Rancho Mission Viejo Little League

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Snack Bar Information and Team Responsibilities

Each team has a responsibility to work the snack bar. Shifts will be assigned to each team once the game schedule has been finalized. Amount of snack bar shifts depend on: ◦ # of games in the season ◦ # of teams ◦ # of kids on each team ◦

NOTE: We try to be as equal as possible with the number of shifts to each team.

Snack bar shifts are in 4 hour increments.

Each shift must be staffed with 4 people:

◦ 3 people working inside (2 at the window/1 food prep/support in the back) ◦ 1 person working the BBQ

◦ NOTE: It is best to decide and specify ahead of time WHO will be working the BBQ.


Volunteers working the snack bar receive a free COMBO MEAL. ◦ Combo meal: A burger, chips and a medium drink. Please respect this policy. Do not give out additional items to family and friends during your shift. Only volunteers working the shift should be in the snack bar. Children are NOT allowed in the snack bar. ◦ Please make arrangements for childcare during your

shift if necessary.


Beginning of Shift:

During Shift:

End of Shift:

◦ Someone will be there to open the door and do a quick walk through of our set up process and how to work machines, food prep, etc. ◦ Opening procedures will also be posted for extra reference.

◦ Slow periods during shift are a great time to restock & clean up areas.

◦ If another shift of volunteers is coming in after your shift, please help with the transition by restocking and cleaning up before leaving. ◦ If closing for the day, please follow the Closing Procedures that are posted in the snack bar. ◦ All steps should be completed before leaving. ◦ Someone will be there to do the deposit and lock up the snack bar before you are done.


Once you have been given your team’s snack bar date(s), please fill out the attached form.

Return the completed form to the snack bar at Opening Ceremonies. ◦ Please make a copy of this form before turning it in.


◦ If you have a family that paid for the buy-out at registration, please indicate the families name and state ‘Buy-Out’ next to their name. ◦ Only 1 buy-out per shift. ◦ Buy-Out cannot be used for the BBQ spot. We hire teenagers to fill buyout spots and they are not allowed to work the BBQ for safety reasons.


Please make sure each shift is filled and split as equally as possible for each family on your team. Every family is responsible for working the snack bar. No family is excluded from this responsibility. Encourage teams to promote buying snack bar tickets for after-game snacks. It is less expensive ($10 for 12 tickets/Ticket value $1.00) and it gives money back to the league! Win-Win!! 6

We have installed a security camera system inside the snack bar.

The menu has changed slightly.

Pre-Order burgers and hot dogs at the BBQ before going to pay at the window.

◦ This will help eliminate wasting burgers and hot dogs that sit on the BBQ too long.

Icee Home Run Cups!

◦ Any player that hits a home run OVER the fence will be given an Icee Home Run Cup with their name on it. ◦ This player can use this cup to get one free icee per day for the balance of the season. ◦ The cup CANNOT be given to any friends to use. If we find out this has been done, it will be taken away. ◦ The player MUST have the cup with them to receive the free icee.


If you cannot make your shift/failure to show up for your shift = $100 fine. If there is a conflict with a scheduled shift, it is the individual’s responsibility to make arrangements within the team to switch with another family to make sure the shift is covered. If all efforts have been made to fill shift & cannot be done, please contact Tina Falconer as soon as possible. 8

Do NOT send a teenager to work your designated shift. We have a list of teenagers that we have approved and have trained to work in the snack bar & we utilize these teenagers to work in the snack bar to fill the Buy-Out spots.


We are looking for people that are interested in taking over the snack bar operations next year. Please let us or our league president know if you are interested.


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