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Request for Qualifications For Architectural Services For Construction Two Emergency Services Facilities


REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS #17-0620 Caldwell County Emergency Services Facilities Architectural Services August 7, 2017

INTRODUCTION In accordance with NCGS 143-64.31, Caldwell County requests Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from architectural firms for the design and construction of two new Emergency Services Facilities (the “Project”). Caldwell County anticipates awarding a single contract for the services required.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project will entail construction of two facilities on County-owned property located on Taylorsville Road and Valmead Street, Lenoir, North Carolina. The project will include the following: Finished Area to include (Approximately 1768 sq. ft.) with 3 Bedrooms, 1 Officers Quarters/Bedroom, Day Room, Kitchen, 1\2 Bath (Public), 2 Restrooms – Male/Female with shower, commode and sink, Mechanical Closet, Medical Supply Closet, Decontamination/Laundry Room, Sprinkler room and Apparatus Bays(1 facility with 2 bays and the other with 4 bays).

P R O J E CT S C H ED U L E It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to select an architect and have them design and prepare specifications for the construction of the Project. The following is a preliminary date list for this project: Task ___________


Accept Qualifications

September 14, 2017

Interview Architecture Firms

September 25 – September 29, 2017

Award Contract

October 9, 2017

Bid Project

December, 2017

Expected Completion

September, 2018


QUALIFICATION SUBMITTAL Firms must tailor their submittals to show Emergency Services facilities or similar design construction projects. The County is seeking to engage a firm who has experience in similar designs, with the most recent projects being the most desirable. Example projects should not be more than 10 years old. Interest firms should provide five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of a package containing the following: Submittals should provide background information about the firm, its employees, and its experience with related projects and related clients. It should cover the experience of the firm, as well as any consultants on the proposed team. For the purposes of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), the term “firm” shall refer to the prime respondent of this RFQ, or in other words, the firm with whom the County will contract. The term “consultant” shall refer to any and all consultants that the prime respondent will include on the project team. The proposal shall clearly delineate any experience, background, etc. between the prime “firm” and “consultants”. Specifically, SOQ should address the following information. Firms may submit their standard qualification package supplemented by a cover letter or attachments as necessary to comply with this request. 1. Firm profile which lists: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, NC license number, year established, type of ownership, size of firm and staff, organization chart and executive statement. If the firm has multiple offices, please list the office where the work for this project will be performed. 2. Information about the overall makeup of the project team, including the identity of all key personnel, a description of their respective responsibilities and duties, and each team member’s experience with design projects. 3. Information about any consultants to be included on the team. Identify consultant company name, address, telephone number, contact person and names of key personnel. Identify consultants’ experience with design projects. 4. Firm’s experience as prime designer on a project team, and firm and consultant experience and methods related to construction management through occupancy of the facility. 5. Summary of at least three similar projects for which the designer was responsible. Each of the project summaries should include the following: a. Description of the facility, including size, functions housed and year completed b. Degree of involvement (principals or consultant) c. Consulting firms involved and their assigned responsibilities d. Project references, including names, addresses and telephone numbers 6. Breakdown of recent projects completed by the firm indicating type of building, ,size, actual budget contract amount, change order amounts and final adjusted contract amount, estimated 3

completion date, actual completion date, client name, address and phone number. Scope changes may be noted to explain additions or deletions to the original budget. 7. Current workload and ability to perform work for this Project. 8. Proposed design approach by the firm for this Project, including how the required completion schedule will be met or bettered. 9. Statement about the firm’s professional liability insurance coverage detailing the carrier, expiration date of present policy, amount of coverage and claims experience. 10. Listing of any pending or settled lawsuits or professional liability claims in which the designer was involved during the past ten years. 11. Current fee schedule for your firm for each position type. 12. Additional information the respondent believes to be relevant to the selection efforts of the County, including minority business status of the firm or consultants.

SELECTION PROCESS Firms will be selected for interview on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Does the firm’s proposal communicate ideas about the design process clearly, with supporting information which is concise and to the point? 2. Does the firm have the experience and qualifications necessary to complete the Project? 3. What is the relevant prior experience of the proposed Project team members? 4. What is the relevant prior experience of the proposed consultants? 5. What unique and special skills does the team bring to the Project? Does the firm exhibit depth and diversity? 6. Has the firm provided accessible and manageable facilities for its clients? 7. Does the firm have an adequate staff available for the Project? Does the firm have time within its current workload to handle the Project? 8. Does the firm have a record of bringing projects in on budget?

9. Does the firm have a record of completing projects on schedule?


10. What is the firm’s proximity to the Project area? How will this affect the Project? Please describe any projects completed within the County or surrounding counties. 11. Will the firm keep the same management team in charge of the Project? 12. What is the quality of the firm’s management procedures? 13. What is the quality of the firm’s construction administration services? How does the firm carry out construction administration responsibilities? Who is responsible from the firm’s staff? 14. What is the extent of computerization of the design, scheduling and documentation used by the firm? 15. What are the number, percentage and pay equality of minority and women employees? 16. Does the firm carry professional liability insurance? What is the deductible? What is the annual claims coverage? Are there any current claims being processed? Have there been previous claims? If so, what were the results?

Submit five copies of the SOQ no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 14, 2017. Please reference “Caldwell County Emergency Services Facilities on the envelope. No submittals will be accepted after this time. Also, faxed qualifications will not be accepted. Submit to: Caldwell County Attention: Carole Brown, Purchasing Agent 905 West Avenue N.W. Lenoir, NC 28645 All inquiries and questions regarding this RFQ or project must be submitted in writing by email and directed to: Carole Brown, Purchasing Agent at [email protected] Subject: Caldwell County Emergency Services Facilities Questions will be received until 2:00 p.m. on August 25, 2017. Only written questions will be considered formal. Any questions that the County feels are pertinent to all proposers will be E-mailed as an addendum to the RFQ. In order that the selection process is as objective as possible, please do not contact Caldwell County staff or officials other than as noted above.



1. Any cost incurred by respondents in preparing or submitting a proposal for the Project shall be the respondents’ sole responsibility. 2. All responses, inquiries or correspondence relating to this RFQ will become the property of the County. 3. The County reserves the right to reject any or all packages received or to request additional information as may be needed to determine qualifications. It is the intention of the County to negotiate a contract for services at a fair and reasonable price with what it determines to be the best qualified company. 4. It is expected that the County will conduct interviews of no more than three firms. Firms are hereby notified that the interview process will quickly follow the submittal deadline and firms should prepare their submittal and proposed team accordingly. Elaborate presentations and submittals during the interview process are not expected or requested. Each interview will last no more than two hours and will be conducted at the Alden Starnes County Administration Building located at 905 West Avenue N.W., Lenoir, North Carolina.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT Please fill in the requested information below as acknowledgement that you have received the Request for Qualifications noted above. If your firm is interested in participating, this sheet must be completed and returned to Carole Brown via one of the following: Carole Brown, Purchasing Agent 905 West Avenue N.W. Lenoir, NC 28645 Fax: 828-757-8654 [email protected]

Name of Firm:


Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ Fax Number: _____________________________ E-Mail:


YES - Our firm does have an interest in responding. NO - Our firm does not have an interest in responding.

Name (print):


