The Woolpatch Weekenders
CRAFTY SATURDAY’S Date Nov 5th 10am to 12.30pm
Nov 12th 10am to 12.30pm
What will you do?
We’re tweaking this session in light of the up coming Rembrance Sunday. Poppy Join us to make Felt Poppies, Felt/Knitted/Crochet Knitted/Crochet Poppies or even Flowers Poppy Cushions. Part of you entry fee will also be donated to the Poppy Appeal
Autumnal Cushions
Today’s session we will be making simple envelope style cushions. You will learn how to make the cushion cover by machine and a variety of simple to elaborate hand stitching decorative techniques.
You Need? Nothing! Just bring your lovely self.
Bring a sewing machine. If you don’t have one please ask when booking as limited number of machines available.
Nov 19th 10am to 12.30pm
Nov 26th 10am to 12.30pm
Dec 3rd 10am to 12.30pm
Dec 10th 10am to 12.30pm
Dec 17th 10am to 12.30pm
Button Craft
Christmas Aprons
Christmas Wreath
Christmas Tree Decorations
Santa Sacks and Christmas Stockings
Today’s session we will be making beautiful bespoke button art to decorate your home with! Today’s session we will be making a simple Apron for adults or children. During the session you can add ideas to your Apron such as pockets and frills.
Today’s session we will be making stylish fabric Christmas Wreaths.
But if you do have a stash of buttons you wish to use up then bring them along!
Bring a sewing machine. If you don’t have one please ask when booking as limited number of machines available.
Nothing! Just bring your lovely self.
Today’s session is all about making lovely decorations for your tree. We Nothing! Just will be making an assortment of bring your lovely decorations using an array of materials self. from the shop. Bring a sewing Today’s session you can either make a machine. Santa Sack to fill with presents or a If you don’t have Christmas stocking to hang. one please ask when booking as limited number of
machines available.
Find out how to book your workshops on the other side
The Woolpatch Weekenders
CRAFTY SATURDAY’S HOW TO BOOK 1. Bookings are always taken on a first come first served basis, either face-to-face or online. 2. If you book online you will have to pay the full charge for the workshop at the time of booking. This immediately secures your place for any workshop £20 per workshop 3. If you book face-to-face you can do so in the shop with a £5 deposit per workshop booked. This is non-refundable if you cancel your place before or on the day. If you settle the remainder of the total workshop cost BEFORE the day of the booked workshop. £20 per workshop (£15 + £5 deposit per workshop) If you settle the remainder of the total workshop cost ON THE DAY of the workshop £25 (£20 + deposit).
4. If there are spaces on the day of the workshop, places can be secured on the day for £25. This can only be done face to face. Not available online. 5. There is a reserve list for all courses, which are over subscribed. No deposit is required for anybody on the reserve list. The total workshop fee of £20 will be payable up to and on the day of the workshop. For more information on the Saturday workshops or to get in contact with me then Email:
[email protected], phone 01787 313452 or just pop in the shop at any point.