Carlton Weekly

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Carlton Weekly C

Tel: 01226 722166

Fax: 01226 722918

Issue 16 C.Minett - Head of Academy

Friday 8th January2016

Year 6 SATs meeting

Attendance for week ending 18th Dec 2015 Barn Owls Kingfisher Maple Holly Silver Birch Willow Juniper Hazel Rowan Oak Beech


93.2% 94.4% 94.3% 97.6% 95.9%


97.6% 88.6% 94.8% 95.7% 93.8% 93.2%

Target figure for our school is 96.5%

Thank you to everyone who attended the readiness for SATs meeting. We hope we made things a little clearer for you. Please remember if you have any questions to contact us. If you didn't attend the event please feel free to contact us with any question or queries that you have. During the meeting there were practice papers on the tables. Could you please check that original papers have not been accidently taken home Photocopies are allowed home. Thank you.

Christmas Jumper Day Winners Nursery AM-Alex Whiteley and Evie Hurd Fencing Club Nursery PMFrom Monday 11th January we are Kingfisher– Callum Stanley and Isabelle Avery continuing after school fencing club on Maple-Jay-Jay Park and Lily May Dowding Holly-Harvey Clegg-Johnston and Daisy Lowe Mondays 3-4. Both new children and those who attended last half term are welcome Silver Birch-Lucas Eaton and Lucy Sidlow to join. It is open to pupils from year 2 to Willow-Matthew Casterton and Kayla Allsopp year 6 at a cost of £12.50. Juniper-James Lynch and Phoebe Green Please send all money to the office. Hazel-Thomas Ashforth and Demi-Lee Campbell The sessions are limited to 25 pupils. Rowan-Keegan Steel and Jessica Green Oak-Leo Firth and Lauren Firth Arriving to school Please can we make parents aware that some children are buying energy drinks on their way to school which are very high in caffeine and not recommended for children Can we also remind parents that children should not arrive on the school playground until 8:30am at the earliest. The back gate leading down to Carlton Road will not be opened until 8:30 am. School breakfast club is available from 8:10am in KS2 dining room. Thank you for your cooperation.

Dearne Playhouse Goldthorpe


A show full of Eastern promise

Jessica Harradence in Year 5 will be performing in the show and the dates below are highlighted when she will be performing. Sunday 17th Jan—3pm Wednesday 20th Jan—7pm Friday 22nd January—7pm Saturday 23rd Jan—7pm Adult £8, Cons £7, Family £25 For family bookings please call 01709894128/07947960379

School Diary 15.01.15 Inset Day 20.01.15 Year 5/6 Talk from NSPCC 27.01.15 4:30pm Robinwood parents meeting 28.01.15 Year 5/6 Science Day 22.2.15 9am-12pm Bike ability Training 3.2.16 Y3/4 Tudor day 14.3.15-to-16.3.15

Year 6 Robinwood

Inset Day s School year 2015/16 15.01.16 18.07.16 19.07.16

Robinwood Visits There will be a parents’ meeting in KS1 hall on Wednesday 27th January at 4.30pm to explain more details about the visit, show you a presentation DVD of the type of activities your child will be participating in and to answer any questions you may have. Final payment date for the Year 5/6 March visit has now passed. Thank you for those payments made on time. If you have not made your final payment, please can this be sent to the office as soon as possible. Final payment for the Year 5 April visit is the 3rd of February. Please ensure you payments are paid to the school office by this time. Christmas Top Table The children who sat on the Top Table on 18th December 2016 were as follows: Oliver Steel, Addison Pedley, Liam Higgs, Luke Jackson, Bronty Ashton and Jessica Green Darren Chappell The children were accompanied by the presence of Mrs Minett. Carlton TARA Community Group Logo Competition On Friday 18th December 2015 we announced the winners for the Logo Competition school entered with the Community group and Bernslai Homes. All children received a chocolate for taking part. There was a winner for each class who received a goody bag and then a third second and first place who received vouchers The winners were as follows: Maple - Mia Lund Willow - Sky Peel

Holly - Daisy Lowe

Silver Birch - Jade Peel

Juniper - Phoebe Green

Rowan - Caitlan Williamson

Oak - Harley Barton

Hazel - Lucy Wightman Beech - Bronty Ashton

Overall winners 1st place Caitlan Williamson 2nd Place Harley Barton 3rd place Sky Peel

Regards C.Minett Head of Academy

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