prude ranch summer camp

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PRUDE RANCH SUMMER CAMP 2018 CAMP DATES AND TUITION FEES One Week Camp Dates: (Ages 7-13) June 10 – 16 June 17 –23 July 15 - 21 July 29 - Aug.4 One week TUITION: $795.00 Two Week Camp Dates: Camper and Cityslicker Dates: July 8 - 21 July 22 – Aug. 4 Camper TUITION (ages 7 to 11): $1550.00 City Slicker TUITION (ages 12 to 13): $1650.00 Advanced Camper and Camper Dates: June 10 – 23 June 24 – July 7 Camper TUITION (ages 7 to 13): $1550.00 ACP TUITION (ages 14 to 16): $1700.00

WHAT TO BRING TO CAMP We discourage campers from buying any new clothing for camp. Just have them wear what needs to be worn out (or lost). Please clearly label ALL possessions, even items such as flashlights, sleeping bags, boots, canteens, hats, etc. A cap or hat is important, as the sun is hot here in the mountains. We do not have laundry facilities on the ranch. In emergencies, laundry can be taken to town. The number of items listed below are for a two week session and should be adjusted depending on the length of the camper’s camp session. All camp schedules include at least one over night camp-out so sleeping bags are a necessity. Do not bring items of any value such as expensive cameras, cell phones, jewelry, electronic equipment, or activity equipment. Prude Ranch will provide all equipment necessary for activity classes. 2 sets twin sheets 1 blanket 1 bedspread sleeping bag 1 pillow 1 laundry bag toiletries socks pajamas shorts blue jeans tennis shoes flashlight

riding helmet (required for riding) water repellant jacket western hat or cap 2 extra pillow cases camelback underwear light jacket/sweatshirt stamped stationary footlocker (rubber made storage box) for clothes shirts swim suit western boots with a heel (required for riding) 4-6 bath towels and washcloths

FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW Parents Lodging – Prude Guest Ranch has accommodations for 35 family groups. Limited facilities are also available in nearby Fort Davis. Make over night reservations well in advance. Send Prude Ranch reservations to PO Box 1907, Fort Davis, TX 79734. Ph 432 426-3202 FAX: 432 426-3502 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE AREA LODGING: Butterfield Inn 426-3252, Fort Davis Motor Inn 426-2112, Limpia Hotel 426-3237, Stone Village 426-3941, Indian Lodge 426-3254, Veranda 426-2233, Wayside Inn B&B 426-3535, Victorian Rose 426-2007, Old Schoolhouse B&B 426-2050, Harvard Hotel 426-2500

End Of Camp Activities – At the end of each camp session, parents are encouraged to attend the closing activities which begin with rodeos after lunch on Friday and end with awards ceremony on Saturday morning. A detailed schedule will be mailed in early spring. Communication With Your Child – Campers enjoy receiving letters and “care packages” of snacks, books, and other surprises. Please limit your care packages to one per week. Feel free to fax letters to 432 426-3502 or send emails using Bunk Notes. Look for CAMP PHOTOS online uploaded daily. Phone Calls - We do not allow phone calls either To or From campers during camp sessions because it interrupts schedules and affects camper morale. Exceptions will be made only in emergencies. Parents will be notified immediately in case of any camp emergency. Transportation – Prude Ranch assists in planning travel for campers from Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas areas. Transportation from El Paso and Odessa/Midland areas are also available. Detailed schedules will be mailed to campers in early spring. Pocket Change for Campers – We recommend depositing no more than $15 cash (in small bills) per week in the CAMP BANK to be used for town trips. At the end of the session, campers will withdraw the remaining balance to take home. Do not include this spending money with tuition balance payment.

Camp Yearbook and T-shirt are included in tuition.