Plaza at St. Lucie West 870-910 SW St. Lucie West BLVD | Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Jessica Malcolmson |
[email protected] | 305.947.1664 |
Property overview The Plaza at St. Lucie West is a strip center shadow-anchored by Publix and Sears, both of which are located to the north of the property. This strip center has ample frontage along the heavily traveled St. Lucie West Boulevard. St. Lucie West benefits from its location in an ever-growing and affluent trade area.
features Property Size 19,363 sq. ft.
GPS Coordinates Lat. 27.3168 / Long.-80.3819
Daily Traffic Count 31,000 AADT (St. Lucie West Blvd)
Daytime Population 77,334 (5 miles)
County St. Lucie
demographics 2015 Estimates - Sites USA
Population 1 mile: 8,853 3 miles: 62,370 5 miles: 129,480
Number of Households 1 mile: 4,181 3 miles: 23,734 5 miles: 49,269
AVG. Household Income 1 mile: $64,610 3 miles: $63,497 5 miles: $63,183
Plaza at St. Lucie West 870-910 SW St. Lucie West BLVD | Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Jessica Malcolmson |
[email protected] | 305.947.1664 |
current tenants Unit #
Current Tenant
001-002 003 007-008 010 012 013 014 4,5,6
Leslie’s Swimming Pool St 557 Pink Nails & Spa Lola’s Seafood State Farm Insurance H&R Block iFix Galaxy IHOP 36185 Mattress 1 One
space available Sq. Ft. 2,496 1,247 2,000 1,247 1,247 1,267 3,130 3,741
Unit # 009 011
Sq. Ft. 1,741 1,247
space available
This site plan is presented solely for the purpose of identifying the approximate location and size of the building presently contemplated by the owner. Building sizes, site dimensions, access and parking areas, existing tenant locations and identities are subject to change without notice and at the owner’s discretion. Unit numbers as indicated are not necessarily the actual suite numbers and are intended for use as a reference only. Number of Units: 10
As of 11/9/2015