hillside wesleyan church

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Connection Card

About Our Ministries

Want to know more? Fill out the information below and we will contact you. If you are a guest with us, please fill this out to let us know of your visit.

Address _______________________ City __________________________ State __________ Zip __________ Email _________________________ Phone # _______________________ I attended the:  8:45 service

 11:00 service

I am a:  First time guest Returning guest Regular Attender Member I am interested in:  Accepting Jesus as my Savior LOGOS University Pastoral Call Baptism Membership HILLSIDE Kids JOY Senior Ministry (55 & Up) Life Groups EPIC Youth Tech Team Attend District Conference Family Team Volunteer Vacation Bible School Today for the first time I accepted Jesus as my Savior 6-11-17

Please complete and tear off this card, and place in the offering plate at the conclusion of this service. Thank you!

Name _________________________

LOGOS University LOGOS University promotes Christian growth and health in all who attend classes, offered every Sunday morning at 10:00am. Many remember this as Sunday School. Our June through August semester offers:  “Christianity 101 (Fellowship Hall—lower level) Taught by Darrin Koester  “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat” (John Ortberg DVD series) (Room 119—lower level) Taught by Barb Cutcher  Firm Foundations Learning from the Apostle’s Creed (Choir Room—main level) Taught by Dan Squires  College & Career (Room 120—lower level) Taught by Jim & Jyme Hager  Senior High (Room 121—lower level) Taught by Ben Leverenz / Pastor Nate  Middle School (Room 108—lower level) Taught by Jennifer Howison Membership Every member must profess faith in Jesus as Savior, be baptized, and attend a membership class. These classes are offered 3 times a year. Watch our list of coming events for dates. LIFE Groups LIFE Groups are the way we bring people together for mutual support and fellowship. Some LIFE Groups offer fellowship through home groups. Others bring people together through mutual activity or interest. Still others are ministry based. Our LIFE Groups meet September thru May. District Conference This Saturday Our full staff, along with 6 lay-delegates will be attending our annual District Conference this Saturday at Encounter Church in Burton. You can join our delegation as a guest. Please let us know on your Connection Card if you want to go. We will leave from the church at 7:30am.

Missions We are passionate about taking the Good News of Jesus outside the walls of our church, through short-term mission trips, support of missionaries in seven countries, support of local para-church ministries, and through service in our neighborhoods. Student Ministry EPIC Student Ministries exists to transform lives of middle and high school students, through Jesus. We create opportunities for connection, worship, growth, service, and fun. During the school year we meet on Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm in the Family Life Center Auditorium. Childrens Ministry We want every child to grow in the knowledge of Jesus and the Bible, and know that God loves them, and to share his love with others. The kids meet every Sunday morning, 10:00-12:00pm. They also meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm, during the school year. JOY Group “Just Older Youth” is our ministry for senior adults. You are welcome to join them any Wednesday morning at 10:00am in the choir room for Bible study, and for other events. Alcoholics Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who desire to quit drinking. We meet each Tuesday at 7:00pm in the church fellowship hall (lower level, main building). The only requirement to attend this meeting is a desire quit drinking. Help is available to anyone, with no age, background, or education requirements.

Mission to Nicaragua Next March Our mission committee is planning a trip March 2018 to visit Las Colinas, the school we support. We will connect with our Global partners Ryan & Sarah Schmitz as well as other ministry teams. See Mark Prochazka (810.982.1489) for more details.


Hillside Wesleyan Church www.lifeonthehillside.com

[email protected] 810.985.9614

Finding Service Philippians 2:19-30

Welcome to Hillside!

We’re glad you‘ve come to Hillside. May God minister to your heart through the worship and the fellowship. We hope to see you again.

1. Christian service c (Vs.20-21)


2. Christian service c (V.22)


Guests: Please fill out the tear-off Connection Card and drop it in the offering plate at the end of service to let us know of your visit. Regular Attenders: Please put your name on a Connection Card and drop it in the offering plate as an encouragement to our guests and it let’s us know you’re here too.

Today at Hillside

WORSHIP (Sanctuary) **Nursery 0-3 Years 10:00am LOGOS UNIVERSITY (all ages) (See back of bulletin for list of classes) **Nursery and Children (birth to 5th grade) (Children’s Ministry Center) 11:00am WORSHIP (Sanctuary) **Nursery and Children (birth to 5th grade) (Children’s Ministry Center) **Our nursery is staffed by licensed daycare workers in all services.


This Week at Hillside

Tuesday 7:00pm ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (Fell. Hall) Wednesday 10:00am JOY BIBLE STUDY (Senior Adults meet in Choir Room) 6:30pm KIDS (Lakeside Splash Pad) Saturday 7:30am ANNUAL DISTRICT CONFERENCE (Burton, MI—leave from Hillside parking lot)

3. Christian service c (V.25a)

4. Christian service c (Vs.25b-27)

5. Christian service c (V.29-30)

Looking Ahead

Jun 19 Youth Open Gym Jun 21 Middle School Hangout Jul 10 &17 Youth Open Gym Jul 17-22 KIDS 4H Fair/Goodell’s Park Aug 5-11 Youth Mission to Costa Rica

Next Sunday Finding True Christianity Philippians 3:1-11

We want to Hear from you

Family Camp at Wesleyan Woods

Sermon Notes




You and your family can enjoy a fun filled week, June 30 to July 8, at Wesleyan Woods Camp in Vassar, MI. Rally Speaker: Jim Dunn Teen Track Speaker: Dan Hamrick Kids Track Speaker: Selina Wheeler For more information, visit: www.wesleyan.org/6121/relentless

Hillside KIDS

Wednesday, June 14 Families of Hillside KIDS, come join Pastor Amanda at the Lakeside Park Splash Pad this Wednesday, June 14 at 6:30pm. This will be a great time for parents to meet and kids to play. Summer Ministry Leaders Meeting Our school year kids workers are taking a break for the summer and we’ve recruited a fresh summer crew. If you are part of our summer crew, please attend the Leaders Meeting, Wednesday, June 21. Calling All 5th Graders and Parents Sunday, June 25th, plan on joining us for a Special Pizza Lunch with Pastor Amanda and Pastor Nate in the Family Life Center. Learn and connect with both Pastors about Jr. High Ministry and transitions. RSVP is REQUIRED by next Sunday, June 18th. Call 985-9614. Vacation Bible School Ready for the coolest VBS ever? Come and join us for our Arctic Blast VBS on August 6-9th, 6:30-8pm. We are in need of volunteers who want to make an impact (teachers, helpers, snacks, games, crafts, registration). For more info call Pastor Amanda 985-9614 or fill out the connection card if you are interested, and place it into the offering plate.

CONFIDENTIAL: Ministry team only

What are your prayer requests?

July 23 - 28 is KMBC Youth Camp in Jackson, Kentucky! We will encounter God, make new friends and have lots of fun! Of the 30 spots for the trip only 10 are left. Get a brochure from Pastor Nate or call the church office. The total cost is $110. To reserve your spot, turn in your registration and consent form in the camp brochure and a $20 deposit. See Pastor Nate for details.

Items Needed for Missions

With garage sale season upon us, be on the lookout for items below when you are out and about. Many ladies and babies will be blessed by your donation. -Sheeting Percale & Flannel -Towels & Wash Cloths -Medium Weight Material for Tote Bags -Baby Onesies/Outfits (newborn-6 mos) -Beanie Babies/Small Baby Toy -Soap-Regular Size Bars

Volunteer Opportunities Tech Team We hope to add people to our tech ministry. If you are interested in helping with sound, projection, or lighting, please check the box on the connection card and place in the offering plate. We provide training. Please keep a lookout for training dates. Family team We are looking for parents of young children to be part of our Family Team. This team of people will be planning special activities for our young families, with a desire to attract more families to Hillside. Please check the appropriate box on your Connection Card if you are interested, and place in the offering plate.

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ What are your spiritual goals? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ How has God answered your prayers? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ How has God spoken to you today? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

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