For Sale — Retail Investment (part let to Ladbrokes)
141/143 Rawson Road, Liverpool, L21 1HJ
08449 02 03 04
For further information please contact:
The subject property is located on Rawson Road, Seaforth, approximately 5 miles north of Liverpool City Centre and 2 miles south of Crosby via the A565 arterial road.
The ground floor retail premises are let to Ladbrokes Betting & Gaming Limited on a 15 year effective FRI lease from December 2016 at a passing rent of £10,200 pa. The tenant can determine the lease at three yearly intervals. Rent is to be reviewed on an upwards only basis at 5 yearly intervals on an open market basis.
Description The property comprises a two-storey mid-terrace property of brick construction under a pitched slate roof. The property is arranged as double fronted retail premises at ground floor with 2 x 1 bed flats accessed separately to the rear.
Accommodation The ground floor retail premises provide the following approximate net internal floor areas:
There are two flats at first floor; Flat A is let at on an AST at £350 pcm / £4,200 pa. Flat B is currently vacant.
Joel Lawson 0151 471 6735
[email protected] Jennifer Mallon 0151 471 6714
[email protected] Property ref 08449 02 03 04
EPC An EPC will be available upon request.
Legal Costs
Ground Floor Sales
832 sq ft / 77.3 m²
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in any transaction.
Ground Floor Store
215 sq ft / 20 m²
Price £220,000
In addition, there are 2 x 1 bedroom flats at first floor measuring approximately 375 sq ft (net) each.
VAT VAT, if applicable, will be charged at the standard rate.
GVA No.4 St Pauls Square, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9SJ GVA is the trading name of GVA Grimley Limited an Apleona company. ©2017 GVA
GVA hereby gives notice that the information provided (either for itself, for any joint agents or for the vendors lessors of this property whose agent GVA is in this brochure is provided on the following conditions: (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline only, for the guidance of intending purchasers and/or lessees and do not constitute an offer or contract, or part of an offer or contract. (2) All descriptions, dimensions and references to this property’s condition and any necessary permission for use and occupation, and any other relevant details, are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. However, any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves of their correctness by inspection or otherwise.
April 2017 (3) No person in the employment of GVA, or any joint agents, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property or properties in this brochure. (4) All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. (5) GVA shall have no liability whatsoever in relation to any documents contained within the brochure or any elements of the brochure which were prepared solely by third parties, and not by GVA.