CAIR Builders wrestling attendance

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Commitment . . . . . . Accountability. . . . . . Integrity. . . . . . Responsibility

C.A.I.R. BUILDER “Good men prefer to be accountable.” Michael Edwardes An important part of being on a team is knowing that all team members are contributing their fair share to the greater good of the team. Accountability is doing what you said you were going to do by becoming a part of a team. By joining a team, you have pledged to all those around you that you would be a “full - timer” meaning that you will be at all scheduled practices, meets, and team functions. The CAIR builder system is a way to make sure all wrestlers are being responsible citizens, pulling their weight, and not “riding the wagon.” Expectations  Wrestlers are expected to be good people, good students, and then good wrestlers.  All wrestlers are expected to be at ALL practices unless serious extenuating circumstances exist.  If it is an ABSOLUTE must that a wrestler miss practice, they must clear it with the head coach before the practice date or dates.  The coaching staff will decide if an absence is excused or unexcused  Wrestlers who are not pulling their weight in the classroom either with their behavior or grades will be held accountable  Being a part of the team means representing yourself, your family, your team and your school. Any act that poorly represents any of these things by violating team rules or expectations will cause the wrestler to be held accountable for their actions. Accountability  Accountability will come in the form of extra work or duties as deemed reasonable by the coaching staff.  CAIR builder workouts, live wrestling, mopping and spraying mats and other work duties that are deemed fitting by the coaching staff may be assigned to wrestlers who are not acting like “Champions” or who need to make up lost mat time for absences. CAIR Builders  An excused absence will result in 1 CAIR builder to make up for missed practice time. This is an absence that is excused because the reason (faith, family, and academics) takes priority over wrestling and could not be avoided. o This does not mean missing practice to study or do homework will be accepted.  An unexcused absence will result in 4 CAIR builders. These are absences in which the wrestler did not communicate with the head coach by phone, email, or in person as to their whereabouts for a scheduled practice or event.

Commitment . . . . . . Accountability. . . . . . Integrity. . . . . . Responsibility

      

Wrestlers must pull their weight off the mat as well. Any wrestler with an “F” will be assigned 3 CAIR Builders, and be assigned mandatory study hall. Wrestlers may also be assigned CAIR Builders for any violation of team or school rules and expectations. Any wrestler who has a CAIR Builder on their record must make them up as soon as possible. CAIR Builders can be done before or after practice. An attendance and CAIR Builder record will be kept on the head coach’s clipboard. Only a coach can sign you off from a CAIR Builder A coach must assign and see you do the duties that will relieve you of your CAIR status. Wrestlers may also do CAIR/CHAMPION Builders to make themselves better.

CAIR Builder #1-Wrestling drills with a partner (10 reps each drill) 1. Snap down and spin 2. Snap down head in the hole and grab ankle 3. Shoot/Leap Frog 4. Hip Heist and sit the corner (shot finisher) 5. Pass finishes 6. Under hook with knee/ankle pick 7. Over, Under, Around 8. Russian w/Fireman’s 9. Russian w/snatch single 10. High C to Double finish w/Turk 11. Partner Squats/wheel barrel pushups

CAIR Builder #2 – Wrestling Drills without a partner (15 reps each drill) 1. Sprawls circle Right/Left 2. Line Jumps Forward/Side to Side 3. Neck Bridges 4. Wall Push ups 5. V ups 6. Knee 2 Elbows 7. Quick Feet IN/OUT wrestling circle 8. Stand up Re Shots 9. Sit out Drill Right/Left 10. Toe touches to Failure

Commitment . . . . . . Accountability. . . . . . Integrity. . . . . . Responsibility

CAIR Builder #3 – Plate Circuit (30 seconds each drill) 1. Around the head clockwise 2. Around the head counter-clockwise 3. Curls 4. Shoulder toss over right 5. Shoulder toss over left 6. Front Raises (elbows locked out) 7. Behind the head (tricep extensions) 8. Nascars 9. Bent Over Rows 10. Chest Press CAIR Builder #4 – Dumbbells (30 seconds each drill) 1. Upright Rows 2. Side Raises 3. Military/Shoulder Press 4. Reverse prone Flyes 5. Hammer Curls 6. Push Up w/Row 7. Front Raises 8. Squats 9. Shrugs 10. Lunges CAIR Builder #5 – Live Wrestling with a coach (match is over when you score 20 pts.) CAIR Builder #6 – Vacuuming and Mopping Mats by yourself after practice CAIR Builder #7 – Little League/Junior High Practices (2 in 1 since it’s required to letter) CAIR Builder #8 – Full “Walking Dozen” 1. Wrestlers does 1 pushup, then sprints to other end of the room and does 1 wall walk practicing the back arch, then they sprint back to the other end. 2. Wrestlers now does 2 pushups, then sprints to the other end and does 2 wall walks practicing the back arch, and then sprints back, goes to 3-3, then 4-4, all the way to 12. CAIR Builder #9 – Cleaning/Mopping Locker Room w/bathrooms and showers CAIR Builder #10 – Join Freestlye/Greco Spring Season Club 1. Must see Coach Storey for Details since Spring season starts after regular season. CAIR Builder #11 – Bike Ride (20 minute non-stop ride program on bike in wrestling room) *Other Workouts may be assigned by Coaching Staff as CAIR Builders.

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