Richland Chapel United Methodist Church

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Richland Chapel United Methodist Church 5026 North 900 West 27 Converse, IN 46919 Telephone: (765) 384-7361 Pastor - Carolyn J:Mikesell

March 22, 2011 Oak Hill Cluster Pastors & Lay Representatives


On Wednesday, March 16,2011, at 7:00 pm, the Oak Hill Cluster met at Richland Chapel. Unfortunately, only Richland Chapel and Swayzee were represented at the meeting; Amboy, Converse, Herbst and Sweetser were not represented. Our next meeting is set for Wednesday, May 11, at 7:00 pm, at Swayzee UMC. We hope everyone will plan to attend. Enclosed is an updated contact list for the cluster. I don't have current information regarding the lay representative for three of our churches and will update the list accordingly if Jim, Bob and Michael will give me a call with that information. At the March meeting, the following items were discussed: • •

The cluster needs to elect a new leader and co-leader, hopefully at the May meeting. Carolyn has requested information from Rev. Darrell Smith at the Grant County Jail regarding our possible participation in the Bible study at the jail. This will be discussed at the May meeting. Carolyn is serving on the Indiana Conference's Creation Care Team and passed out information cards regarding our care of the planet. She asks that the cluster pastors preach a sermon sometime during the next few weeks on good creation care, as it relates to our being good stewards of the earth - including suggestions such as turning down the heat in our buildings, using washable containers instead of styrofoam, etc. The Creation Care Team will have a booth at Annual Conference this year. Richland Chapel will host a "Spud Nite" - baked potatoes with toppings - on Saturday, April 16, from 5-7 pm. Tickets are $5 or a free will offering. Desserts are free will offering.

Please mark May II at 7:00 pm on your calendars, and we hope to see you all then. May God bless your ministry! Yours in Christ,

Carolyn Mikesell cc:

Rev. Frank Beard, D.S.

THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH open hearts . . . open minds . . . open doors