2 Southam Road Particulars

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TO LET 2 Southam Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6NL

Rent £9,000 per annum inclusive. • First Floor Office Space • B1 Office Use • NIA: 127.46 Sq m (1,372 Sq ft) VIEWING: By appointment with George and Company Surveyors on 01788 554455. Regulated by RICS 62 Regent Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2PS Tel: 01788 554455 Fax: 01788 541187 Email: [email protected] Website: www.georgeandcompany.co.uk George and Company (Surveyors) Limited. Registered in England No. 7132697


Energy Performance Certificate

The property is located on the Southam Road to the west of Dunchurch Village Centre. Dunchurch is a popular village with a good range of local shops and amenities, which lies on the southern outskirts of Rugby.

An EPC report has been requested and will be available from George and Company upon completion. Tenure The property is available by way of a new lease on terms to be agreed at a commencing rent of £9,000 per annum.

Description The property comprises an inner terrace of traditional construction with accommodation on the first floor. The offices are self-contained and are accessed by a door adjacent to the Newsagents. The offices provide cellular accommodation and are decorated to a reasonable standard.

Legal Costs Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs. VAT VAT is not applicable.

Accommodation Viewing The accommodation briefly comprises:Reception: Office 1 Office 2 Office 3 Store 1 Store 2 Kitchen WC

10.62 Sq m 83.20 Sq m 10.07 Sq m 21.60 Sq m 03.90 Sq m 07.71 Sq m 05.50 Sq m

(114 Sq ft) (896 Sq ft) (108 Sq ft) (233 Sq ft) (42 Sq ft) (83 Sq ft) (59 Sq ft)


Strictly and only by prior arrangement through the sole agents: George and Company 62 Regent Street Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2PS Tel: 01788 554455 Fax: 01788 541187 Email: [email protected]

We understand that all mains services are connected to the premises. George and Company have not tested any of the available services and interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries as to their condition.

Business Rates We are verbally advised by Rugby Borough Council that the rateable value in the 2010 Rating List is £5,900 and the rates payable from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 are £2,932.30. Planning We understand that the property has consent under the uses classes act for B1 Office use. These particulars whilst believed to be accurate are set out as a general outline only for guidance and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements of representation of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy. No person in this firms employment has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty in respect of the property.

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