For Sale
120 W. Cuchara St., La Veta, CO 81055 WILLBURN
Located at 120 W. Cucharas in southern La Veta, this great family home offers 4 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms. Offering 1,932± sq. ft., the manufactured home offers a lovely country kitchen, two separate living spaces, wood burning stove and a hot tub. The large fenced yard has a small cottage and a chicken coop. Located only one block from La Veta Schools, it also has great proximity to the Grandote Peaks Golf Course and Hwy. 12. Owner financing is possible to the right buyer. Taxes: $1,083±. MLS #: 10-74. $189,000.
for more information, contact: Karen McAnally 719.989.8784 cell
[email protected] Ed Kirkland 719.679-1309 cell
[email protected] The information on this property was acquired from sources deemed reliable and is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness. Fuller Western Real Estate, LLC recommentds that every item of interest to the purchaser (i.e. water laws, mineral laws, zoning and use regulations, state, federal and private permits) be independently verified by the purchaser's attorney.
215 So. Main St. | P.O. Box 919 | La Veta, CO 81055 | 719.742.3605 | 719.742.3645 |