BIBLE READINGS FOR 07/23/17 - 07/29/17
(Names will remain on the list for 4 weeks)
07/23 Isaiah 31-34
07/27 Isaiah 44-48
SPECIAL CONCERNS: (06/25/2107) Virginia Hopkins (Jessica Jackson), Emily Rue (Jay Jackson), Mary Martin (Jessica Jackson), William Glen Peel family; (07/02/2017) Mary Pittman, Robbie Burke & family (Victoria Grubbs), Mary Nichols (niece of Susan Walling), Pam Dickerson (Karen Long’s first cousin); (07/09/2017) Ted Weiss, Carol Shope (Terry Fung), Mugisha Byisihmo, Ann Ambrose (Shirley Whitaker), Deb Cohen and family (Mike Herrin); (07/16/2017) Laura Bartlett (Margaret Chon’s sister), Kim Gee Bryant (Lucy Nutt), Darrel Beaver family, Betty Suggs (Diane Marlow), Cockerill family.
07/24 Isaiah 35-36
07/28 2 Kings 18:9-37, 19:1-37; Psalm 46,80, 135
07/25 Isaiah 37-39; Psalm 76
07/29 Isaiah 49-53
ONGOING CONCERNS: Brecklynn Allgood, Alfred & Anna Alloway, Edwina Banks (Lisa Martin’s mother), Kelsey Bishop & Family (friends of Lisa Martin), Bob Blackwell (Lisa Jackson’s brother) Katherine Bramlett, Alan Briscoe, Dianne Brown, Kim Bryant, Brenda Bryant, Kenny Burts, Beth Cassady, Anne Cochran, Gary Cochran, Belinda & Tammy Cockerill, Beth Coppedge, Ethelene Dorsey, Bill & Kim Flowers (Tyler’s parents), Don Forbes (Alisha Bradshaw’s father), Kevin Garreau (Terry Fung), Dick Gillespie, Tammy (Lucy Nutt), Zack Green, Tripp Halstead, Ron Hopley, Candance Huskey, Myles Irwin, Joye Jones, Marsha Knight, Lynn Lester, Preston Lester, Steve Lester, Sylvia Lester, Vivian Lewis, Mary Martin, Tommy McConnell, David McComb (Terry Fung), Michelle Miller, Beth Mosca (friend of Ruth Dugger), Terry Nutt, Paula Oligny (friend of Cilla Johnson), Donetta Norris, Warren Phelps (Clara Phelps’ son), Mary Pittman, Jennie Rasulo (Diane Pearce’s Aunt) Margie Reed (Terry Fung), Tara Beth Reynolds, Brian Roberts (Jim Roberts’ son), Henry Rue, Casey Rose Schmid (Clara Phelps) Ken & Irene Schmidt, Odis Skelton (friend of Evelyn Wells), Laurie Spiess, Bill Steedley, Judy Stepp (Pat Zaudtke), Emily Straka (student of Stacie Mavis & friend of Olivia Morley), Beronica & Jeremiah Vance (friends of Rhea Baker), Don Vincent, Jr. (Don and June Vincent’s son), Paul Volcy (friend of Robert Thorpe), Tyler Wages (student at NH Middle), Sharon Walton, Kre Wehunt & family, Hannah Wood (Evelyn’s niece), Lynn Wood (Evelyn’s nephew), Jay Wright (Jule Wright’s brother in law). MISSIONS - Melanie Martin (Kenya) Pete & Ashley Greenwald (Indonesia) Wendy Moeller (Campus Crusade for Christ) Glenn & April Gantner (Peace Corp in Figi) (friends of Catherine Rodriguez) Julie Gregg (Peace Corp in Mongolia) (Friends of Paul & Lin Arnold)
07/26 Isaiah 40-43 July 30th- Movie Day. Cost: Free| Time: 4pm-6pm | Location: Fellowship Hall| son is taking movie suggestions.
Rev. John-
Sunday, August 6th-We will have a blessing of the backpacks. ALL children need to bring their backpacks to church (either service). We will spend some time acknowledging our students. Parents, I will need to know what grade your child is attending and I will send an email or letter to each of you by next week. Sunday, August 6th, our children’s ministry will host a BACK to SCHOOL BASH. Our bash will be held at Innovation Station at 854 Davis Street. Gainesville, GA. Time: 4pm-6pm. We are currently collecting any and all school supplies (no backpacks) until August 2nd. Please drop school supplies in baskets downstairs or in Rev. Johnson’s office.
FOOD PANTRY St. Paul will serve at the food pantry August 1st through the 11th. Bring donations to the church and place in the containers located outside the fellowship hall and the Narthex. The following are the most needed items: Laundry detergent, Dish washing detergent, Soap, Baby Diapers (all sizes), Toilet Tissue Thank you for your help with this very special ministry of your church. If you have any tions, contact June Vincent or Sue Tibbetts.
*************************** We are pleased to announce that Jess Odell has joined the staff of St. Paul as our new Church Custodian. Jess and his wife, Kaitlen, live in Maysville, with their four (4) young children. This job will help Jess better provide for his family, as he also holds the position of Business Development Manager with Spherion Staffing in Gainesville. Please help us to welcome Jess to St. Paul UMC.
St. Paul United Methodist Church Seventh Sunday after Kingdomtide (Green) July 23, 2017 8:30 and 11:00 am Rev. Geoff Grubbs, Senior Minister
Tyler Flowers “The Apostles’ Creed”
“This Is The Day That the Lord Has Made!”
Chancel Choir
Tyler Flowers
Following the Children’s Moments, third grade and under are dismissed to Children’s Church CHORUS
“O How He Loves You and Me” O how he loves you and me! O how he loves you and me! He gave his life. What more could he give? O how he loves you; O how he loves me; O how he loves you and me!
Sunday, July 23, 2017 8:30 am Morning Worship 9:30 am Morning Fellowship 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 10:00 am FLOW 12:30 pm Frances Meadows/Children 6:30 pm Choir Practice (S) 7:30 pm Good News at Noon (K)
“Blessed Assurance”
#369 Refrain Only
“His River, His Peace”
Chancel Choir
Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:00 pm Kitchen Committee (CR)
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Mark 10:2-12 “Divorce”
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 4:00 pm Adult Ministry (LAH) 5:00 pm Congregational Care (MB) 6:30 pm Finance Committee (MB)
Rev. Johnny Collins
Page 43 Rev. Geoff Grubbs
“Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”
*BENEDICTION “The love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay, love isn’t love until you give it away” DEPARTING CHORUS
“Standing on the Promises”
#374 Refrain Only
POSTLUDE *Stand as able