CALDWELL COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 29, 2016 I. CALL TO ORDER The Caldwell County Department of Social Services Board met on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at the Alden E. Starnes County Office Plaza-City/County Chambers in Lenoir, North Carolina. The Board Chair, Mr. Thomas Tighe called the meeting to order at 3:00pm. Other Board members in attendance were Trilla Annas, Sarah Sponenberg, and Pat Stone. II. AGENDA, AMENDMENTS FROM BOARD OR DIRECTOR, MOTION TO APPROVE The Chair called for approval/amendment of the March 29, 2016 agenda. Mr. Thomas Tighe, Board Chair noted an addition to the agenda which was to add an item “B. Board Appointments” under the Board Governance section. Ms. Trilla Annas made a motion the agenda be approved with the addition above noted seconded by Ms. Sarah Sponenberg and it was approved unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chair called for approval/amendment of the February 29, 2016 board minutes. Ms. Trilla Annas made a motion the minutes be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously. IV. RECOGNITIONS A. MARCH EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, APS TEAM Ms. April Davis, Mr. Tom Watson, Ms. Beverly Ruppard, Ms. Cindy McCurry, Ms. Lisa Snow and Ms. Ann Gilley were named March 2016 Employees of the Month. Their nomination stated: “In the midst of illness, family responsibilities, and even loss, the Adult Protective Services Team pushes on to help protect those who are unable to protect themselves. They work long hours, sacrificing time from their families and other personal obligations; neglecting their own health; enduring stresses that go with being a Social Worker, and sometimes find themselves in dangerous situations. They show dedication and service, perseverance and courage, and uphold the Social Work Code of Ethics. This is why April Davis, Tom Watson, Beverly Ruppard, Cindy McCurry, Lisa Snow and Ann Gilley should be recognized as Employees of the Month!” The board congratulated the Adult Protective Services Team on being named March 2016 Employees of the Month. B. LETTER OF THANKS FROM PAM BROWN, SOCIAL WORKER ASSISTANT PRN Mr. Jack Daulton, Program Administrator read an email that Mr. Wakefield, Director received from Ms. Pam Brown, Medical Social Worker at Advanced Home Care. The email stated: “I have to work with various Department of Social Services, but have found none of them hold a candle to what your workers do. I have bragged about your APS division over and over to my colleagues who work from Salisbury, Concord, Charlotte, Gaston and Iredell Counties. Your workers go above and beyond to look out for the best interests of the citizens of Caldwell County. They are extremely respectful of others points of view. I know when I give them a report that we will have an opportunity to work together for the good of the affected individual. Please let your Board of Directors know what gems you have in your office.” Mr. Daulton added that we are very proud of our staff as they do great work and are very dedicated individuals.
V. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Celebration of Life Ms. April Davis, Supervisor spoke to the board regarding the upcoming Celebration of Life event. Ms. Davis explained that the event is coordinated by the two Adult Services Teams at the agency in conjunction with May being Older Americans Month. Ms. Davis stated that this is our 46th year and that the event has grown over the years from a small luncheon to a very large event that is open to anyone in Caldwell County age 60 and older. Ms. Davis added that the event is made possible through corporate donors and community donations. Ms. Davis explained that the event will be held on Friday, May 20, 2016 at Mountain Grove Baptist Church in Lenoir, North Carolina. Ms. Davis stated that the event will kick off at 8:30am that morning with informational booths, entertainment, door prizes and a free lunch. Ms. Davis added that this is a one of a kind event and the attendees are very appreciative and enjoy it every year. The board thanked Ms. Davis for her report. B. Social Work Month Ms. Jennifer Bowman, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding Social Work Month. Ms. Bowman explained that March is National Social Work Month. Ms. Bowman stated that we honored our social work staff at our Staff Conference and provided them a small token of thanks. Ms. Bowman added that we have also had two of our supervisors involved in the Caldwell Today show with representatives from the School System and Hospice which discussed the different aspects of social work in our community. The board thanked Ms. Bowman for her report. C. Child Abuse Prevention Month Ms. Jennifer Bowman, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding April being Child Abuse Prevention Month. Ms. Bowman explained that we will be presenting a Proclamation at the Commissioner’s meeting on Monday, April 4, 2016. Ms. Bowman added that the Caldwell Committee for Healthy Families will also hold a Blue Ribbon Breakfast at the end of April to recognize social work staff in the community. Ms. Bowman explained that the Blue Ribbon Award will be presented at the event as well which will recognize a social worker in our community who has made a significant impact towards child abuse prevention. Ms. Bowman stated that our agency will also have a pinwheel garden in front of our building which will put a visual out in the community to prevent child abuse and raise awareness. Ms. Bowman added that we will also have an article in the newspaper along with our community partners which will highlight a local family who has had a very successful outcome in their life. The board thanked Ms. Bowman for her report. VI. MONTHLY UPDATES A. Financial Report Mr. Chris Conley, Business Officer presented the February 2016 County Finance Monthly Report stating that we expensed $1,479,070.00 received $1,412,978.00, and used $249,975.00 of county funds to operate during the month. Mr. Conley explained that there were no highlights to point on this month’s report. The board thanked Mr. Conley for his report. B. *2016/2017 Budget Proposal Mr. Wakefield, Director explained that the numbers have not changed much on the Budget Summary but were just tweaked slightly since the Board Budget Work Session. Mr. Wakefield added that the updated Budget Summary report that was handed out at today’s meeting showed a highlighted change in percentage points only and not dollars. Mr. Wakefield added that one change to point out is a request to add 5 hours to a workers position that is currently working 35 hours a week. Mr. Wakefield stated that
another addition will be to add an incentive for interpreters. Mr. Wakefield stated that currently we have one full time interpreter and two staff members who interpret for us when needed alongside their regular job duties. Mr. Wakefield stated that we lost two staff over the past 18 months who were fluent in Spanish. Mr. Wakefield explained that for the interpreters to receive the incentive they must show competency and get a certificate. Mr. Wakefield stated that we also want to get approval for a small upgrade to a current position which will allow us to utilize the worker more effectively in our child welfare area. Mr. Wakefield added that we are also requesting that our Temporary Income Maintenance Caseworker positions become regular positions. Mr. Wakefield explained that we will be able to recruit and maintain staff more effectively with the change of those positions becoming regular positions. Mr. Conley, Business Officer added that there was a $163,000.00 county savings due to a reduction in the cost of employee insurance. The Board-Chair called for approval of the 2016/2017 budget. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to approve the budget as written, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield and Mr. Conley for their report. C. Personnel Report Mr. Wakefield, Director reported that we have had three vacancies since our last meeting. Mr. Wakefield explained that we have filled another four positions with two of those moving positions within the agency. Mr. Wakefield added that hopefully we will fill another position tomorrow. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield for his report. D. Adult & Family Support Highlights Mr. Jack Daulton, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Adult and Family Support Services Highlights. Mr. Jack Daulton reported that we have broken an all-time record of accepting 34 reports regarding adults for situations of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. Mr. Daulton added that the current number could even go higher as we have two more days in the month of March. Mr. Dalton stated that we have three Adult Protective Service workers that have been very busy investigating these reports. Mr. Daulton stated that March is usually a higher month for both Child Welfare and Adult Protective Services but we do not have any explanation as to why. Mr. Daulton stated that the numbers are random and we see a variety of reports. Mr. Daulton also explained that we provided Subsidized Child Care Assistance to 751 children increasing our spending to $257,633.00 for February which is a 94% combined spending coefficient. Mr. Daulton stated that we will hopefully reach our goal of 95% by May. Mr. Daulton added that our Emergency Assistance staff saw 742 individuals and used $155,201.00 in CIP, LIEAP, and United Way Emergency funds to help families in crisis. Mr. Daulton explained that these numbers will continue to decrease as warmer weather approaches. The board thanked Mr. Daulton for his report. E. Children’s Services Highlights Ms. Jennifer Bowman, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Children’s Services Highlights. Ms. Bowman stated that we are in the process of developing our Program Development Plan with the Program Monitoring Team. Ms. Bowman explained that this plan will focus on Data, Community Partners and Staff Training, as it relates to Child Welfare. Ms. Bowman stated that goals will be set for each of those areas. Ms. Bowman added that we also have a partnership in place with a local group and the school system which offers after school tutoring for children in foster care who have been identified as needing academic support. Ms. Bowman stated that this local group, known as Caldwell People provides numerous supports for children in foster care. Ms. Bowman added that our agency is extremely appreciative to Caldwell People and the service that they provide in priceless. Ms. Bowman also explained that the accurate number of children in foster care is 229. Ms. Bowman stated that we did have a
discrepancy in our previous reporting due to data entry errors in foster care referrals and 5027 errors but all errors have been rectified. The board thanked Ms. Bowman for her report. VII.
BOARD GOVERNANCE A. April Board Meeting-Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at the Alden E. Starnes, County Office Plaza/City County Chambers at 3pm. B. Board Appointments-Mr. Wakefield, Director noted that our Social Services Commission appointment of Trilla Annas and our Board of Commissioners appointment of Mr. Thomas Tighe will expire June 2016. Mr. Wakefield provided Ms. Annas and Mr. Tighe with an application for reappointment and we hope that they will apply for those terms to be reappointed to our board.
VIII. CLOSED SESSION The Chair called for the board to go into closed session. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to begin closed session, seconded by Ms. Sarah Sponenberg and it was approved unanimously. IX.
ADJOURN With no further business, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn and it was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.