. Trimthegordening budg*bygrowing from diredions, lronsplonl corefully exresseedlings lo s e ed. 0 l d -fo sh ioned onnuols lik ec ole n d u l oonolher , spol ondwqler inwell. slocks, Dianthus, lovolero, snopdrogons, plonted sweel r (orrols inroldsoildon't dowellond peos, lurkspur ondcosmos offermoximum nec moynolformrools- loleAprilisusuolly okoy turondpollen forbenefkiol insects. Perenniolsonlhe(oosl.Ensure nofreshmonure orcomposl oresolisfying tocuhivqte ondeconomicol: lry wosodded lofterorrolbedleslrools berome misGntuureo, Delphinium, Echinarco, khinops, shopen, forked prep orhoiry. lf soiliscold, lhe Eryngium, Lobeliu, Penstemon Salviu, Verbens rorrolbedbydigging incomplele orgonir ferlilqndlovender. bonorlensis izer;oddsondif necesory. Goforfinesoiltilth, . ldeolforedging (urrolseeds orconloiners ondoftroclive lo removing rorks, debris. oresmoll ond polIinoto rsoreSchiza - plontwhen nthus,olyssum, Ageratum, finicky you'reunhurried, oruseo flsrkia,Godetiu. Diiloforevening-scented stocks seed-spocer. [overwifi 0.5cm(%in.)offinesoil (Mutthiolo (Iip:ploce bkornisl. Sow lhese sporingly inlittle ondpresdown well. o boord onthe polswhenweolher worms; when5 lo 7.5cm(2 rowondlightlypresorsleponil.)Keep lheoreo lo 3 in.)loll,luckclumps intocorners ofshowily moisl wilhfrequenl finesprinkling untilgerminoplonled youlingeron fionisnoled. conloiners siluoled where 0rlry sowing seed, evenly spoced, summer evenings. Unremorkoble inthedoylime, in4-inch pols, lhenlronsplonling fie enlire clump theyle heovenly xenled ofler dork. intoopre-dug holewhen lhesoilhoswormed. rAsweolher ondsoilworm slightly Morrh through .510r1 l0m0l0es eorlyAprilindoors orino cool loJune(depending plonlmizuno, greenhouse. onyouroreo), germinolion. Boltom heol hoslens gionl bokrhoi, tolsoi, redmuslord, olher Asion Tomuloes needgoodvenlilofion ondmoderole greens, orugulo, moche, kole. Storl lelture ino heol;consider shode dofiforfte greenhouse for coolgreenhouse orroldfrome. According lo lrish wormer monlhs. youseed folklore, your . (hoose cobboge whileweoring ocloudy doyoreorlymorning fortonsnightrlothes onSt.Polrick's Doylhrives. Follow plonfing. lf itt suddenly sunny, shode seedlings wifibroccoli, broccoli roob(ropini), endive, leeks, wilhupside-down boskels, newspoper lentsoro peos, more lelluce, potoloes, scollions, rodishes,beoch umbrello forthefirstdoy. . Ruleofthumb spinoch ond lurnips. forplontheight relolive lo lhe . lf youhove qheoled (6fl.)bed greenhouse, sowlomoloes size ofgorden u 1.8mwide beds: (inthemiddle midMorrh onlhe(oosl. plonls looks best when lhelollesl . Plont youusemosl loods ofherbs - ponley, orlowords thebork,depending onfte siluolion) chives, oregono, soge ondrosemory. ore0.9m(3ft.)toll. o Increose woody herbslockbylokingcullings . Ferlilize redor ondolher hedges inApril bul - lovender, loteMorch inwormer zones thyme goeosy. growlh More foodequols fosler ond ondrosemory rooleosily. grifly,fosl-droiningfrequent Use pruning. soilmix:lry2porlsslerilized poiling soiltoI port . Red lelluce ishot!Try'Red Bullersworlh', eoch coorse 'Merloti'Lollo sond ondperlile, borely moislened. 'Revelolion','(ordinolef Rosuf Plont perrleon 'Redino' sixtoeighl/.5-rm(3-in.) rullings Tuck ondmore! themintoplonfers ond plosfic pot.(orefully 4-inch remove ollbutufew inchorteuse/yellowflower borders foredible orl. lopleoves ondburylhecullings hulfwoy, lomping torlender, grow qukkly, aispleoves, lelluce musl (overwithoplostic thesoillightly. bogondsecure sowoler wellondfeed regulorly. wilhelonic. Ploce inoshehered lorotion; boilom o Snip peos orpinch sweel when lhey're l0 lo heol speeds rooling. plonts 12.5cm(4to5 in.)tollformulti-stemmed . InlhefourlhweekofAnrilslorlofewzucchini wilhoodles offrogrqnl blooms. (WoilunillMoylosow'Lemon - tl lypes. seeds Shoron Hsnnu pumpkins.) Gem', other rukes, squosh, . Thesoilneeds FORMOREON WI-IATTO DO IN THEGARDEN towurm- usuolly loleAprilNOW,qoio wwwcordenwiseon/ .$ forbeels ondchord. Spore theseed 5 cm(2in.) porkoge/cotologue oporl. Thinning lip:following
WHar BETTER EXPREsSEs THEJoy of springihono conroinerspilling overwitho vibrontmixof flowers? Thepond-side potterned gronite contoinerin eorthtonesmokeso fittingcontrosito thegoietyof the blooms. Thisdesign wouldworkiustoswellplocedotonenhonce or nestled intoo rockgorden Perenniol (rockcress) ArqbisPinkSequinsrM covers thebosewith itswooly,gre, evergreen leoves, whileitspinkflowerstendto troil. Hordytozone3, itfinishes blooming inspringondistheonlyplontin thisconloiner thotrequires deodheoding. Topping theorrongemenr orepurpleErysimum lVinterJoy'(zone6) ondPrimulo ChicrM in Pink(zone3),bothof whichwillbloomspringintosummer. Finish offwitho few Violo'Etoin'(zone4); itslemon-yellow flowerswifho lovender morginoddo brightnotethotcorries righton intofqll. Sitein portiolsun,woterregulorly ondenioytheever-chonging tronsition of colourocrossthreeseqsons. - CindyWu