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CALL TO ORDER The Caldwell County Department of Social Services Board met on Tuesday, July 26, 2016. The location of the meeting changed to the Health and Human Services Building/Tammy Austin Conference Room in Lenoir, North Carolina due to the air conditioning being replaced at the Alden E. Starnes County Office Plaza/City County Chambers. Mr. Will Wakefield, Director called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Other Board members in attendance were Sarah A. Sponenberg, Patricia Stone and Elaine Setzer-Maxwell.


SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMBERS The Honorable Wayne Rash from the Caldwell County Register of Deeds swore in board member Ms. Trilla Annas and Ms. Iris Whitt. Ms. Annas signed the legal documents and took the oath to continue as official member of the Department of Social Services Board. Ms. Whitt also took the oath and signed the legal documents to become an official member of the Department of Social Services Board.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS The board welcomed Ms. Annas on her reappointment from the Social Services Commission and Ms. Whitt on her appointment from the Caldwell County Board of Commissioners. Ms. Sarah Sponenberg was nominated for Chair of the board by Ms. Pat Stone, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. Ms. Pat Stone was nominated for Vice-Chair of the board by Ms. Trilla Annas, seconded by Ms. Iris Whitt and it was approved unanimously. The board appointments stand as listed above.


AGENDA, AMENDMENTS FROM BOARD OR DIRECTOR, MOTION TO APPROVE The Chair called for approval/amendment of the July 26, 2016 agenda. Mr. Wakefield stated that Ms. Bowman will be unable to attend today’s meeting and he will be presenting Ms. Bowman’s Children’s Services Highlights (Item D, under Monthly Updates). Ms. Elaine Setzer-Maxwell made a motion the agenda be approved as written with the change noted above, seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chair called for approval/amendment of the June 28, 2016 board minutes. Ms. Trilla Annas made a motion the minutes be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously.


RECOGNITIONS A. ACCOUNTING STAFF Mr. Will Wakefield spoke to the board regarding our Accounting Staff. Mr. Wakefield stated that we are happy to report that we made it successfully through another fiscal year and stayed within budget. Mr. Wakefield explained that we are currently moving into a new fiscal year and our Accounting Team has done a great job and we appreciate all of their hard work. Mr. Conley,

Business Officer also spoke to the board and stated that the Accounting Department is a small team within the agency who supports more than 150 staff. Mr. Conley stated that Ms. Himes, Ms. Hopkins, and Ms. Herman do a great job of keeping the work flowing through the Accounting Unit and agency. Mr. Conley gave a detailed description of job duties that each of these ladies perform. Mr. Conley added that he is very proud of his team’s hard work. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield and Mr. Conley for their report. VII.

REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *A. CIP/LIEAP OUTREACH PLAN Ms. Cecilia Hicks, Supervisor spoke to the board regarding the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan. Ms. Hicks stated that the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan requires Board and Director Approval before submitting to the state. Ms. Hicks explained that the plan focuses on our two Emergency Assistance Programs which are CIP (Crisis Intervention Program) and LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program). Ms. Hicks explained that the CIP funding is used for heating and cooling emergencies and the LIEAP program assists with a payment made directly to the heating vendor. Ms. Hicks explained that assistance received in these two programs goes directly to the power company, Oil Company or a wood vendor and the family does not receive any of the funds directly. Ms. Hicks added that the agency will hold a meeting on October 7th and the agencies listed in the plan will be invited as well as other agencies in the community. Ms. Hicks stated that in addition to the meeting, there will be a TV spot on the local TV channel as well as a radio spot. The Chair called for approval/amendment of the CIP/LIEAP Outreach Plan. Ms. Elaine Setzer-Maxwell made a motion the plan be approved as written, seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and Ms. Pat Stone and it was approved unanimously. B. DSS BUDGETING OVERVIEW Mr. Chris Conley, Business Officer spoke to the board regarding our DSS Budgeting Overview. Mr. Conley presented a detailed power point presentation which discussed the many aspects of preparing our DSS budget. Mr. Conley explained that our budget consists of five parts or five departments which are Administration, Child Resources, Adult Resources, Temporary Resources, and Medicaid. Mr. Conley added that our agency deals with in excess of 40 different funding sources which are reimbursed at different percentages which are either Capped or Uncapped Allocations. Mr. Conley explained that our fiscal year runs July 1st-June 30th of each year and that in January of each year we begin working on the budget for the next fiscal year. Mr. Conley added that our agency receives budget estimates in mid-February from the state controller’s office, and the budget is presented to the board in late February for board approval in March. Mr. Conley stated that the board approved budget then goes to the county level in March for county approval. The board thanked Mr. Conley for his report.


MONTHLY UPDATES A. Financial Report Mr. Chris Conley, Business Officer presented the June 2016 County Finance Monthly Report stating that we expensed $1,339,599.00, received $1,380,450.00, posted $1,013,290.00, and used $326,309.00 of county funds to operate during the month. Mr. Conley stated that we ended the year in good shape and are currently receiving reimbursements from last year. Mr. Conley added

that we will do an end of the year report during our next month’s financial highlights to the board. The board thanked Mr. Conley for his report. B. Director’s Report Mr. Will Wakefield, Director reported that we are currently recruiting for one Child Welfare Social Worker and also an Attorney. Mr. Wakefield explained that agency attorney work within a Department of Social Services is much different than attorney work in the private sector and sometimes that position may not be a good fit for someone. Mr. Wakefield also added that the state has passed its budget; however, it will not affect us from a financial standpoint. Mr. Wakefield explained that there were a couple of tweaks that we have taken note of; however, those will not have a direct effect on us. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield for his report. C. Adult & Family Support Highlights Mr. Jack Daulton, Program Administrator spoke to the board regarding our Adult and Family Support Services Highlights. Mr. Daulton reported that we provided Subsidized Child Care Assistance to 855 children increasing our spending to $329,717.20. Mr. Daulton explained that the increase is due to the majority of children receiving subsidy are school aged children who are out of school for the summer and are receiving full time child care. Mr. Daulton also reported that July began the ABAWD (Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents) policy in our Food and Nutrition program which affects adults aged 18-49 who are not disabled and who have no dependents. Mr. Daulton explained that our Food and Nutrition staff have been working very hard and have determined that we have a little over 400 individuals affected by this policy. Mr. Daulton stated that our Food and Nutrition staff are contacting those individuals to determine if there are any exemptions that they might meet in order to remain eligible. Mr. Daulton stated that those individuals who do not meet exemptions or who do not work/volunteer 20 hours a week or 80 hours a month will lose their benefits October 2016 for a three year period. Mr. Daulton added that those individuals can reapply if something changes in their situation and they meet income eligibility. The board thanked Mr. Daulton for his report. D. Children’s Services Highlights Mr. Will Wakefield, Director spoke to the board regarding our Children’s Services Highlights. Mr. Wakefield stated that Ms. Bowman was unable to be at today’s meeting due to three individuals from the state, along with five or six of our own staff being amidst a state monitoring review. Mr. Wakefield explained that the state is reviewing these files looking at certain aspects in regards to calls that the agency receives and if reports were accepted appropriately for investigation. Mr. Wakefield added that this is a very structured process that will determine if we are meeting policy and standards correctly. Mr. Wakefield added that our main goal is to change and improve upon our practices. The board thanked Mr. Wakefield for his report. IX.

BOARD GOVERNANCE A. Next Board Meeting-Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 2016, 3:00pm at the Alden E. Starnes/County Office Plaza-City/County Chambers


ADJOURN With no further business, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn. Ms. Pat Stone made a motion to adjourn seconded by Ms. Trilla Annas and it was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:25pm.