I. CALL TO ORDER The Caldwell County Department of Social Services Board met on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at the Health & Human Services Building, Third Floor Atrium in Lenoir, North Carolina. The Board Chair, Kaeti Groome, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Other Board members in attendance were Denise Long, Sarah Sponenberg, Patricia Stone, and Thomas Tighe. II. AGENDA, AMENDMENTS FROM BOARD OR DIRECTOR, MOTION TO APPROVE The Chair called for approval/amendment of the agenda of the December 16, 2014 agenda. Ms. Kaeti Groome asked to add an item 3A for action to approve Mr. Will Wakefield as Social Services Director. Mr. Thomas Tighe made a motion to approve adding this item 3 a; seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chair called for approval/amendment of the November 20, 2014 board minutes. Ms. Kaeti Groome, Board Chair called for a statement to be added to the closed session minutes which states: “In closed session, the Board unanimously decided to offer Will Wakefield the position of Director. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to so amend the minutes and to approve the minutes as amended. This was seconded by Ms. Sarah Sponenberg and unanimously approved by the board. The board returned to open session.” III. A. APPOINTMENT OF NEW DIRECTOR The chair called for a motion to formally appoint Will Wakefield as Director and to ratify the salary scale and benefits as previously approved by the board and accepted by Mr. Wakefield. Mr. Thomas Tighe made a motion to appoint Mr. Wakefield as Social Services Director and to ratify the salary scale and benefits as previously approved by the board; seconded by Ms. Pat Stone. It was approved unanimously. The board welcomed Mr. Wakefield as Director. IV. RECOGNITIONS A. NOVEMBER EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, AMANDA CARSWELL Ms. Amanda Carswell was named November 2014 Employee of the Month. Ms. Carswell’s nomination stated this employee is an extremely hardworking individual. She is a dedicated employee that volunteers to help others on her team without hesitation. She has a thirst for knowledge and is eager to learn and understand more about policies and procedures. She stays late working and does many things for the team that often goes unnoticed or taken for granted. She is truly an unsung heroine constantly going above and beyond the call of duty while not seeking any reward from it. The board congratulated Ms. Carswell on being named November 2014 Employee of the Month. B. DECEMBER EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, LADAWNNA BRADSHAW Ms. LaDawnna Bradshaw was named December 2014 Employee of the Month. Ms. Bradshaw’s nomination states that she works tirelessly for the children and families on her caseload often staying well past working hours and working weekends to ensure that they are cared for. She has one of the toughest caseloads of children in foster care-those who probably age out of foster care and many of whom have legal issues. She has gone to court in other counties to fight for the rights of foster children in her caseload as well as other social workers children. She is a team player as she often makes visits for other social workers on her team, as well as other teams. The board congratulated Ms. Bradshaw on being named December 2014 employee of the month.
V. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Foster Children’s Christmas Party Ms. Melinda Price, Supervisor spoke to the board regarding the Foster Children’s Christmas Party which was held on Saturday, December 13, 2014. Ms. Price stated that there were 240 individuals in attendance which included adults, children, and DSS staff. Ms. Price added that 89 of the 240 were foster children. Ms. Price stated that a great time was had by all. Ms. Price added that Ms. Valerie Ackerman, and the entire Adoptions Team were the reason behind such a successful event. The board thanked Ms. Price for her update. B. Angel Tree Project Ms. April Davis, Social Worker spoke to the board regarding the Angel Tree Project. Ms. Davis stated that this year the Adult Services Angel Tree received referrals for 137 individuals. Ms. Davis stated that these individuals are adults who have very little family support and will likely not receive a gift this Christmas. Ms. Davis added that many are wards of DSS, or individuals who live in assisted living facilities, or whom are CAP clients. Ms. Davis stated that most of our referrals have very basic requests such as clothing, snacks, shoes, and other items that most of us take for granted. Ms. Davis stated that 68 gifts were purchased by the donor and that the remaining gifts were purchased through monetary donations. Ms. Davis stated that the gifts will be delivered this week. Ms. Davis stated that both Adult Services Teams headed up this project and worked hard for another successful year. The board thanked Ms. Davis for her report. C. Spirit of Giving Drive Ms. Wendy Pyle, Supervisor spoke to the board regarding our Spirit of Giving Drive. Ms. Pyle stated that with the help from our community partners we are able to help make Christmas bright for the agencies neediest child welfare families. Ms. Pyle added that our Social Work staff is busy preparing to deliver the donated gifts to approximately 113 children. Ms. Pyle stated that we would like to give a big thanks to Union Grove Baptist Church, first time donor Special Olympics, Hickory Jaycees, Catawba Valley Realty, Caldwell County Schools, and Caldwell County Republicans. Ms. Pyle stated that she is proud to report this has been another successful year. The board thanked Ms. Pyle for her update. D. Adult Care Home Monitoring Ms. April Davis, Social Worker spoke to the board regarding Adult Care Home Monitoring. Ms. Davis stated that her job at the agency is Adult Care Home Specialist. Ms. Davis added that her job is to make sure that Caldwell Counties five assisted living facilities and two family care homes are meeting compliance issues. Ms. Davis stated that each facility goes through routine monitoring to make sure they are meeting all state rules and regulations and our in compliance with all statutes. Ms. Davis stated that her goal is to provide technical assistance, determine compliance, and review overall safety of each facility. Ms. Davis added that she also works closely with Environmental Health and the Fire Inspectors. Ms. Davis added that she also monitors these facilities when an APS call comes into the agency. The board thanked Ms. Davis for her report. VI.MONTHLY UPDATES A. Financial Report Ms. Linda Laws, Business Officer presented the November 2014 County Finance Monthly Report stating that we expensed $1,579,362.00, received $1,285,986.00 and used $293,376.00 of county funds to operate during the
month. Ms. Laws explained that we are remaining right on target for this year. Ms. Laws added that we have a total revenue increase and a county portion decrease due to 75% Medicaid Reimbursement. The board thanked Ms. Laws for her report. B. Personnel Report Ms. Joyce Edwards, Director reported that we have had an extremely busy month with seven vacancies. Ms. Edwards added that we have filled 8 positions with some of those being temporary positions. Ms. Edwards added that we have also had some internal movement within the agency. Ms. Edwards added that Mr. John White, Social Worker with Communities in Schools will be retiring at the end of the month. The board thanked Ms. Edwards for her report. C. Adult & Family Support Services Highlights Mr. Will Wakefield, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our monthly Adult and Family Support Highlights. Mr. Wakefield stated that Program Integrity (fraud) will be receiving more focus during 2015 as the state did not score well overall in reviews this past year. Mr. Wakefield explained that counties have had to divert there resources from Program Integrity to assist with processing applications. Mr. Wakefield stated that we have adjusted our resources to include a full time Program Integrity position. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield for his report. D. Children’s Services Highlights Ms. Jennifer Bowman, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Child and Family Services Highlights. Ms. Bowman stated that we are averaging 23 assists per month for other counties. Ms. Bowman explained that this is mainly in our Assessment area; however, we do have others in In-home Services and Foster Care. Ms. Bowman added that we have three workers currently out on maternity leave as well as three vacancies. Ms. Bowman explained that we are currently recruiting for those vacant positions; however child welfare resources are currently stretched thin. The board thanked Ms. Bowman for her report. VII. BOARD GOVERNANCE A. January Board Meeting-Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Alden E. Starnes, County Office Plaza. VIII. CLOSED SESSION The Board Chair, Kaeti Groome, called the board into closed session and Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to begin the closed session. Ms. Denise Long seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The Board Chair, Kaeti Groome, called the board to end closed session. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to end the closed session, seconded by Mr. Thomas Tighe and it was approved unanimously. IX.
ADJOURN With no further business, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn. A unanimous decision was made to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.