CALDWELL COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 25, 2017 I. CALL TO ORDER The Caldwell County Department of Social Services Board met on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at the Alden E. Starnes, County Office Plaza-City/County Chambers in Lenoir, North Carolina. Mr. Will Wakefield, Director called the meeting to order at 3:00pm. Other Board members in attendance were Elaine Setzer-Maxwell, Iris Whitt and Trilla Annas. II. SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMBERS The Honorable Wayne Rash from the Caldwell County Register of Deeds swore in board members Ms. Sarah Sponenberg and Ms. Pat Stone. Ms. Sponenberg and Ms. Stone signed the legal documents and took the oath to continue as official members of the Department of Social Services Board. III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The board welcomed Ms. Sponenberg on her reappointment from the Social Services Commission and Ms. Stone on her reappointment from the Caldwell County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Wakefield opened the floor for nominations for the Board Chair and Vice-Chair. Ms. Sarah Sponenberg was nominated for Chair of the board by Ms. Trilla Annas, seconded by Ms. Pat Sone and it was approved unanimously. Ms. Trilla Annas was nominated for Vice-Chair of the board by Ms. Pat Stone, seconded by Ms. Iris Whitt and it was approved unanimously. The board appointments stand as listed above. IV. AGENDA, AMENDMENTS FROM BOARD OR DIRECTOR, MOTION TO APPROVE The Chair called for approval/amendment of the July 25, 2017 agenda. Ms. Elaine Setzer-Maxwell made a motion the agenda be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chair called for approval/amendment of the June 27, 2017 board minutes. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion the minutes be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. VI. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *A. CIP/LIEAP OUTREACH PLAN Ms. Cecilia Hicks, Supervisor spoke to the board regarding the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan. Ms. Hicks stated that the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan outlines efforts to reach individuals and requires Board and Director Approval before submitting to the state. Ms. Hicks explained that the plan focuses on our two Emergency Assistance Programs which are CIP (Crisis Intervention Program) and LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program). Ms. Hicks added that the agency will hold a meeting which is tentatively scheduled for October 7th and the businesses and agencies listed in the plan will be invited. Ms. Hicks stated that at the meeting copies of information, flyers and brochures will be distributed to attendees so that they can distribute and post for the public. The Chair called for approval/amendment of the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan. Ms. Iris Whitt made a
motion the plan be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously. VII. MONTHLY UPDATES A. Financial Report Mr. Chris Conley, Business Officer presented the June 2017 County Finance Monthly Report stating that we expensed $1,277,022.00, received $1,406,500.00, and used $242,148.00 of county funds to operate during the month. The board thanked Mr. Conley for his report. B. Director’s Report Mr. Will Wakefield, Director took a few moments to thank Mr. Chris Conley, Business Officer and the entire Accounting Team. Mr. Wakefield explained that those individuals do an excellent job and have made us have a great year financially. Mr. Wakefield added that they were successful in sticking to our budget and also kept us on track the entire fiscal year. Mr. Wakefield also gave the Personnel Report and stated that we had an internal move which created another vacancy and we are also getting ready to hire for the Adult Rest Home Specialist position soon. Mr. Wakefield explained that Ms. Rosa Ryan our newest agency Attorney will unfortunately be resigning. Mr. Wakefield stated that we are currently recruiting for that position. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield for his report. C. Adult & Family Support Highlights Mr. Jack Daulton, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Adult and Family Support Services Highlights. Mr. Daulton reported that our Food and Nutrition program has seen another decrease in the number of folks receiving benefits since last month. Mr. Daulton stated that we are still attributing the decrease to the Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD). Mr. Daulton explained that our Medicaid numbers of 19,970 individuals is staying consistent. Mr. Daulton also added that our Adult Protective Services staff assessed 25 new disabled adults for situations of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. Mr. Daulton stated that we will continue to monitor those numbers. Mr. Daulton explained that when those numbers get closer to around 30 or so, it becomes a little more unmanageable as there are only 3 social workers who do those assessments. Mr. Daulton also updated our board in that we provided Subsidized Child Care Assistance to 713 children, spending $283,096.00. Mr. Daulton stated that we just ended our fiscal year and will continue to monitor our spending to stay as close to the 100% spending coefficient as we can in the new fiscal year. The board thanked Mr. Daulton for his report. D. Children’s Services Highlights Ms. Kim Arnett, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Children’s Services Highlights. Ms. Arnett stated that new legislation and policy has been developed regarding a plan of safe care for infants exposed to substances. Ms. Arnett explained that beginning July 31, 2017, our Department’s intake process will change to include a referral of all infants that meet criteria to the Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) program. Ms. Arnett stated that the referral will be made to the program regardless of whether the report is accepted for assessment and/or investigation. Ms. Arnett explained that additional contact requirements will be set in place for
social workers to incorporate this program into their case plan on reports that our accepted. The board thanked Ms. Arnett for her report. VII.
BOARD GOVERNANCE A. Next Board Meeting-Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 3:00pm at the Alden E. Starnes/County Office Plaza-City/County Chambers.
VIII. CLOSED SESSION The Chair called for the board to go into closed session. Ms. Elaine Setzer-Maxwell made a motion to begin closed session seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously. IX.
ADJOURN With no further business, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to end closed session, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.