The Burleson County Cowboy Church in Caldwell, Texas, is a church plant which sits one block away from its parent church, First Baptist Church of Caldwell. The cowboy church has grown exponentially since its start, outgrowing its parent church within 18 months. In spite of this church plant’s proximity to FBC Caldwell, it is making connections with people who were not being reached before. We, as Christians, have been called to share the Gospel with everyone in order to make it more available, and sometimes that means we must change the way we do ministry. Pastor Harvey Abke called his congregation “a cowboy church in a cowboy town,” and through it, more people in Caldwell are being shown God’s love. Burleson County Cowboy Church is just one of 403 diverse church plants that have been started in Texas in the last five years through Texas Baptists Church Starting. The program trains and encourages churches and individuals as they go through the process of church planting in Texas. Through this ministry, 20,280 people have come to know Christ. Texas Baptists Church Starting would not be possible without our church giving to the Cooperative Program. Let’s pray for the church planters across Texas and those who are equipping them with the skills to reach people groups all throughout our great state.