ira antoine - AWS

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Over half of Texas Baptists churches have a bivocational pastor, which shows a great need for ministry to this group of ministers. It is the mission of Director Ira Antoine and the Texas Baptists Bivocational Ministry team to create opportunities for these pastors to be better equipped to do Kingdom work. Ira and his team serve bivocational ministers and leaders of small membership churches. They hold regional weekend training sessions called Leader’s Edge Summits and partner with local Baptist associations to hold pastor and spouse retreats to better provide for bivocational ministers and their families. Bivocational Ministry also works with theological educational institutions, such as Wayland Baptist University and Logsdon Seminary, in targeting areas around the state for ministry training. Bivocational pastors are full-time ministers receiving part-time pay. Through our church’s giving to the Cooperative Program, Bivocational Ministry is able to meet the needs of ministers around the state so their communities can be reached for Christ. Please join in praying for bivocational ministers and the work being done by Ira and his team.