NASSAU HOCKEY LEAGUE 2016-2017 Youth Ice Hockey Sponsor Contract D e a r S ponsor, H ocke y se a son is upon us once a ga in a nd the time ha s come for us to a sk for your ge ne rous support. The N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue (ope ra te d a s a 501(c)3 N on-P rofit O rga niz a tion) is a le a ding re cre a tion a nd tra ve l ice hocke y club in the gre a te r P rince ton a re a ope n to boys a nd girls of a ll a ge s. W ith ne a rly 200 pa rticipa ting fa milie s, Na ssa u H ocke y is a me mbe r of the A tla ntic D ivision of U S A Hocke y a nd we curre ntly pa rticipa te in the G a rde n S ta te Youth H ocke y Le a gue . As you know, ope ra ting a ny youth sports progra m re quire s a lot of volunte e rs' time a nd e ne rgy. Ice H ocke y is a ve ry e xpe nsive sport a nd the ope ra ting e xpe nse s a re cha lle nging to cove r through me mbe rship fe e s a lone . In orde r to ke e p the re gistra tion fe e s a fforda ble for a ll, we must re ly on the ge ne rous support of corpora te a nd community sponsors for much of our fina ncia l support. Your contributions go dire ctly to he lping us cove r the cost of je rse y's, pa y for ice time , re fe re e s, insura nce a nd othe r dire ct e xpe nse s of running our progra m. O ne hundre d pe rce nt (100%) of your contribution goe s dire ctly supporting the kids who pa rticipa te in N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue . The N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue fund ra ising e fforts ra nge from te a m sponsorships, ice rink ba nne r a dve rtising, we bsite a dve rtising, pla ye r schola rships a nd ta x de ductible dona tions. W e e ncoura ge a nd a ppre cia te your fina ncia l support a nd involve me nt in our progra m, just a s we e ncoura ge a ll of the fa milie s involve d with N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue to pa troniz e o ur sponsors.
The Nassau Hockey Mission: N a ssa u H ocke y provide s a fun a nd re la xe d e nvironme nt for both boys a nd girls to ma ke la sting frie ndships while cha lle nging the m to ska te , pla y the ga me of hocke y a nd to ha ve a good time . W e strive to cre a te a sa fe a nd discipline d e nvironme nt whe re kids a re cha lle nge d to de ve lop sportsma nship, re spe ct for othe rs, a nd a lso a strong work e thic. It’s common by the e nd of the se a son for pa re nts to re ma rk how much the ir childre n ha ve de ve lope d on the ice . B ut just a s ofte n (a nd pe rha ps e ve n more importa ntly), we he a r how N a ssa u H ocke y ha s he lpe d to improve a nd tra nsform the ir kids be ha vior off the ice a s we ll. Ice H ocke y is a compe titive a nd some time s de ma nding sport. It ofte n cre a te s situa tions which re quire kids to dig down de e p a nd to consta ntly re a ch for ne w goa ls. N a ssa u H ocke y provide s kids with a n opportunity to grow both a s hocke y pla ye rs a nd to de ve lop cha ra cte r a nd skills tha t will se rve the m we ll in a ll fa ce ts of life .
N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue offe rs five wa ys for you to ma ke a diffe re nce! ADVERTSING OPPORTUNITIES: 1. Website Sponsorship – Your compa ny na me /logo promine ntly displa ye d on the N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue home pa ge a nd sponsor pa ge . La st se a son, our site ha d just ove r 176K vie ws! The N a ssa u we bsite is the ma in source for a ll club a nnounce me nts, te a m sche dule s, roste rs, ga me rule s, a nd othe r critica l informa tion a bout the Le a gue . S ponsors a ds will re ma in on the we bsite for the dura tion of the hocke y se a son. 2. Team Sponsorship – Your compa ny na me /logo will be pla ce d on the ba ck of e a ch pla ye r’s je rse y. The sponsor will a lso be a cknowle dge d on the we bsite . 3. Sign Sponsorship – Your compa ny na me /logo on a 36" x 48" ba nne r to be hung in the rink ove r the te a m be nch. DONATION OPPORTUNITIES (100% Tax Deductible): 1. League Donations – 100% of your ta x de ductible dona tion will ge t a pplie d whe re it is most ne e de d. 2. Player Scholarships - E a ch se a son, a pproxima te ly 10% of our kids a re fina ncia lly una ble to pa y the ir full re gistra tion fe e s. E ve ry child who wa nts to pla y hocke y with N a ssa u pla ys, re ga rdle ss of the ir fina ncia l circumsta nce s. F or those ne e ding a ssista nce , re gistra tion fe e s a re cove re d with N a ssa u schola rship dona tions. P le a se know tha t our hocke y progra m ca nnot function without your support a nd your ge ne rosity is gre a tly va lue d. Ple a se che ck a ll tha t a pply a nd re turn the form with your che ck pa ya ble to: Nassau Hockey League P.O. Box 50 Princeton, N.J. 08542 Attention: Shelley Bolton
N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue would like to e xpre ss our gra titude for your support of our progra m which se rve s the childre n of our community. It is only with your support tha t N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue ca n ha ve ye t a nothe r succe ssful se a son. Tha nk you,
Michael Zammit
P re side nt, Na ssa u H ocke y Le a gue
2016-2017 H ocke y S e a son (O ctober-Ma rch). T o be vie we d on the N a ssau H ocke y Le a gue Homepage (www.N a ssa uH ocke and S ponsor page .
Team Sponsorship $350 per team Circle Preference:
H ouse Juniors (a ge s 4-8) House S e niors (a ge s 8-12) H ouse V a rsity (a ge s 10-15)
(E ve ry e ffort will be ma de to a ccommoda te your se le ction)
Name to be display on Team Jersey: ___________________________________________________________ ***if you would like to Sponsor a specific child's team, please write their name/age and division below P la ye r N a me :________________________________A ge :_________D ivision:____________________________
Banner Sponsor
1 Month: $250. 2 Month's: $450. 3 Month's: $625. Season (5 months) $ 1,000.
36" W/H x 48" W/H Banner (Logo will determine the orientation) with your compa ny na me/logo to be displa ye d during a ll we e ke nd ga mes: N ove mbe r
D e ce mber
1 Month
2 Month's
Ja nua ry 3 Month's
F e brua ry
Ma rch
2016-2017 S e a son
Email your artwork / logo to: she lly06@ optonline .ne t within 5 business days of form submission
DONATION OPPORTUNITIES (100% T a x D e ductible ) League Donation – Let us apply 100% of your funds where it is needed most!
O ther: $________________
Player Scholarship - Sponsor a Player in need of financial assistance $25
O ther: $________________
(P le a se fill out sponsor informa tion on front of form)
N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue S ponsorship F orm Sponsor Information
Sponsor Name:
Contact Name:
Phone No:
Contact Email:
Website Address:
Amount Paid:
1. P le a se ma ke che cks pa ya ble to: N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue 2. P le a se comple te the ba ckside of this form. C he ck a ll tha t a pply. If you ha ve a ny que stions, ple a se e ma il: she lly06@ optonline .ne t 3. P le a se e ma il your a rtwork / logo to: she lly06@ optonline .ne t 4. P le a se note tha t the cost liste d for a ll sponsorships is pe r se a son. 5. A ll sponsors a nd donors will be a dde d to the N a ssa u H ocke y Le a gue we bsite S ponsor pa ge . 6. N a ssa u re se rve s the right to re fuse a ny offe r of sponsorship tha t is not in ke e ping with our mission to provide a fun, sa fe , a nd e njoya ble ve nue for kids of a ll a ge s.
(P le a se fill out sponsor informa tion on ba ck of form)