Roca Grande de la Junta, Cerro Virgen, New Route. Catalans ...

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Roca Grande de la Junta, Cerro Virgen, New Route. Catalans Joanfra Farreras, Xavier Teixidó , Josep Maria Esquirol, Pau Barrios and Manel Solís, with the collaboration of Guillem Barrios, climbed a new route on Roca Grande de la Junta in the early part of February. The line, which is 1000 meters (18 pitches) long, took ten days to complete, and was climbed capsule style with two different camps on the wall. The climb, which follows shallow cracks, involves dif-

ficuities up to A4 6b and is mostly aid. The team placed a total of 16 bolts, all at belay stations. From the top of the route, they reached the summit of Cerro Virgen (1795m). The approach to the base of the climb involves 180 meters of grade 3 and 4 scrambling. Rolando Garibotti, Club Andino Bariloche

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