INCA Nutrition Procedures CACFP-Building for the Future – 6/11
INCA Head Start Nutrition Procedures: Building For the Future Policy: Family Advocates and Nutrition Manager shall work together to ensure, the Building for the Future fact sheet will be distributed annually to all parents of participating children in their facilities. Purpose/ Rationale: §1304.23 Child nutrition. (b)(1)(i) All Early Head Start and Head Start grantee and delegate agencies must use funds from USDA Food and Consumer Services Child Nutrition Programs as the primary source of payment for meal services. Early Head Start and Head Start funds may be used to cover those allowable costs not covered by the USDA.
Public Law 106-224, the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000, requires all sponsoring organizations and day care centers to reproduce the Building for the Future fact sheet and distribute. CACFP:
Contact Information: If you have questions about CACFP (child and adult care food program), please contact one of the following: State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs 2500 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4599 (405) 521-3327 Sponsoring Organization/Center…INCA Community Services, Inc. PO Box 68 Tishomingo, Okla. 73460 (580) 371-2352 The State Agency has translations of the letter and the fact sheet in the following languages: *Spanish *Russian *French *Khmer *Thai *Portuguese *Japanese *Laotian *Chinese *Vietnamese *Hmong *Haitian Creole Procedures:
INCA Head Start contracts with CACFP (child and adult care food program) for the children’s meals. Building for the Future fact sheet must be given annually to each family. As new children are enrolled, they must be given a copy of the Building for the Future fact sheet.
Family Advocates and Nutrition Manager will work together to distribute fact sheet. Nutrition Manager will provide Family Advocates with fact sheet. Family Advocates will provide a fact sheet to families upon enrollment and annually.
* Source: CACFP Training Manual – INCA – H/S Performance Standard 1304.23 (b) (1) (i)