Lewis River Little League

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Lewis River Little League All-Star Post Season Intent Agreement Greetings Parents This form is intended to outline the guidelines and expectations for all-stars. We want every parent and player to have realistic expectations of our post-season all-star activities. There is a lot of time, funding, and overall support commitments required for our all-star teams. It is our experience that all-star teams can be a great developmental and competitive atmosphere given the right amount of league, parental, and coaching support. 2017 Costs: Cost commitment per player for 2017 is $50 per player, payable prior to District Tournaments. Scholarships are available.

Player Selection The All-Star season comes after the regular season and being selected to one of our all-star teams is a great honor for players and coaches. Player and coach selection criteria is not only based on statistics, but also; sportsmanship, team play, attitude, and overall playing ethics. All-Star teams are selected by a combination of player and coach voting. Voting is conducted by impartial board members for each eligible team. Specific voting rules are available on the Lewis River web site and will be posted at the fields prior to, and during, the all-star voting period. All-Star voting rules are part of Lewis River’s by-laws, which are affirmed each fall, prior to the start of each season. These by-laws are finalized prior to each season so that every parent and player knows the process is fair and will not be unduly influenced by the events of any particular season, team, coach, etc. Lewis River Little League by-laws prioritizes all-star team selection, as some players can be eligible for multiple age brackets. Our by-laws state that our 10-11-12 year old All-Star team (often called Majors or the Little League division) is selected and notified first as our league’s priority. Our 8-910 year old All-Star team is selected and notified second. If enough eligible players and coaches are available, a 10-11 year old all-star team is then rd selected. Many years we do not have enough eligible players and coaches for the 3 all-star team in baseball or softball. Similarly, for our older Baseball divisions, our Senior all-stars (13-14-15-16 yr olds) are selected and notified first. Followed by our Junior all-star team (12-13-14 yr olds). If enough eligible players and coaches are available, an intermediate (12-13 yr old team) is then selected. Many years we do not have enough eligible players and coaches for the intermediate team.

Practice Time Commitments All-Star teams will generally practice 4-6 times per week from mid-June until the District tournaments start in late June. It is important for players and parents to understand that all-star practices are mandatory and while all divisions except Seniors (15-16 yr olds) have minimum play requirements, players who do not attend practices can be withheld from games, or, in extreme cases, removed from the team for games or from the team in general. Overall, expect that all-star practices will be more numerous, and may also be longer in duration then regular season practices. Teams moving onto State and Regional tournaments may continue practicing through July and into August. Realize that playing time for 8-14 yr olds could be 1 at-bat per game, or no at bats if games end early due to mercy rules. Playing time is a manager only decision.

Tournament Time Commitments For 2017, most District all-star tournaments are slated to run from June 24 to July 2, but those dates could change due to field availability, school events, or other unforeseen topics. Most District tournaments are scheduled for 1 week in duration, although the number of teams will determine the longevity of the tournament. If only 2 teams are entered for a division, the District tournament may only be scheduled for a single weekend. Players are expected to be at all games. Some exceptions can be made for previously scheduled vacations, but parents and players must notify allstar managers of any conflicts at the time of all-star player notification and should notify the league at the time of all-star voting. State and Regional tournaments are also generally a week in duration and often require travel to other parts of Washington for State tournaments and the Western U.S. for Regional tournaments. Our teams are often gone for 8-10 days when traveling for state and regional tournaments. Regional tournaments can continue into August. World Series tournaments can continue into late August.

Fund Raising Commitments All parents of selected all-star players must commit to assisting with all-star fundraising. This will consist of helping with the Lewis River Little th th League Fireworks stand for all District all-star teams in the week leading up to the 4 of July (and including the 4 ). For those teams who move on to State or Regional tournaments, additional fund raising activities are required prior to each of those tournaments. I understand the above commitments and where I can obtain additional information on the all-star process. As of now, my player will be available for all-star team selection and tournaments and I confirm the commitments that will be required.

Signed _____________________________________________

Printed ______________________________________

Date ______________

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