Accell Product Sheet

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Accell – The Healthy Energy Alternative ™

Ideal for anyone in need of a daily, all-natural energy boost—without the use of stimulants or sugar!

> Naturally boosts energy without relying on caffeine, sugar, or synthetic ingredients > Accelerates metabolism so that you maintain a healthy weight


> Improves cognitive functioninG so that you don’t feel as stressed

What makes accell better than any other energy supplement out there?

In one convenient, singleserving pouch, Accell sustains energy and metabolism, while reducing stress, using only all-natural ingredients—unlike diet soda, energy drinks, coffee, tea and other sugary, artificially flavored options!

Having Accell packets on hand helped me through those hard and long days at work. I am grateful for the Zrii Nation and their products for encouraging me and being part of my transformation to be the best I can be. Not to mention being a motivator for others, as they saw my progress and know that I am a “REAL” person and that they too can have a healthier lifestyle. There’s no going back to “old habits” for me, I LOVE the New and Improved Me. > Valerie C.,


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1206005 ©2012 Zrii, LLC. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.

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