Dave Navarro

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Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

About This Workbook: After you’ve listened to the Mastermind call, you’re likely to have your head swimming with ideas and new directions for your business – but if you’re like most people, you’re extremely busy and may not have a good set of notes from the call (especially if you listened to them from your car). So I’ve created this Fast Action Workbook as a set of notes, ideas and action items for you to use to apply what we covered on this call to your business. While it is not a substitute for the call itself, it should be a great tool for jogging your memory about the things we covered as well as giving you a place to write out exciting ideas for your business. So print out the workbook right now, and let the brainstorming begin!

My best to you – Dave Navarro The Launch Coach

Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

Creating A Respectable Home Base When people come to your blog or website, their first impression is EVERYTHING. You want to make sure that everything on that site conveys that you have it together – not that you’ve just “thrown it together.” Let’s take a moment to consider a few things. But first: Load up 5 competitor’s websites and compare them to yours. Is your website layout respectable, or is it lacking? What are the some very basic things you think you need to do differently to bring it up to par?

How is the copy on your site? Is it good / ok / nonexistent? Do you need to hire someone to do it for you, or just to tell you what to do?

Go find 2 or 3 competent people who can provide help with the above stuff on the cheap. Bonus points: use your current network to get these people by referral, so you know they’re good.

Go find 2 or 3 competent people who can barter services with you if it comes down to that. Trading favors is a good way to get what you need (and build relationships) without breaking the bank.

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Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

Be Very, Very, Very, Very Clear on What You Do And For Whom When you need to get clients in a hurry and grow like crazy, you can’t afford to be a generalist. You need to decide what you’re going to be known for and become the go-to person for that. In general, who do you see yourself as? What do you do? Don’t be specific here, write down the description that’s swirling in your mind right now of all the things you do. (Example: Graphic Artist / Illustrator / Website Designer)

What kinds of people are your clients right now? Are any in a specific niche or industry? List all the types of people you’ve already worked for as well as those you want. (Example: Authors who need book covers or website designs)

Now think about what you really want to do with your business and get ultra-specific. What do you want to be, and for whom? (Cover designers for children’s book authors)

Now on to the next page.

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Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

Begin Creating Your Network Of Contacts You want to build your network before you need it, but sometimes you have to just start jumping in and making things happen. Make a list of clients you’re on good terms with that could refer you to others, and then brainstorm incentives for them to make those referrals (or repeat business from them) happen.

Since you’ve defined a tight niche to sell to, start searching and identify as many people in that niche as you can., and brainstorm a topic/question to use to break the ice with them.

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Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

Overcoming Fear Of Promotion Sometimes it’s scary to promote yourself. Let’s talk about how to make that scariness go away. Make a list of all the ways your services provide value for clients. Even the little things – it may not be a big deal to you, but it’s a big deal to them.

Start brainstorming ways to communicate that value in a promotion. Maybe a value-specific service? Maybe a case study of a client, or a set of free worksheets? What can you do to make the value you provide more public?

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Fast Action Workbook for the 2009 More Buyers Mastermind Call with Naomi Dunford Emergency Marketing: How to Get Big In A Hurry

Controlling Your Brand & Critical First Impression You need to be in control of what your visitors think of you. Are you doing that? Does your site have a tagline that immediately conveys what you do and for whom? If you don’t, make that happen now. Brainstorm ideas below.

Who are you like? (This doesn’t have to be in your industry – for example, are you trying to be the CNN of gossip sites or the Copyblogger of Virtual Assistants?)

Does your home base convey that brand strongly enough to be obvious? If not, what do you need to do to change it?

Who are you purposely not like?

Does your home base convey this difference as well? What do you need to do to change it?

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