 73.4 N/A N/A D 52.7 N/A E 69.5 162 #372 F 250.6 ~262 E 68.7 278 #566 D 41.5 137 E 56.1 16 48 D 54.9 15 F 157.9 29 #146 F 104.5 ~111 A 0.1 1 0 A 4.0 0 360 F 109.2 134 m#284 F 122.6 ~182 F 128.0 ~802 #894 D 36.4 412 305 A 9.5 13 m16 C 24.4 55 385 D 52.1 281 #384 D 41.2 85 B 13.3 66 86 D 52.9 ~691 C 23.3 N/A N/A D 47.7 N/A A 7.7 0 m24 A 0.9 2 D 44.9 82 113 E 63.7 318 D 54.2 45 86 E 55.1 28 E 59.6 0 161 E 64.2 153 C 34.4 N/A N/A F 126.4 N/A 75 D 46.2 101 170 D 46.2 69 D 45.9 105 151 D 44.9 43 D 45.5 5 15 D 45.3 92 50 D 45.4 0 15 D 43.2 14 E 79.4 161 #301 F 476.4 ~537 B 19.8 211 273 B 19.3 178 400 B 17.2 0 51 B 15.0 0 D 53.0 40 82 E 55.3 10 C 21.2 0 47 C 23.9 0
95th Queue N/A #433 210 71 m#167 m0 #348 477 101 124 #787 N/A 0 #404 66 208 N/A 126 73 133 68 #741 285 14 32 62
N/A – Not Applicable # – 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is the maximum after two cycles. m – Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal * – Delay/queue is too long to calculate. ~ – Volume exceeds capacity, queue can be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.
For the purpose of this analysis, it is desirable to achieve a level of service (LOS) of “D” or better for each approach to an intersection. The results in the table above show that the following intersections have movements that continue to operate at unacceptable LOS under future without development conditions:
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Eastbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Clark Street – Westbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street (AM and PM peak hours);
23rd Street and Clark Street (AM and PM peak hours); and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (AM and PM peak hours).
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
The following intersections have movements where the peak hour queues (50th or 95th percentile) extend beyond the available storage capacity:
18th Street and Eads Street (Eastbound left and right turns in the AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (Southbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the PM peak hour); and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours).
As noted under existing conditions, the two at‐grade intersections along the U.S. Route 1 corridor at 20th and 23rd Streets are large, complex intersections with several conflicting movements. The majority of movements with unacceptable LOS occur at one of these intersections, or at the adjacent closely spaced intersections with Clark Street. Generally, the same intersections and turning movements with unacceptable LOS under existing conditions will continue to experience unacceptable LOS during future conditions without development. A similar result was found for the turning movements where the peak hour queues extend beyond available capacity; however at the intersection with 18th Street and Eads Street, the eastbound left and right turns peak hour queues also extend beyond available capacity during the PM peak hour.
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Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 10: Future Without Development (2015) Levels of Service September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
TRIP GENERATION AND SITE TRAFFIC (2015) The existing building located at 1900 Crystal Drive is proposed to be redeveloped from 430,000 square feet of office usage to 755,054 square feet of office space and 5,000 square feet of retail space. The project build‐out year is 2015.
Site Access Access to the site will continue to be provided at the existing driveways along 18th Street and 20th Street.
Site Generated Volumes The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 8th Edition, was used to determine the future trips generated by the proposed development. Additionally, the Crystal City Multimodal Study includes detailed trip generation, internal capture and mode split information for the area. The calculations shown below are consistent with the data provided in the Multimodal Study. The Multimodal Study considered the percentage of internal trips expected to occur within three zones in Crystal City: the north, central and south land areas. The 1900 Crystal Drive site is located within the central land area. Table 6A shows the internal capture assumptions for Crystal City area. The Multimodal Study also includes mode split projections for both 2007 (existing) and 2030. Since the build‐out for the proposed site is expected to occur in 2015, the existing mode split percentages were assumed. The Multimodal Study notes that the highest rate of transit usage occurs at sites closest to the transit stations. In order to account for the close proximity of the site to transit, and to be consistent with the Multimodal Study, a non‐auto reduction of 39% was assumed for the morning peak hour and a reduction of 50% was assumed for the afternoon peak hour for the office use. A non‐auto reduction of 100% was assumed for the retail use since these trips are expected to be internal trips that will either walk or bike to the site. These assumptions were vetted with VDOT and Arlington County during the scoping process. Table 6B shows the mode split for Crystal City. Table 7 shows the trips generated by the site. Table 6A: Existing Internal Capture Assumptions Land Area North Central South
North 100% (0%) 85% (15%) 10% (90%)
Central 85% (15%) 100% (0%) 85% (15%)
South 10% (90%) 85% (15%) 100% (0%)
Legend: % Walk or Bike (% Local Transit) Table 3.4 from the Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study.
Table 6B: 2007 Mode Split Summary Mode AM % PM % Non‐vehicular 11% 23% Transit 28% 27% Auto 61% 50% Total 100% 100% From Table 3.7 from the Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study
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Table 4: Trip Generation Land Use Existing
Reduction Rate*** AM 39%
AM Peak Hour
Units In
PM Peak Hour
-207 324
General Office Reduction (Transit, Non-vehicular)
ITE Code
General Office Total Existing Total Proposed General Office Reduction (Transit, Non-vehicular)
710 39%
General Office Total Specialty Retail Reduction (Transit, Non-vehicular)
814 100%
Specialty Retail Total
Proposed Total
Net New Trips
* ITE does not provide trip generation data for AM Peak (adjacent street). As per the Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study, 5% of PM Peak traffic was assumed. ** Weekday reductions were calculated based on an average of the AM and PM reduction rate. ***Reduction rates are based on Table 3.7 in the Crystal City Multimodal Study.
The above table shows that the proposed redevelopment will generate approximately 209 new trips in the weekday morning peak hour and approximately 182 new trips in the weekday afternoon peak hour. The development will generate 1,235 average weekday daily trips in an entire day.
Site Trip Distribution The Crystal City Multimodal Study also provides detailed traffic distribution data based on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Regional Travel Demand Model. Table 3.9 of the Multimodal Study shows the traffic distribution for 2007 and 2030 for both the AM and PM peak hours. Since the anticipated build‐out of the 1900 Crystal Drive site is anticipated to be complete in 2015, the 2007 data was used to determine a traffic distribution specific to the 1900 Crystal Drive site as shown in Table 5 and Figure 11 below. The peak hour trips were calculated and assigned to the roadway network based on the traffic distribution shown. The site trips are shown in Figure 11
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Table 5: Traffic Distribution Assumptions Road Direction U.S. Route 1 From North From South Eads Street From North From South Bell Street From North 18th Street From West rd 23 Street From West Crystal Drive From North From South
Approach Assumption 30% 12% 6% 6% 8% 10% 4% 8% 16%
Figure 11: Direction of Approach (Directional Distribution was determined based on Table 3.9 for 2007 Traffic Distribution of the Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study dated February 2010.)
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
11/2 0/0 0/0
Crystal Dr 6/4 Clark St 1/6 2/9 0/0
0/0 0/0 0/0
20 th St
0/0 0/0 0/0
23rd St 7/1 0/0 0/0
0/2 0/0 3/17
0/0 11/2 0/0
70/12 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
9/56 0/0 4/23
Driveway Clark St
20 th St
7/1 70/12 0/0
15/2 0/0 0/0
0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Route 1
18/3 0/0 0/0
Eads St
20th St
18/3 11/2 0/0
2/9 0/0 0/0
Bell St
8 0/0 9/54 0/0
77/14 0/0
9/54 0/0 3/18
Route 1
Service Rd
Jefferson Davis Hw y
0/0 0/0 0/0
0/0 22/4
20th St
0/0 0/0 0/0
9/51 2/12
Crystal Dr
20th St
0/0 1/8 0/0
20th St
0/0 22/4 0/0
18th St 2/15 0/0 1/8
0/0 0/0 70/12
Bell St 8/45
18th St
48/9 0/0
0/0 0/0 0/0
S Bell St
S Clark St
0/0 55/10
Eads St
18th St
18th St
0/0 0/0 26/4
0/0 18/4 0/0
7/47 2/9
18th St
0/0 0/0 18/3
es o Lin Metr
3/17 2/15 2/15
0/0 6/1
rnon Mt Ve il a Tr
0/0 0/0 15/2
0/0 0/0 11/2
Crystal Dr
S Bell St
S Eads
- AM/PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes - Metro Line
- Intersection Number
Figure 12: Site Generated Trips (2015) September 15, 2011
23rd St
0/0 29/5 0/0
0/0 0/0
0/0 0/0 Clark St
- Metro Portal
Route 1
- Existing Road
23rd St 0/0 0/0
0/0 0/0 0/0
0/0 22/4 0/0
2/12 2/12
Crystal Dr
23rd St
0/0 0/0 0/0
0/0 2/12 0/0
4/24 0/0 0/0
23rd St
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Future with Development Traffic Volumes In order to determine the traffic volumes on the roadways in the vicinity of the site for future conditions with development (2015), the site generated traffic volumes were added to the future without development traffic volumes. The traffic volumes for the total future scenario are shown in Figure 13.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Figure 13: Future with Development Traffic Volumes (2015) September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Future with Development Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the intersections contained within the study area during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours, under the future with development conditions. Synchro Version 7.0 was used to analyze the study intersections based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology and includes level of service, delay, and queue length comparisons for the turning movements analyzed. The results of the intersection capacity analyses are presented in Table 6, and are expressed in level of service (LOS) and delay (seconds per vehicle) per lane group. The 95% and 50% queue results for each intersection are also presented in Table 6, and are expressed in feet. The results of the intersection capacity analyses are shown in Figure 14. The detailed analysis worksheets and a description of the different LOS and delay are contained in the Technical Appendix. Table 6: Future with Development (2015) Capacity Analysis Results
# 1 2 3 4
Intersection (Movement) 18th Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 18th Street and Bell Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Approach Northbound Left Northbound Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 18th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 18th Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right
Bay /Link Length (feet) 55 90 130 245 175 150 50
Future with Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak 50th 95th 50th 95th LOS Delay LOS Delay Queue Queue Queue Queue B 20.0 N/A N/A B 19.4 N/A N/A C 27.1 73 106 C 28.2 20 45 C 27.1 115 129 C 27.4 36 55 D 38.4 155 210 D 35.8 178 249 26 49 C 29.6 64 106 C 26.1 C 24.3 20 31 C 30.3 125 155 C 24.8 28 48 C 29.4 81 126 A 8.5 23 50 A 9.3 53 115 A 8.6 54 86 A 6.3 68 123 B 11.0 29 77 A 6.2 9 m17 A 9.5 42 82 A 7.6 100 124 B 17.2 N/A N/A B 12.3 N/A N/A B 13.3 97 144 A 8.9 28 49 B 12.2 0 37 A 8.6 0 21 B 14.0 27 58 A 9.0 132 171 14 36 C 25.7 7 23 C 26.0 C 25.5 0 20 C 25.4 0 11 C 30.9 73 128 C 34.8 27 63 C 27.6 0 13 C 32.2 0 16 A 4.0 N/A 6 A 1.7 N/A 2 A 4.8 N/A 4 A 0.4 N/A 0 C 16.2 N/A 4 C 23.3 N/A 78 B 10.8 N/A 1 C 15.7 N/A 25 A 8.9 N/A N/A A 8.5 N/A N/A C 23.8 56 28 C 24.4 88 144 C 31.9 18 8 B 12.4 0 2 D 40.0 0 0 C 24.6 3 15 A 2.9 32 42 A 6.5 80 114 A 4.3 12 42 A 4.3 16 16
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Future with Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th Length 50 95 50th 95th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue Queue C 33.7 N/A N/A B 19.1 N/A N/A A 1.2 0 1 A 4.7 12 m15 A 1.2 1 2 A 3.8 25 m25 B 15.4 ~809 #903 A 7.9 40 #78 F 91.1 135 m178 F 86.6 39 m58 155 F 204.0 ~331 #515 E 79.7 156 #276 C 28.2 503 567 C 30.6 434 491
# Intersection (Movement) 5A U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street (Westbound approach) Overall Intersection Westbound Left Westbound Right Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Westbound Left Westbound Right Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left 155 Southbound Thru 5B U.S. Route 1 (north) and 20th Street (Eastbound approach) Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Right Northbound Left 220 Northbound Thru Southbound Thru/Right Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Eastbound Left Eastbound Right Northbound Left 220 Northbound Thru Southbound Thru/Right 6A 20th Street (Westbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left/Thru Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left/Thru Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 6B 20th Street (Eastbound approach) and Clark Street Overall Intersection Southbound Thru Eastbound Right Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Southbound Thru Eastbound Right
1.2 1.2 43.7 93.0 102.3 28.9
6.9 66.4 55.4 42.1 2.7 1.4
0 1 1 2 ~883 #973 135 m164 ~271 #454 516 582 N/A N/A 139 #232 26 107 55 m50 87 m66 12 13
4.7 4.9 7.9 89.6 79.7 33.3 10.0 57.7 56.2 46.6 9.4 2.5
12 25 639 39 156 451 N/A 82 28 94 145 28
m15 m25 #720 m58 #276 510 N/A 143 108 m128 m196 31
66.4 54.7 39.6 9.5 1.4
33.6 29.1 49.1 22.5 56.2
138 218 11 89 55 m50 ~144 m113 12 13 N/A N/A 119 m97 43 65 61 90 59 110
57.7 55.1 51.3 8.5 2.6 54.1 12.4 50.5 23.8 136.3
82 5 95 158 28 N/A 3 164 54 ~194
143 80 m128 m165 31 N/A m7 205 81 #357
18.4 49.0 25.6 56.2
4 43 65 59
9.8 1.2 53.4
N/A 14 0
m74 65 96 109 N/A m17 m0
12.4 50.5 23.8 136.3 7.5 1.0 54.1
3 164 54 ~194 N/A 11 0
m7 205 81 #357 N/A 26 m0
1.1 53.5
15 0
m17 m0
1.0 54.1
11 0
26 m0
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
# 7 8 9 10 11
Intersection (Movement) 20th Street and Bell Street Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru Southbound Right 20th Street and Driveway Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right th 20 Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left/Thru/Right Southbound Left/Thru/Right 23rd Street and Eads Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left/Thru/Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru/Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru/Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Eastbound Right Westbound Left Westbound Thru/Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right
Future with Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th Length 50 95 50th 95th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue Queue A 2.0 N/A 4 A 2.2 N/A 3 A 0.3 N/A 0 A 0.1 N/A 0 C 23.1 N/A 7 D 32.8 N/A 16 C 17.4 N/A 21 C 22.7 N/A 10 B 13.7 N/A 20 C 21.5 N/A 55 A 3.6 N/A 8 A 0.7 N/A 1 A 7.6 N/A 0 A 7.7 N/A 0 B 14.0 N/A 1 C 20.9 N/A 8 B 11.3 N/A 2 B 13.2 N/A 37 A 6.4 N/A N/A B 10.1 N/A N/A 50 C 28.1 35 60 C 31.7 84 141 C 27.2 30 58 C 22.3 0 28 C 25.9 0 4 C 22.4 9 24 43 74 C 25.9 0 4 C 22.8 50 C 25.9 0 6 C 23.5 29 65 A 3.0 25 43 A 2.5 23 21 A 2.6 15 25 A 7.4 18 72 B 14.2 N/A N/A B 13.4 N/A N/A B 19.9 116 132 B 17.7 54 71 C 23.2 34 m48 C 20.2 65 m86 C 20.9 70 m90 B 19.3 133 m150 61 m65 C 21.5 82 m103 B 17.1 135 A 7.6 9 33 A 9.6 11 41 A 8.7 54 113 A 8.3 32 71 145 B 11.6 32 100 B 12.3 46 129 A 7.7 26 59 B 10.0 97 184 E 76.0 N/A N/A E 55.3 N/A N/A E 69.0 162 #371 F 250.6 ~262 #432 E 68.3 278 #563 D 41.4 137 209 E 55.9 17 48 E 55.8 14 68 F 175.6 ~31 #153 F 127.7 ~137 m#281 A 0.1 1 0 A 4.3 0 m0 360 F 109.2 134 m#284 F 147.6 ~198 #362 F 134.1 ~818 #910 D 37.7 418 483 305 A 9.5 13 m16 C 25.1 55 101 86 122 385 D 51.8 282 #383 D 40.7 B 12.9 65 82 D 53.5 ~695 #791
360 305 385
59.6 58.3 53.6 173.2 0.1 79.3 140.4 10.6 51.1 13.4
160 #359 F 274 #543 D 17 45 D ~32 m#149 F 1 0 A 130 m#266 F ~824 #920 D 14 m18 C 281 #382 D 57 78 D
232.1 41.0 43.5 106.2 3.4 111.4 35.7 22.9 35.9 54.4
~242 143 22 ~118 0 179 411 54 75 ~703
#389 207 48 m#171 m0 #343 471 91 108 #773
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
# Intersection (Movement) 12 23rd Street and Clark Street Overall Intersection Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Thru Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right Overall Intersection – Timing and offset change in AM and PM Eastbound Thru/Right Westbound Thru Southbound Left Southbound Thru/Right 13 23rd Street and Crystal Drive Overall Intersection Eastbound Left Eastbound Thru Westbound Thru Westbound Right Northbound Left Northbound Thru Northbound Right Southbound Left Southbound Right Notes:
Future with Development (2015) AM Peak PM Peak Bay /Link th th Length 50 95 50th 95th LOS Delay LOS Delay (feet) Queue Queue Queue Queue C 23.2 N/A N/A D 50.3 N/A N/A A 7.7 0 m25 A 0.9 2 0 D 44.9 83 115 E 69.4 331 #426 D 53.1 43 86 D 52.4 27 65 E 58.3 0 163 E 59.5 152 206
75 50 400
7.5 43.3 53.7 59.4 34.2 46.2 45.9 45.5 45.4 79.4 20.1 17.2 53.0 21.2
0 82 44 118 N/A 101 105 5 0 161 224 0 40 0
m20 113 87 162 N/A 170 151 15 15 #301 287 51 82 48
0.5 64.2 52.1 64.0 125.0 46.2 44.9 45.3 43.2 476.4 19.4 15.0 55.3 24.2
2 328 28 160 N/A 69 43 92 14 ~537 180 0 10 0
0 #417 66 215 N/A 126 73 133 68 #741 288 14 32 63
N/A – Not Applicable # – 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is the maximum after two cycles. m – Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal ~ – Volume exceeds capacity, queue can be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.
As previously mentioned, it is desirable to achieve a level of service (LOS) of “D” or better for each approach. However, as shown in the analysis for existing and future without development conditions, certain intersections within the study area have movements that operate at unacceptable LOS. In order to improve the levels of service and delay at the study intersections experiencing unacceptable results, mitigation measures were identified. The mitigation measures listed below are intended to improve the operation of these intersections without additional pavement since there is limited space available for widening, and because additional pavement would detrimentally impact pedestrians. The following mitigation measures were identified in the analysis above:
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/20th Street and 20th Street/Clark Street
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/23rd Street and 23rd Street/Clark Street
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
It should be noted that adjustments to the signal timings at these intersections will need to be coordinated with VDOT and Arlington County.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
With the mitigation measures noted above and with the proposed 1900 Crystal Drive redevelopment, the following intersections continue to have turning movements that operate at unacceptable LOS:
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Eastbound approach (AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Clark Street (AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street (AM and PM peak hours);
23rd Street and Clark Street (AM and PM peak hours); and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (AM and PM peak hours).
The following intersections have movements where the peak hour queues (50th or 95th percentile) extend beyond the available storage capacity:
18th Street and Eads Street (Eastbound left turns and right turns in the AM and PM peak hours);
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach (Southbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours);
20th Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the PM peak hour); and
23rd Street and Crystal Drive (Eastbound left turns in the AM and PM peak hours).
Although there are still intersections with movements that operate at unacceptable LOS, the mitigation measures identified above result in LOS and delay that is consistent with or improved compared to the future without development conditions. Specifically, the following improvements were noted:
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Westbound approach
In the AM peak hour, the southbound left turn delay improved from 204 seconds without mitigation to 102 seconds of delay with mitigation, which is similar to the delay found in the background condition;
In the PM peak hour, the southbound left turn level of service improved from LOS F under the background condition to LOS E with the proposed development and mitigation measures;
U.S. Route 1 and 20th Street – Eastbound approach
In the AM peak hour, the eastbound right turn level of service improved from LOS E under the background condition to LOS D with the proposed development and mitigation measures;
U.S. Route 1 and 23rd Street
In the AM peak hour, the eastbound right turn level of service improved from LOS E under the background condition to LOS D with the proposed development and mitigation measures;
In the AM peak hour, the northbound left turn level of service improved from LOS F under the background condition to LOS E with the proposed development and mitigation measures;
23rd Street and Clark Street
In the AM peak hour, the southbound left turn level of service improved from LOS E under the background condition to LOS D with the proposed development and mitigation measures.
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Bell St A/A
Crystal Dr
18th St
18th St
Route 1
Bell St
7 B/C C/C
Jefferson Davis Hw
Service Rd
Route 1
20th St
Clark St
Clark St
20th St
20th St
S Bell St
C/C 20 th St
23rd St
Eads St
A/A 20 th St
20th St
Crystal Dr
S Clark St
A/A 18th St
18th St
18th St
Eads St
ines t ro L
n erno Mt V il a r T
Crystal Dr
S Bell St
S Eads
23rd St
- Stop Sign Travel Lane
Figure 14: Future with Development Levels of Service (2015) September 15, 2011
- Metro Line
- Intersection Number
D/D D/D Clark St
- AM/PM Peak Hour LOS (by Overall Intersection)
- Metro Portal
- Signal
- AM/PM Peak Hour LOS (by Lane Group)
Route 1
- Existing Road
D/D 23rd St
Crystal Dr
23rd St
23rd St
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
CONCLUSIONS For the purpose of this analysis, it is desirable to achieve an acceptable level of service (LOS) D or better for each approach to an intersection. Based on this goal, the analysis presented in this report supports the following major conclusions:
The project site is located near several regional highways. Regional access to the site is provided via U.S. Route 1 from the north and south, I‐395 and VA‐110 from the north, VA‐27 to the west, and I‐295 to the east.
The proposed site is located just south of the Crystal City Metro Station which serves the Blue and Yellow lines, within 900 feet of the Crystal City VRE station serving the Manassas and Fredericksburg lines, and several Metrobus and other bus lines with stops in the vicinity of the site.
The roadways within the study area all have sidewalks and there are crosswalks at the intersections and signalized and unsignalized midblock crosswalks within the study area. There are several bike routes, trails, and bikeshare stations located near the site.
The Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study was prepared as a supporting document to the Crystal City Sector Plan that was approved by the County Board in September 2010. The Multimodal Study (dated February 2010) identifies five phases of transportation improvements for Crystal City from 2011 through 2050. Generally, these improvements include removal of one‐way roads, widening roadways to include bike lanes and sidewalks, a new transit‐way, improvement of existing transit facilities and other improvements.
As discussed in the scoping meeting with representatives from VDOT and Arlington County, the extension of 12th Street is likely to be constructed by 2015; however, the timing and funding of other improvements within the study area are not known at this time. Therefore, the other improvements listed above were not included in the analysis for future conditions (2015) with or without development.
The Crystal City Multimodal Study also includes detailed trip generation, internal capture and mode split information for the area, as well as detailed traffic distribution information.
Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the study intersections for existing conditions. The two at‐grade intersections along the U.S. Route 1 corridor within the study area, at 20th and 23rd Streets, are large, complex intersections with several conflicting movements. The majority of the movements that experience unacceptable levels of service and delay under existing conditions occur at these intersections or at the adjacent closely spaced intersections with Clark Street. The intersection of Crystal Drive and 23rd Street also has movements operating at unacceptable levels of service.
Intersection capacity analyses performed for future conditions (2015) without the proposed development found that movements with unacceptable levels of service and delay occur at the generally the same locations as existing conditions.
Based on information provided in the Multimodal Study, the site is expected to generate approximately 209 new trips in the weekday morning peak hour and approximately 182 new trips in the weekday afternoon peak hour.
Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the study intersections for the future conditions with development (2015). Mitigation measures were identified for the intersections listed below to improve the delays and Level of Service (LOS) to similar or better results than the future without development conditions for most turning movements:
September 15, 2011
Traffic Impact Study – 1900 Crystal Drive
Gorove/Slade Associates
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/20th Street and 20th Street/Clark Street
Intersection(s) of U.S. Route 1/23rd Street and 23rd Street/Clark Street
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
Adjust signal timing and offset in AM and PM peak hour
A Transportation Management Plan (TMP) will be required for the project based on the County’s requirements. The framework for a TMP will be included under separate cover.
September 15, 2011