FHWA Update

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FHWA Update 2017 ATSSA Annual Meeting  February 11, 2017 Will Longstreet, FHWA Office of Safety

AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 

1. FHWA’s role in MASH implementation • FHWA partnered with AASHTO to develop sunset dates and we continue to monitor the progress of new MASH devices into the market. • As the established sunset dates approach, the number of MASH devices will be assessed and the date • By updating the MASH Implementation Agreement and sunsetting NCHRP 350, the development and use of MASH-compliant devices has been encouraged

AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 

2. FHWA’s eligibility letters of MASH compliant hardware. FHWA will continue to: • review MASH submissions • write eligibility letters for all new and modified MASH devices

AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 

3. FHWA’s web site listing systems that have FHWA eligibility letters. Through agreement with AASHTO, the existing eligibility website will be maintained indefinitely by FHWA.

AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement  http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/policy_guide/road_hardware/


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement  MASH Tested Hardware

MASH Tested Hardware

AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement  http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/policy_guide/road_hardware/


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 

• Agencies are urged to establish a process to replace  existing highway safety hardware that has not been  successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350 or later  criteria.    • [Active] NCHRP Project will provide guidance:  “NCHRP 20‐07/Task 395 [Active] ‘MASH Equivalency  . of NCHRP 350‐ Eligible Bridge Railings’


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement 

• Agencies are encouraged to upgrade existing  highway safety hardware to comply with the 2016  edition of MASH either when it becomes damaged  beyond repair, or when an individual agency's  policies require an upgrade to the safety hardware. 


AASHTO|FHWA Implementation Agreement  • December 31, 2017 W‐beam barrier and cast‐in‐place concrete barrier  • June 30, 2018  W‐beam terminals • December 31, 2018  Cable barrier, cable barrier terminals, crash cushions • December 31, 2019  Bridge rails, transitions, all other longitudinal barriers  (including portable barriers installed permanently), all  other terminals, sign supports, and all other                            .                     breakaway hardware 13

FHWA Eligibility Letters 

FormV10 posted in May 2016 • New form requires signature  of engineer affiliated with    the crash test laboratory  agreeing the critical and  relevant tests  were  conducted.


FHWA Eligibility Letters  Form now requires 3 signatures: - Engineer affiliated with crash test laboratory agreeing the critical and relevant tests were conducted - Laboratory certifies that the product was tested in conformance with MASH - Submitter discloses any financial interests

•. Completed Form required w/signatures before eligibility letter issued. • Posting to FHWA website is working toward 3 week timeframe following signature 15

Thank  You Will Longstreet FHWA Office of Safety  Washington, D.C. [email protected] 202‐366‐0087 16

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