closing guarantee

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CLOSING GUARANTEE - MAKE YOUR OFFER STAND OUT Finding your next home is an exciting adventure, but it can also be an intimidating and fast process due to high demand for homeownership. We want you to not only find the perfect home, but also WIN the perfect home if there are multiple offers on the house. Our Closing Guarantee is a tool we created to help your offer stand out from the crowd. The Closing Guarantee means we can close the loan in 21 calendar days or less, guaranteed. If not, we will pay $2,000 to both the buyer and seller. How does this benefit the homebuyer? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Buyers with the guarantee can compete with all cash offers Stand out against other offers with loan financing The seller has a guarantee that goes well beyond your Earnest Money deposit The seller has a guarantee for a fast 21 calendar day closing Leave the stress behind with a Guaranteed Closing

HOW TO GET THE CLOSING GUARANTEE The process requires you to do your homework in advance. By doing so, you will earn our Closing Guarantee for a smooth and stress-free closing. The homework required on your part is to send over the documentation we have requested for your mortgage file. Once we have all documents requested, we will submit your file to underwriting for review. Once the underwriter has signed off on all applicable Closing Guarantee conditions, we will attach our Guarantee Certificate with your pre-approval letters. The seller then knows your offer can close super quick closing with a guaranteed payout if we do not perform.

MORE DETAILS The Closing Guarantee is only eligible for Conventional or FHA loans. Guarantee does not apply to City/State sponsored loan programs or Jumbo loans (above $424,100). Please see the next page of our sample Guarantee Certificate for more details.

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Guaranteecommences21calendardaysfrommutualacceptanceoffullyexecutedPurchaseandSaleAgreementandauthorizationto orderappraisal. GuaranteenotavailableifBuyerchangesoragreestochangeofloanprogram,orifthereisamaterialchangeintheBuyer sincome,assets, orcreditprofile. GuaranteenotavailabletoBuyersorSellersthatarenotnaturalpersons,arelicensedrealestateagents,orareemployedbyoraffiliated witharealestateserviceprovider. IntheeventaGuaranteepaymentistobemade,paymentwillbemadebycheckandcannotbecreditedtothecostsordownpayment associatedwiththistransaction.MultipleBuyersormultipleSellersshallreceiveonlyoneGuaranteepayment. LoanmustclosebytheGuaranteeexpirationdate. GuaranteeshallnotapplyifclosingdateisnotmetduetodelayscausedbyBuyerand/orSeller. Guaranteecontingentupontimelyreceiptofescrow,title,andappraisalacceptabletothelender,investor,andinsurers.Loanmustreceive finalloanapprovalbyPrivateMortgageInsurer(ifapplicable).


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