Restrict rude refs rotten rowdiness

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the peregrine february 2016

Restrict rude refs rotten rowdiness

11 2017 Peregrine Staff Co-Editors - Emmilyne Thomas; Lin Vu. Staff Writers - Cade Schaudel, Pamela Jimenez, Valeria Perez, Pablo Lemus, Korey Haynes, Kyle Higgins. Contributing Photographers Damaris De Leon, Jessica Sweeten, Adviser Margie Comstock. JVHS Principal - Ralph Funk. Jersey Village High School Student Publications’ Newspaper Policy

» Lin Vu, Illustrator The ball crosses the net, another ball flies through a net, and roars echo through the gymnasium. In the heart of the student section amid that echoing roar, negativity gained a foothold. The Rowdy Refs created unnecessary and rude chants towards the opposing team. Once the Rowdy Refs were well coordinated and followed their actual purpose. Then, what the Rowdy Refs turned in to was unacceptable and the opposite of their purpose. They should remain a barred group from Falcon athletic competitions. School administration cancelled the Rowdy Refs at the beginning of the year, due to the yelling of harsh and nasty comments towards the team the Falcons were up against. Instead of lifting school spirit for sporting competitions, many students were embarrassed to be part of the student section that had been created. Whether it was pulling pranks for their own amusement or purposely putting down the other team, their actions kept going. One specific chant, towards a girl on the other team, was, “Hit the treadmill!” They defended the statement with the fact they were bored and we were losing the game. While chants and insults on the other team’s physical appearance were often the target, there were instances where it was deeper as they belittled opponents. When this occurred, the Refs felt as if they had done their job, watching the girl’s facial expression melt. They did not just disrespect and put down the other team, but

there were occasions where they yelled at and got into the face of a referee, with the Rowdy Ref getting kicked out. Their excuses for the disrespect and commotion created was that it was simply just banter and was not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. There were different approaches before deciding to shut down the Rowdy Refs. One of the final straws that caused a suspension happened at a Cy Ridge game. The Falcons were losing and to distract and anger the other team, the group chanted profanity towards the team and student section, which then resulted in a rivalry and confrontation after the game. The attempt to suspend the Refs to teach them a lesson was not enough. Once the suspension was over the shenanigans began again. They simply did not follow instructions and took “jokes” to an extreme. High schoolers should not behave like this, most Refs are seniors, 17 and 18. If the Falcons went up against a team whose student section acted like ours did, those who lead the commotion would not think it was okay. While the Refs knew their actions were unacceptable and not okay, it went on. After the Rowdy Refs showed for the final time they did not have the maturity to lift school spirits up, nor the correct attitude, they were finally shut down. School spirit can easily be created without putting the other team down, only positive encouragement is needed. The Rowdy Refs proved that they do not have the maturity to continue, and until people learn how to be respectful they should not be allowed to return to this campus.

The Peregrine is the official student publication of Jersey Village High School and is published by the Advanced Journalism newspaper class at Jersey Village High School, 7600 Solomon, Houston, Texas 77040 (713-896-3400). It is distributed free to the student body. Subscriptions can be bought for $15, and copies of the paper will be mailed to your residence. Unsigned editorials represent a majority agreement of the staff. The Peregrine is read in advance of publication by the JVHS administration. Advertising is sold by the 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full page. The staff has the right to reject, edit, or cancel any advertisement at any time. The advertising policy is stated on the advertising contract. Advertising is not an endorsement from the staff, the adviser, the administration, or the Cypress Fairbanks Board of Trustees. The Peregrine is a member of the Interscholastic League Press Conference, Quill and Scroll, and the National Scholastic Press Association. The Peregrine is printed by Mirror Publishers, Inc in Texas City, TX. The opinion of readers is held in high regard. Please send all feedback or questions to our address or room 1712. Letters to the editor need to be limited to 150 words. We reserve the right to edit for spelling and grammar. Letters must be signed.

Rude or Roaring

How have Rowdy Refs impacted school games? “They make games more exciting and get the students more involved with chants and cheers,” Allana Qualls, senior, said.

» Pablo Lemus, Reporter

“They helped the team with support and distracted the other team that’s a big part of the game,” Victor Abrego, senior, said.

“We bring energy to the games and are obnoxious. We are annoying,” Martin Ray, senior, said.

“When we got behind, they were there cheering and pushing us to keep going,” Stephanie Gabino, senior, said. “If the team we were playing was not mentally tough enough, they made it hard to compete,” Carrie Schneider, volleyball coach, said.

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