Mount McKinley, Western Rib of South Face. The ... AWS

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M ount M cK inley, W estern R ib o f South Face. The Japanese ladies expedition was led by M ichiko Sekita and com posed of N obue Yajima, M itsuko Toyam a, Sachiko W atanabe and Sueko Inoue. Misses Yajima, Toyam a and W atanabe disappeared after leaving Cam p V (17,700 feet) for the summ it on June 29. A erial and ground search continued until at last the three bodies were found at 14,500 feet at a spot between the W estern Rib and the West Buttress on July 22. Ray G enet explained that the unhappy victims must have been caught in snowstorms on their way down to Cam p V after possibly reaching the top. I c h ir o Y o s h iz a w a ,

A .A .C . and Japanese A lpine Club

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