Commercial - Essex
01245 261 226
Place Farm, Old Heath, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO2 8HA
For Sale subject to Planning Permission as a Whole or in Parts
Allocated Employment Site Access off Grange Way, Whitehall Industrial Estate
Various Potential Development Options
Freehold For Sale
Commercial Development Land 14 acres (5.66 hectares)
Most active agency in Suffolk and North Essex Estates Gazette (February 2014)
Details Location
Guide Price
The site is located on the south-east side of the town centre in the west established Hythe employment zone. The site is close to the Eastern Access Route for Colchester connecting with the A12, London to Ipswich trunk road and the A120 to Harwich International Port. Colchester is one of the principle east coast manufacturing towns with a substantial industrial workforce and an excellent road and rail network.
£300,000 per acre serviced. VAT VAT is not payable on the purchase price. Particulars Prepared June 2016
Description The site is a vacant plot (occasionally used for grazing) with an area of approximately 14 acres (5.66 hectares) situated immediately adjacent to the south-east of Grange Way and the Whitehall Industrial Estate, bordering the Hythe sewerage works to the north and housing along Old Heath Road to the south-west. Planning The site is shown in the Colchester Local Development Framework Adopted Site Allocations Plan 2010 as forming part of the Whitehall Industrial Estate Local Employment Zone to which Policy DP5 applies. Potential development options include offices; industrial; warehousing; display, repair and sale of vehicles including boats and caravans; indoor sports and retail trade.
Viewing The property can be seen from the public highway and can be viewed at any time.
Fenn Wright 20 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HL
01245 261 226 Contact Roger Hayward
[email protected] Planning Authority Colchester Borough Council Rowan House Sheepend Road Colchester CO3 3WG Tel 01206 282424 Title Freehold. Terms The site is available freehold as a whole or in lots, the size of which will be dependent on the level of interest in the site. The land is subject to an access agreement from Grange Way.
Par culars for Land at Place Farm, Old Heath, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO2 8HA
Par culars for Land at Place Farm, Old Heath, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO2 8HA
For further information
01245 261 226
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The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees; and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract.
ii. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or lessees should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. iii. The vendor or lessor does not make or give, and neither Fenn Wright nor any person in their employment has the authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. iv. All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of Fenn Wright or the vendor/lessor. v. All quoting terms may be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate from time to time. vi. Fenn Wright have not tested any electrical items, appliances, any plumbing or heating systems and therefore, cannot give any warranty or undertaking as regards their operation or efficiency.
Par culars for Land at Place Farm, Old Heath, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO2 8HA
Fenn Wright have Essex and Suffolk covered